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Hornet Warthog TARGET Script

Steel Jaw

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i can, but as i just map all mine to DX Buttons using a modified version of  @ Sedenion's scripts utilising DX++ and then i just map the DX Buttons in DCS , Im not sure it helps much 


// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  HOTAS Warthog DX++ Mapping
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Main script file
//  Version:      2.1
//  Author:       Sedenion
//    Modified:    Badger
//    Date:        09-JUN-2020
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Desc:
//  DSC script file
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Change Log:
//  10-05-2020     Updated code in Main and tidied spaces to tabs...
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Custom config
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Shift-Submode Config
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
define SHIFT_ENABLED      1            // Enable (1) or Disable (0) Shift Submode

define SHIFT_DEV          Joystick     // Shift-Submode activation Button Device
define SHIFT_BTN          H4P        // Shift-Submode activation Button ID

// Button & Hat Shift-Submode Activation
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
define H3_SHIFT           0            // Enable (1) or Disable (0) Shift-Submode for Hat 1
define H4_SHIFT           1            // Enable (1) or Disable (0) Shift-Submode for Hat 1
define BS_SHIFT           0           // Enable (1) or Disable (0) Shift-Submode for Boat Switch

// Button & Hat Long-Press Activation
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
define S1_LONG            1            // Enable (1) or Disable (0) Long-Press for S1 button
define S2_LONG            1            // Enable (1) or Disable (0) Long-Press for S2 button
define S3_LONG            1            // Enable (1) or Disable (0) Long-Press for S3 button
define S4_LONG            1            // Enable (1) or Disable (0) Long-Press for S4 button
define H2_LONG            1            // Enable (1) or Disable (0) Long-Press for Hat 2 L & R
define LTB_LONG           1            // Enable (1) or Disable (0) Long-Press for LTB button

define CS_LONG            1            // Enable (1) or Disable (0) Long-Press for CS Hat U & D
define CH_LONG            1            // Enable (1) or Disable (0) Long-Press for China Hat
define AP_LONG            1            // Enable (1) or Disable (0) Long-Press for AP button
define LDGH_LONG          1            // Enable (1) or Disable (0) Long-Press for LDGH button

// Common LED Config
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
define LED_BRIGHTNESS     0            // LED brightness level (0-255)
define LED_BACKLIGHT      0            // Enable (1) or Disable (0) LED Backlight

// Button-controlled LED Mapping
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
define LED1_CONTROL       0            // Enable (1) or Disable (0) Controlled LED1
define LED1_DEV           Throttle     // LED1 Controll Button Device
define LED1_BTN           -1           // LED1 Controll Button ID

define LED2_CONTROL       1            // Enable (1) or Disable (0) Controlled LED2
define LED2_DEV           Throttle     // LED2 Controll Button Device
define LED2_BTN           APUON        // LED2 Controll Button ID

define LED3_CONTROL       1            // Enable (1) or Disable (0) Controlled LED3
define LED3_DEV           Throttle     // LED3 Controll Button Device
define LED3_BTN           RDRNRM       // LED3 Controll Button ID

define LED4_CONTROL       1            // Enable (1) or Disable (0) Controlled LED4
define LED4_DEV           Throttle     // LED4 Controll Button Device
define LED4_BTN           EACON        // LED4 Controll Button ID

define LED5_CONTROL       1            // Enable (1) or Disable (0) Controlled LED5
define LED5_DEV           Throttle     // LED5 Controll Button Device
define LED5_BTN           FLAPD        // LED5 Controll Button ID

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Includes
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
include "target.tmh"                // Standard TM Header
include "include/dx+.tmh"           // DX++ Module
include "include/pov.tmh"           // Custom POV Hat module
include "include/ldc.tmh"           // LED Control module

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Event callback
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
int EventHandle    (int type, alias o, int x)
    //    Default mapping callback call
          DefaultMapping    (&o, x);
      //    Custom Modules callback calls
        PovMapping    (&o, x);
        LDcMapping    (&o, x);

