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Monitor 8 to 12 Inch

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I am looking for a second monitor in order to use them for the shvalk screen(Blackshark).


My computer is running with WinXP and Nvidia, then I am looking for a 8, 10 or maximum 12 inches monitor with a resolution max of 1280X1024 and with a VGA connexion.


Could somebody help me to find this monitor ?






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try searching for any thing Car PC related.


i bought a 7" widescreen from short-circuit.com


it was like 200$ and it was touch.. you might be able to find non touch for 150$...


8" and 10".. i seen those also, and most were regular aspect 4:3...


again search for anything car PC related.


as PCIP ..interface package... i mean what does it offer in terms of display? ultimately you will need a screen anyway, if your doing a special screen setup...


i can understand waiting for PCIP in terms of building switches, panels, indicators, and gauges.


again, i dont care much for PCIP, because i maily play on multiplayer, and it is most servers will turn off .Lua support to deter cheating...


.lua from what i hear will be the data that PCIP will use...


NO .lua = NO PCIP

find me on steam! username: Hannibal_A101A


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hannibal. everything depends on the PCIP and how it will work. It is what cockpit building is all about to me.


Taking simming to the next level is more important than flying in the same old servers :)


the more people that build means the more people who will fly in an export server. I guess you won't be there.

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As I know, with Win XP and BS, if you want a monitor with camera view and a second one with shvalk view, your monitors MUST have the same resolution.

Then, I am looking for the smallest monitor in order to put them into my Ka-50 simpit.

17 inches is too big and i can't find a 15'' monitor with 1280x1024 resolution !!!

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hannibal. everything depends on the PCIP and how it will work. It is what cockpit building is all about to me.


Taking simming to the next level is more important than flying in the same old servers :)


the more people that build means the more people who will fly in an export server. I guess you won't be there.


im going to be in the servers that people will be on...


nuff said.


i would like a monster set up also. mine is a partial. but im not going to go crazy, when i cant use it half the time.


as stated most likely people will be on servers with .lua turn off, kind of like 169th for lock on.


unless you like to play with 1 or 2 players or by your self..

majority will not have a monster setup like you.

much less then the current number of players...online today..

find me on steam! username: Hannibal_A101A


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you might try setting the screen to the needed resolution, even if the screen itself doesnt support that. either it interpolates and scales down, or you get a scrollable window, depending on the auto-fit-settings in the screen itself.

depending on how close the original resolution to your needed 1280X1024 is, it might still be readable. I Dont know how well that works with fullscreen though.


other than that, i use winXP and managed to set DCS to use both my 1680x1050 screen, as well as a secondary screen with 1024x768. It required manuel fiddling with the settings, and starting dcs in window mode, not full screen.



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an that, i use winXP and managed to set DCS to use both my 1680x1050 screen, as well as a secondary screen with 1024x768. It required manuel fiddling with the settings, and starting dcs in window mode, not full screen.




after installing the 1.01 patch, the phantom monitor isnt necessary anymore. fullscreen still doesnt work for me with winxp.

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