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El contenido de este post no busca la confrontación ni la crítica fácil, solo pretendo dar mi opinion respecto a lo que entiendo como una serie de errores por parte de ED que no favorece en nada a ellos, a la simulacion en general, y sobre todo a los consumidores.


Y es que las personas entre las que yo me encuentro que hemos seguido con interes el desarrollo de este PRODUCTO y hemos esperado con paciencia su lanzamiento, existe una sensacion de insatisfaccion.


El motivo de este sentimiento no es debido a la calidad del PRODUCTO, la calidad de Flaminng Cliffs es indudable, aportando muchisimo al simulador LOMAC.


Creo que en un afan irreprochable de proteger vuestro trabajo habeis descuidado otros aspectos de indudable importancia, igual o mayor incluso que la que tiene programar de forma correcta todos y cada uno de los elementos del simulador. Ustedes se han olvidado por completo del centro de todo intercambio comercial: el consumidor.


Observo con estupor como eluden una tras otra todas y cada una de las máximas más importante de la ciencia que estudia el comportamiento de las relaciones comerciales y su exito. La palabra clave es MARKETING.


El sentido del MARKETING es buscar las necesidades y deseos presentes y futuros de los consumidores que se encuentran insatisfechas para determinar la forma de satisfacerlas y poder desarrollar un producto que lo haga obteniendo un exito económico.


Ciertamente no encuentro nada de esto en la ¿estrategia? seguida por ED a la hora de lanzar este estupendo desarrollo.


1º No entiendo como ante el reto que supone el lanzamiento de este producto ED se permite el lujo de establecer una unica forma de pago para una comunidad muy extensa y con multiples características diferenciadoras. No es dificil ver que es posible que muchos consumidores tengan dificultades a la hora de adquirir el PRODUCTO ante la forma unica de pago.Varias formas de pago solucionarian esto. Ademas, no se hubiera creado esta situacion que tanto perjudica a este sim. No se puede lanzar un producto y depender del funcionamiento de un solo elemento. Este elemento puede fallar y romperse todo. Doble error, se entorpece al consumidor y se adopta un riesgo innecesario. Es duro pensar las ventas que perderá ED por este contratiempo.


2º Starforce: entiendo que ustedes necesiten proteger su trabajo, es normal, pero este hecho no debe perjudicar a los consumidores. No hablo de incompatibilidades HARDWARE, pero el sistema de activaciones es absurdo, inutil totalmente. Es inutil porque con un simple cambio de REGEDIT se evita, no entiendo como se llama PROTECCION. No es una proteccion, es un molestia. La proteccion Starforce es adecuada porque impide el copiado indiscriminado del software. Se puede aceptar incluso que corra solo en una unica maquina...pero las activaciones no sirven de nada. Molestan y enfadan al consumidor.


3º Retraso en el lanzamiento: este retraso resta la eficiencia al sistema de proteccion. El motivo de una proteccion es retrasar el maximo tiempo posible el lanzamiento de un crack que rompa el exito del proyecto. Normalmente un crack para Starforce tarda una media de 2 semanas....entiendo que el sistema de proteccion que lleva la 1.1 va a servir de muy poco, ustedes llevan más de una semana perdida.


4º 35 $. Precio excesivo para un addons por descarga desde internet cuando en CEI se vende por 3 € al cambio actual. Creo que nos merecemos un trato mejor por ese precio. Ustedes obtienen un 500% mas de beneficio, creo que es facil.


5º No han informado correctamente a los consumidores sobre los problemas de pago y sus soluciones. Tarde y mal. Conozco personas que han perdido 10€ al intentar 10 veces adquirir el producto. Negativo.


Señores de ED, son muchos problemas los que se advierten aqui y muy pocas soluciones. Pero entiendo su comportamiento, han caido en el error mas comun en estos casos: lanzar un producto que cumple los requisitos que ustedes necesitan y que no cumple los requisitos, es decir, no cumple las necesidades y deseos de los consumidores. El consumidor es el centro de todo. Es el mas importante. ED se olvida del consumidor. Cuando ED entienda el problema , yo compraré el producto. Soy aficionado a los simuladores, pero cuando pago un producto me convierto en consumidor y espero que cumpla mis requisitos, y no los suyos. Espero que no de problemas. Pero ustedes defienden mas sus intereses que los de los consumidores. El consumidor paga y manda.