// Main entry
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
int main() 
    // ----------------------- Exclude unused devices ----------------------------
    Configure    (     &HCougar,           MODE_EXCLUDED);
    Configure    (     &T16000,            MODE_EXCLUDED);
    Configure    (     &T16000L,           MODE_EXCLUDED);
     Configure    (     &TWCSThrottle,      MODE_EXCLUDED);
    Configure    (     &LMFD,              MODE_EXCLUDED);
    Configure    (     &RMFD,              MODE_EXCLUDED);
    Configure    (     &TFRPRudder,        MODE_EXCLUDED);
    Configure    (     &TFRPHARudder,      MODE_EXCLUDED);
    Configure    (     &JoystickF18,       MODE_EXCLUDED);
    //    Configure    (     &Joystick,               MODE_EXCLUDED);
    //    Configure    (     &Throttle,               MODE_EXCLUDED);
      // ------------------------- Event Callback Init -----------------------------
      //            Even Callback    Btn count    Joystick, Mouse and Keyboard
      DXpInit    (    &EventHandle,    104,        CREATE_JOYSTICK+CREATE_MOUSE+CREATE_KEYBOARD);
    // Unused Buttons 
      // --------------------------- Global setup ----------------------------------
      //                   Pulse    Delay
    SetKBRate    (           50,        50);
      SetKBLayout    (KB_ENG);

    if    (    SHIFT_ENABLED)    
            SetShiftButton    (    &SHIFT_DEV,    SHIFT_BTN, 0, 0, 0, 0); 
/*    int LONG_SHIFT = 0;
    if (LONG_SHIFT)
        printf("Value of LONG_SHIFT %s\xa", &LONG_SHIFT);
    } */
    //    ** JOYSTICK BUTTONS ** //
    // GUN TRIGGER 1 & 2 //    
        MapKey        (    &Joystick,    TG1,        DX1);
        MapKey        (    &Joystick,    TG2,        DX2);

    // MASTER MODE //
    // MAPS MASTER MODE as as DX3 OR RMB Press slightly below line of vision with SHIFR (HP Reverb in full screen)
    //    MapKeyIO    (&Joystick,        S1,            CHAIN    (     EXEC     (    "DXAxis    (    MOUSE_X_AXIS,    -14000);"    "DXAxis    (    MOUSE_Y_AXIS,    25000);"),     MOUSE_RIGHT),    
        MapKeyIO    (&Joystick,        S1,            DX101,    
        MapKey        (    &Joystick,    S2,            DX4); 

    // NWS //
        MapKeyIO    (    &Joystick,    S3,            DX90,    DX5);    

    // PADDLE //    
        MapKeyIO    (    &Joystick,    S4,            DX91,    DX6);    

    // TRIM HAT //    
        SetPov        (    &Joystick,     H1);
/*        MapKey        (    &Joystick,    H1U,        DXHATUP);    
        MapKey        (    &Joystick,    H1D,        DXHATDOWN);
        MapKey        (    &Joystick,    H1L,        DXHATLEFT);
        MapKey        (    &Joystick,    H1R,        DXHATRIGHT);*/
    // TMS //
        MapKey        (    &Joystick,    H2U,        DX11); 
        MapKey        (    &Joystick,    H2D,        DX12); 
        MapKey        (    &Joystick,    H2L,        DX13);
        MapKey        (    &Joystick,    H2R,        DX14);
    // DMS //
        MapKey        (    &Joystick,    H3U,        DX15);    
        MapKey        (    &Joystick,    H3D,        DX16);
        MapKey        (    &Joystick,    H3L,        TEMPO    (    DX17,
                                                            DX78,    500)); //acts as a DMS depress on a long press
        MapKey        (    &Joystick,    H3R,        DX18);

    // CMS //
        MapKeyIO    (    &Joystick,    H4U,        0,            DX19);

        MapKeyIO    (    &Joystick,    H4D,        0,            DX20);

        MapKeyIO    (    &Joystick,    H4L,        0,            DX21);

