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Setting up the triggers to spawn AI aircraft with the F10 menu multiple times.


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So I've learned how to setup a flag action to place a pair of fighters in the air. Then whilst playing the mission in multiplayer I can recall those fighters using the \ key F10 other and selecting the units to spawn. That all works great but once they are destroyed theyre gone. Any ideas on how to setup the flag or the F10 so that when those units are destroyed I can call the same one in again over and over? Unfortunately I can only have as many units to spawn as i have F keys (F1-F12) and of course once a unit is called up from the late activation thats it!


This is the first time in all my years in DCS that I'm attempting mission making with these features. But I'm trying to make a fun mission for my group of guys where we dont run out of enemies so fast and have to restart the mission just to replenish the used up fighters.


REALLY appreciate any input from the community!

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You need scripting lua.


look for clone....



From what I see, he says dont add late activation on the units I want to re spawn. That would mean that the unit will be already spawned in upon mission start which is not what my goal is right? Id still like to choose when to initially spawn them in AND choose when he gets to respawn. So if were done and fly away he wont just come back again without my command.


Again SUPER new at this world, thanks for any more replies

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From what I see, he says dont add late activation on the units I want to re spawn. That would mean that the unit will be already spawned in upon mission start which is not what my goal is right? Id still like to choose when to initially spawn them in AND choose when he gets to respawn. So if were done and fly away he wont just come back again without my command.


Again SUPER new at this world, thanks for any more replies


mist.respawn is definitely the simplest way to go.


The simplest way to achieve what you want is to let the group spawn at mission load then use group deactivate 1 second later.


Then you can respawn it all you like.






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mist.respawn is definitely the simplest way to go.


The simplest way to achieve what you want is to let the group spawn at mission load then use group deactivate 1 second later.


Then you can respawn it all you like.

Ahhhhh Clever clever.... I gotcha now. How would one use mist.respawn? Assuming I'd need another program to run these or just put them in the script box in the actions section for the trigger?

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