Sinceramente tengo la sensacion que pretenden que debemos darles las gracias por desarrollar un simulador cuando pagamos por él. Ustedes obtienen beneficio, yo diversion.¿?


Les felicito por el producto, pero no por su forma de comercializarlo. Es erronea. Les deseo suerte en el lanzamiento de la version 1.2. Espero que en ella no cometan los mismos errores, por ustedes y por los consumidores-fans de la simulacion.



Saludos cariñosos




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The content of this post it doesn't look for the confrontation neither the critic easy, alone I seek to give my opinion regarding what I understand like a series of errors on the part of ED that doesn't favor in anything to them, to the simulation in general, and mainly to the consumers.


And it is that people among those that I am that we have continued with interest the development of this PRODUCT and we have waited with patience their launching, a sensation of dissatisfaction exists.


The reason of this feeling is not due to the quality of the PRODUCT, the quality of Flaminng Cliffs is certain, contributing to the pretender very much LOMAC.


I believe that in an irreproachable desire of protecting your work have even neglected other aspects of certain importance, equal or adult that the one that has to program in a correct way all and each one of the elements of the pretender. You have forgotten the center of all commercial exchange completely: the consumer.


I observe with stupor like they avoid one after other all and each one of the most important maxims in the science that studies the behavior of the commercial relationships and their success. The key word is MARKETING.


The sense of the MARKETING is to look for the necessities and present desires and the consumers' futures that are unsatisfied to determine the form of to satisfy them and to be able to develop a product that makes it obtaining an economic success.


Certainly I don't find anything of this in the strategy? continued by ED when throwing this stupendous development.


1º don't understand like before the challenge that supposes the launching of this product ED the luxury it is allowed of establishing an only payment form for a very extensive community and with multiple characteristic differentiating. It is not difficult to see that he/she is possible that many consumers they have difficulties when acquiring the PRODUCT before the unique form of payment.Several payment forms would solve this. Also, this situation had not been created that point harms to this sim. A product cannot rush and to depend on the operation of a single element. This element can fail and to break everything. Double error, is hindered the consumer and an unnecessary risk is adopted. It is hard to think the sales that ED will lose for this setback.


2º Starforce: I understand that you need to protect their work, it is normal, but this fact should not harm the consumers. I don't speak of incompatibilities HARDWARE, but the system of activations is absurd, useless totally. It is useless because with a simple change of REGEDIT it is avoided, I don't understand like he/she calls himself PROTECTION. It is not a protection, it is a nuisance. The protection Starforce is adapted because it impedes the one copied indiscriminate of the software. You can even accept him to run alone in an only one it schemes... but the activations don't serve as anything. They bother and they anger the consumer.


3º Delay in the launching: this delay subtracts the efficiency to the protection system. The reason of a protection is to retard the maximum possible time the launching of a crack that breaks the success of the project. Usually a crack for slow Starforce a stocking of 2 weeks.... I understand that the protection system that takes the 1.1 will serve of very little, you take more than a lost week.


4º 35 $. I price excessive for an addons for discharge from internet when in CEI it is sold by 3 € to the current change. I believe that we deserve a better treatment for that price. You obtain 500% but of benefit, I believe that it is easy.


5º have not informed the consumers correctly on the payment problems and their solutions. Take and bad. People that have lost 10€ when attempting 10 times to acquire the product know. Negative.


Gentlemen of ED, are many problems those that are noticed here and very few solutions. But I understand their behavior, they have fallen in the error but common in these cases: a product that completes the requirements that you need to rush and that it doesn't complete the requirements, that is to say, it doesn't complete the necessities and the consumers' desires. The consumer is the center of everything. It is the but important. ED forgets the consumer. When ED understands the problem, I will buy the product. I am fond of the pretenders, but when I pay a product I become consumer and I wait that it completes my requirements, and not his. I wait that not of problems. But you defend but their interests that those of the consumers. The consumer pays and it sends.