        MapKeyIO    (    &Joystick,    H4R,        0,            DX22);
        MapKey        (    &Joystick,    H4P,        TEMPO    (    DX23,    
                                                            0,        300)); // Null in Long press for SHIFT Key
    //    ** THROTTLE BUTTONS ** //
    // TDC DEPRESS //
        MapKey        (    &Throttle,     SC,            DX25);

    // MIC SWITCH //    
        MapKeyIO    (    &Throttle,    MSP,         DX75,         DX26);
    //    MapKeyIO    (    &Throttle,    MSU,        AXIS    (    MOUSE_Z_AXIS,   1,    75),
        MapKeyIO    (    &Throttle,    MSU,        DX102,
                                                            DX27); // MOUSE SCROLL UP/ DX27
    //    MapKeyIO    (    &Throttle,    MSR,         DX76,         DX28);
    //    SLP=SHIFTED LONG PRESS                            SSP        SLP    
        MapKeyIO    (    &Throttle,    MSR,         TEMPO    (    DX95,    DX76,    500),
    //    MapKeyIO    (    &Throttle,    MSD,         AXIS    (    MOUSE_Z_AXIS,  -1,    75),
        MapKeyIO    (    &Throttle,    MSD,         DX103,
                                                            DX29); // MOUSE SCROLL DOWN/ DX29
    //    MapKeyIO    (    &Throttle,    MSL,         DX77,        DX30);
    //    SLP=SHIFTED LONG PRESS                            SSP        SLP    
        MapKeyIO    (    &Throttle,    MSL,         TEMPO    (    DX96,    DX77,    500),
    /*    MapKeyIO    (    &Throttle,    MSL,         TEMPO    (    DX96,    PULSE+L_CTL+L_SHIFT+'X',    300), 
                                                            DX30); // Long press "in" will activate and deactivate scratchpad */

    // SPEEDBRAKE //    
        MapKey        (    &Throttle,     SPDF,        DX31);
        MapKey        (    &Throttle,     SPDM,         PULSE+DX32);
        MapKey        (    &Throttle,     SPDB,         DX33);
    /*    MapKeyIO    (    &Throttle,     CSU,         DX83,         DX34);
        MapKeyIO    (    &Throttle,     CSD,         DX84,         DX35);
        MapKeyIO    (    &Throttle,     CSR,         DX85,         DX37);
        MapKeyIO    (    &Throttle,     CSL,        DX86,        DX38); */
        MapKeyIO    (    &Throttle,     CSU,         DX83,         TEMPO    (    DX34,    
                                                                        DX97,    500));
        MapKeyIO    (    &Throttle,     CSD,         DX84,         TEMPO    (    DX35,    
                                                                        DX98,    500));
        MapKeyIO    (    &Throttle,     CSR,         DX85,         TEMPO    (    DX37,    
                                                                        DX99,    500));
        MapKeyIO    (    &Throttle,     CSL,        DX86,        TEMPO    (    DX38,    
                                                                        DX100,    500)); 
    // BOATSWITCH (AKA Mode Switch)//
    /*    MapKey        (    &Throttle,     BSF,         PULSE+DX39);
        MapKey        (    &Throttle,     BSM,         PULSE+DX40);
        MapKey        (    &Throttle,     BSB,         PULSE+DX41); */
        MapKey        (    &Throttle,     BSF,         DX39);
        MapKey        (    &Throttle,     BSM,         DX40);
        MapKey        (    &Throttle,     BSB,         DX41);
    // CHINA HAT //    
        MapKeyIO    (    &Throttle,     CHF,        DX79,        DX42);
        MapKey        (    &Throttle,     CHM,         PULSE+DX43);
        MapKeyIO    (    &Throttle,     CHB,        DX80,         DX44);

    // PNKY SWITCH //
        MapKeyIO    (    &Throttle,     PSF,         DX87, 
        MapKeyIO    (    &Throttle,     PSM,         PULSE+DX88, 
        MapKeyIO    (    &Throttle,     PSB,         PULSE+DX89, 

    // MAPS LEFT THROTTLE BUTTON as DX48 OR LMB Press slightly below line of vision with SHIFT (HP Reverb in full screen)
    //    MapKeyIO    (    &Throttle,     LTB,        CHAIN    (     EXEC    (    "DXAxis    (    MOUSE_X_AXIS,    -14000);"    "DXAxis(MOUSE_Y_AXIS,    25000);"    ),     MOUSE_LEFT), 
        MapKeyIO    (    &Throttle,     LTB,        DX104, 

    // Engine Flow Normal//
        MapKey        (    &Throttle,     EFLNORM,    PULSE+DX49);
        MapKey        (    &Throttle,     EFRNORM,     PULSE+DX50);

    // Engine Flow Override//
        MapKey        (    &Throttle,     EFLOVER,     PULSE+DX51);
        MapKey        (    &Throttle,    EFROVER,     PULSE+DX52);

    // ENG OPER IGN //
        MapKey        (    &Throttle,     EOLIGN,     PULSE+DX53);
        MapKey        (    &Throttle,     EORIGN,     PULSE+DX54);

        MapKey        (    &Throttle,     EOLMOTOR,     PULSE+DX55);
        MapKey        (    &Throttle,     EORMOTOR,     PULSE+DX56);

    // APU //
        MapKeyIO    (    &Throttle,    APUON,        PULSE+DX36,     PULSE+DX57);
        MapKeyIO    (    &Throttle,     APUOFF,        DX81,            PULSE+DX58);  // used to be no pulse on DX+81 //
        MapKey        (    &Throttle,     LDGH,        PULSE+DX59);

    // FLAPS //        
        MapKey        (    &Throttle,    FLAPU,         PULSE+DX60);
        MapKey        (    &Throttle,     FLAPM,         PULSE+DX61);        
        MapKey        (    &Throttle,     FLAPD,         PULSE+DX62);

    // EAC/MASTER ARM //        
        MapKeyIO    (    &Throttle,     EACON,        PULSE+DX7,        PULSE+DX63);
        MapKeyIO    (    &Throttle,     EACOFF,     PULSE+DX8,        PULSE+DX64);

    // RADAR ALTM //
        MapKeyIO    (    &Throttle,     RDRNRM,        PULSE+DX9,        PULSE+DX65);
        MapKeyIO    (    &Throttle,     RDRDIS,     PULSE+DX10,        PULSE+DX66);

    // AUTOPILOT //
        MapKey        (    &Throttle,     APENG,         DX67); // Autopilot Engage //