Sincerely I have the sensation that you/they seek that we should thank them the to develop a pretender when we pay for him. Do you obtain benefit, me amusement.?


I congratulate them for the product, but not for their form of marketing it. It is erroneous. I wish them luck in the launching of the version 1.2. I wait that in her they don't make the same errors, for you and for those consumer-fans of the simulation.



Affectionate greetings





PD: sorry for my translator

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Is that bablefish talking? I couldn't understand didley.


Pretender = simulator ;)


4º 35 $. I price excessive for an addons for discharge from internet when in CEI it is sold by 3 € to the current change.

In case you didn't know, the economic situation is different in the CIS country, compared to most western countries.


35$ is not a high price.

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Some good points there, true.


The PayPal problems have certainly been difficult - Verisign has been intended as an additional payment method for some time (and is still coming soon), but I gather ED thought it was better to release the addon as soon as they could. Which I think is fair enough . . . . but yes, more information on that would have been good.



ED's decision to use StarForce is theirs alone - it certainly seems to have problems, but I don't know what other easily-accessible copy-protection systems are out there.

By all accounts they reconsidered their options after people discovered StarForce in the demo and went mad . . . . . but they still chose to go with StarForce. Shrug . . . it's their product. Maybe they'll reconsider for future releases, or maybe they'll try and iron out their problems with StarForce - I can't imagine that the amount of time they've been spending solving problems with it is something they're happy with.



I certainly don't believe $35 is too much for us to pay for an addon. It's a fair price to us, and they get funding for new developments.



I think we could have been better informed, yes.

More information on the English section of the lockon.ru site would have been a real bonus . . . . . the information was out there, but you had to trawl the forums for it. Not ideal.



So yes - it could have been better.

However, ED are pretty good at listening to the community . . . . with luck, they'll take on board some lessons from these problems and the release of v1.2 will go much more smoothly :)

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Some good points there, true.


The PayPal problems have certainly been difficult - Verisign has been intended as an additional payment method for some time (and is still coming soon), but I gather ED thought it was better to release the addon as soon as they could. Which I think is fair enough . . . . but yes, more information on that would have been good.



ED's decision to use StarForce is theirs alone - it certainly seems to have problems, but I don't know what other easily-accessible copy-protection systems are out there.

By all accounts they reconsidered their options after people discovered StarForce in the demo and went mad . . . . . but they still chose to go with StarForce. Shrug . . . it's their product. Maybe they'll reconsider for future releases, or maybe they'll try and iron out their problems with StarForce - I can't imagine that the amount of time they've been spending solving problems with it is something they're happy with.



I certainly don't believe $35 is too much for us to pay for an addon. It's a fair price to us, and they get funding for new developments.



I think we could have been better informed, yes.

More information on the English section of the lockon.ru site would have been a real bonus . . . . . the information was out there, but you had to trawl the forums for it. Not ideal.



So yes - it could have been better.

However, ED are pretty good at listening to the community . . . . with luck, they'll take on board some lessons from these problems and the release of v1.2 will go much more smoothly :)



There is not effective copy protection, every game has it's own crak or craking method. Starforce only affects legal users, not pirates, it's a system very agressive with your system, affects the Windows kernel, uses own ide drivers, stress the DVD or CD reader...


It's not the best way to protect the software.



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As far as the price goes, it's much lower than we should expect. Take for instance the planned payment system for Fighter Ops: major release once a year for $100, with free updates through that year (a new flyable here or there). Personally, I feel that for our genre that is a great price. After all, this isn't just your average shooter game . . .

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Very good points Firehawk, I hope these elements are had since in consideration by ED'S people this post alone it points to improve this fabulous sim and to the flight community that is the one that agrees with him for the one that the companies of simulation software exist.



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