        MapKeyIO    (    &Throttle,     APPAT,         PULSE+DX92,        PULSE+DX68); // Autopilot Path //
        MapKeyIO    (    &Throttle,     APAH,         PULSE+DX93,        PULSE+DX69); // Autopilot Alt/Hdg //
        MapKeyIO    (    &Throttle,     APALT,         PULSE+DX94,        PULSE+DX70); // Autopilot Alt //
    // ENGINE IDLE //
        MapKey        (    &Throttle,     IDLERON,      PULSE+DX71);
        MapKey        (    &Throttle,     IDLELON,      PULSE+DX72);
        MapKey        (    &Throttle,     IDLEROFF,      PULSE+DX73);
        MapKey        (    &Throttle,     IDLELOFF,      PULSE+DX74);
    // ------------------------------ Axis Mapping -------------------------------
    // DX Axis Mapping   
    //                     Device        TM Axis     DX Axis         NORMAL/REVERSED  ABSOLUTE/RELATIVE
         MapAxis        (    &Joystick,    JOYX,       DX_X_AXIS,      AXIS_NORMAL,     MAP_ABSOLUTE);
          MapAxis        (    &Joystick,    JOYY,       DX_Y_AXIS,      AXIS_NORMAL,     MAP_ABSOLUTE);
        MapAxis        (    &Throttle,    SCX,        DX_XROT_AXIS,   AXIS_NORMAL,     MAP_ABSOLUTE);
        MapAxis        (    &Throttle,    SCY,        DX_YROT_AXIS,   AXIS_NORMAL,     MAP_ABSOLUTE);
        MapAxis        (    &Throttle,    THR_RIGHT,  DX_Z_AXIS,      AXIS_NORMAL,     MAP_ABSOLUTE);
        MapAxis        (    &Throttle,    THR_LEFT,   DX_ZROT_AXIS,   AXIS_NORMAL,     MAP_ABSOLUTE);
        MapAxis        (    &Throttle,    THR_FC,     DX_SLIDER_AXIS, AXIS_NORMAL,     MAP_ABSOLUTE);
    // Axis Curves       
    //                    Device        TM Axis     Left-DZ     Center-DZ   Right-DZ  Curve   Scale/Zoom
        SetSCurve    (    &Joystick,    JOYX,       0,          0,          0,        0,      0);
          SetSCurve    (    &Joystick,    JOYY,       0,          0,          0,        0,      0);
          SetSCurve    (    &Throttle,    SCX,        0,          0,          0,        0,      0);
          SetSCurve    (    &Throttle,    SCY,        0,          0,          0,        0,      0);
          SetSCurve    (    &Throttle,    THR_RIGHT,  0,          0,          0,        0,      0);
          SetSCurve    (    &Throttle,    THR_LEFT,   0,          0,          0,        0,      0);
          SetSCurve    (    &Throttle,    THR_FC,     0,          0,          0,        0,      0);
  // ----------------------------- LED Mapping ---------------------------------
  //            Device     Intensity
  LedIntensity( &Throttle, LED_BRIGHTNESS );
  //            Device     LED        Enable/Disable
  LedEnable(    &Throttle, LED0,      LED_BACKLIGHT );      // Backlight
  if(LED1_BTN != -1) {
    //            Device     BTN        Device          LED     CONTROL MODE
    MapLed(       &LED1_DEV, LED1_BTN,  &Throttle,      LED2,   LED_ONPRESS );
  } else {
    //            Device     LED        Enable/Disable
    LedEnable(    &Throttle, LED1,      0 );
  if(LED2_BTN != -1) {
    //            Device     BTN        Device          LED     CONTROL MODE
    MapLed(       &LED2_DEV, LED2_BTN,  &Throttle,      LED2,   LED_ONPRESS );
  } else {
    //            Device     LED        Enable/Disable
    LedEnable(    &Throttle, LED2,      0 );
  if(LED3_BTN != -1) {
    //            Device     BTN        Device          LED     CONTROL MODE
    MapLed(       &LED3_DEV, LED3_BTN,  &Throttle,      LED3,   LED_ONPRESS );
  } else {
    //            Device     LED        Enable/Disable
    LedEnable(    &Throttle, LED3,      0 );
  if(LED4_BTN != -1) {
    //            Device     BTN        Device          LED     CONTROL MODE
    MapLed(       &LED4_DEV, LED4_BTN,  &Throttle,      LED4,   LED_ONPRESS );
  } else {
    //            Device     LED        Enable/Disable
    LedEnable(    &Throttle, LED4,      0 );
  if(LED5_BTN != -1) {
    //            Device     BTN        Device          LED     CONTROL MODE
    MapLed(       &LED5_DEV, LED5_BTN,  &Throttle,      LED5,   LED_ONPRESS );
  } else {
    //            Device     LED        Enable/Disable
    LedEnable(    &Throttle, LED5,      0 );

the scripts can be found here:


Hack for TM Warthog with 120 programmable DX buttons - Page 2 - Input and Output - ED Forums (eagle.ru)

SYSTEM SPECS: Hardware Intel Corei7-12700KF @ 5.1/5.3p & 3.8e GHz, 64Gb RAM, 4090 FE, Dell S2716DG, Virpil T50CM3 Throttle, WinWIng Orion 2 & F-16EX + MFG Crosswinds V2, Varjo Aero
SOFTWARE: Microsoft Windows 11, VoiceAttack & VAICOM PRO


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Check attachment:


- It's an ongoing process, so it's not finished.

- Common stuff amongst all modules sits in a few common macro's.

- I make my scripts as common as possible so i only have to remember one general setup instead of a total button change for each individual aircraft which means my overall button setup for the A-10C, F-16, F-18 etc is 8 out of 10 the same.

- i use the 120dx button hack (targetdx128.tmh)

- DX buttons are assigned to a macro for easy reading of the script

- i changed a few things keyboard binding wise since i use an Azerty keyboard instead of a Qwerty.

- IO layer is S3, UMD layer is Throttle Pinky

- When all layers are used on a button or switch, i use (OU), (OI), (OM), (IM), (DO), (DI) notations in the comments for easy reading. 

   OU= Not S3 and Pinky Up, OI = S3 and Pinky Up, OM = Not S3 and Pinky middle etc....

- To see in what position the Pinky is in: Top Led on is Pinky up, no leds is Pinky middle, Bottom led is Pinky down.


Edited by Lange_666
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Win11 Pro 64-bit, Ryzen 5800X3D, Corsair H115i, Gigabyte X570S UD, EVGA 3080Ti XC3 Ultra 12GB, 64 GB DDR4 G.Skill 3600. Monitors: LG 27GL850-B27 2560x1440 + Samsung SyncMaster 2443 1920x1200, HOTAS: Warthog with Virpil WarBRD base, MFG Crosswind combat pedals, TrackIR4, Rift-S.

Personal Wish List: A6 Intruder, Vietnam theater, decent ATC module, better VR performance!

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its the semicolon in H1L ... i can't remember how to describe a semi colon correctly, but as you are doing it it will interpret it as an end of line semicolon ... this is one of the reasons i went to DX buttons  

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SYSTEM SPECS: Hardware Intel Corei7-12700KF @ 5.1/5.3p & 3.8e GHz, 64Gb RAM, 4090 FE, Dell S2716DG, Virpil T50CM3 Throttle, WinWIng Orion 2 & F-16EX + MFG Crosswinds V2, Varjo Aero
SOFTWARE: Microsoft Windows 11, VoiceAttack & VAICOM PRO


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Question:  can I combine a TEMPO with  set layer command, such that a short press of S3 is the pinky button, but the held is the layer button?


Haha, apparently I can...


MapKey (&Joystick, 'TEMPO(SetShiftButton(&Joystick, S3)''pinkie');

Edited by Mower

"You see, IronHand is my thing"

My specs:  W10 Pro, I5/11600K o/c to 4800 @1.32v, 64 GB 3200 XML RAM, ASUS RTX3060ti/8GB.

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Yes see my mapping for H4P above. The reason I don’t use s3 is the long press has an in game function I don’t want to void.

Edited by speed-of-heat

SYSTEM SPECS: Hardware Intel Corei7-12700KF @ 5.1/5.3p & 3.8e GHz, 64Gb RAM, 4090 FE, Dell S2716DG, Virpil T50CM3 Throttle, WinWIng Orion 2 & F-16EX + MFG Crosswinds V2, Varjo Aero
SOFTWARE: Microsoft Windows 11, VoiceAttack & VAICOM PRO


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On 2/19/2021 at 11:47 PM, speed-of-heat said:

Yes see my mapping for H4P above. The reason I don’t use s3 is the long press has an in game function I don’t want to void.



What function is a S3 long press with the Hornet?

"You see, IronHand is my thing"

My specs:  W10 Pro, I5/11600K o/c to 4800 @1.32v, 64 GB 3200 XML RAM, ASUS RTX3060ti/8GB.

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my bad it was the F-16, NWS (not S3) long press is a Missile step selection

Edited by speed-of-heat

SYSTEM SPECS: Hardware Intel Corei7-12700KF @ 5.1/5.3p & 3.8e GHz, 64Gb RAM, 4090 FE, Dell S2716DG, Virpil T50CM3 Throttle, WinWIng Orion 2 & F-16EX + MFG Crosswinds V2, Varjo Aero
SOFTWARE: Microsoft Windows 11, VoiceAttack & VAICOM PRO


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