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@Slaintemaith : You put the file from F14 ?



No. Those are the A-10C files that were requested.


There are no similar F14 files in ..\DCS World OpenBeta\Mods\aircraft\F14\Cockpit\Scripts



They were in ..\Cockpit, though.


I now see perhaps you meant to say the above directory, and not the A-10C dir.

I'll post those presently.

Edited by slaintemaith
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F-14 clickabledata.lua (1 of 3)


local gettext = require("i_18n")
_ = gettext.translate


cursor_mode =
   CUMODE_CLICKABLE            = 0,
   CUMODE_CAMERA               = 2,

flipcover_animation_speed = 16

clickable_mode_initial_status = cursor_mode.CUMODE_CLICKABLE
use_pointer_name              = true
direction                     = 1
cyclic_by_default             = true -- to cycle two-way thumblers or not by default

function default_button(hint_,device_,command_,arg_,arg_val_,arg_lim_)
local arg_val_ = arg_val_ or 1
local arg_lim_ = arg_lim_ or {0,1}
return {
       class 				 = {class_type.BTN},
       hint 				 = hint_,
       device 				 = device_,
       action 				 = {command_},
       stop_action 		 = {command_},
       arg 				 = {arg_},
       arg_value			 = {arg_val_},
       arg_lim 			 = {arg_lim_},
       use_release_message = {true},
    animated 	 = {true, true,false},
       animation_speed = {32, 32},


function default_cap_button(hint_,device_,command_,arg_,arg_val_,arg_lim_)
   local arg_val_ = arg_val_ or 1
   local arg_lim_ = arg_lim_ or {0,1}
   return {
       class                = {class_type.BTN},
       hint                 = hint_,
       device               = device_,
       action               = {command_},
       stop_action          = {command_},
       arg                  = {arg_},
       arg_value            = {arg_val_},
       arg_lim              = {arg_lim_},
       use_release_message = {true},
       animated     = {true, true,false},
       animation_speed = {32, 32},


function default_button_big(hint_,device_,command_,arg_,arg_val_,arg_lim_)
local arg_val_ = arg_val_ or 1
local arg_lim_ = arg_lim_ or {0,1}
return {
       class 				 = {class_type.BTN},
       hint 				 = hint_,
       device 				 = device_,
       action 				 = {command_},
       stop_action 		 = {command_},
       arg 				 = {arg_},
       arg_value			 = {arg_val_},
       arg_lim 			 = {arg_lim_},
       use_release_message = {true},
	animated 	 = {true, true,false},
       animation_speed = {32, 32},

function default_1_position_tumb(hint_, device_, command_, arg_, arg_val_, arg_lim_)
local arg_val_ = arg_val_ or 1
local arg_lim_ = arg_lim_ or {0,1}
return {
       class 		 = {class_type.TUMB},
       hint 		 = hint_,
       device 		 = device_,
       action 		 = {command_},
       arg 	 	 = {arg_},
       arg_value 	 = {arg_val_},
       arg_lim 	 = {arg_lim_},
       updatable 	 = true,
       use_OBB 	 = true

function default_2_position_tumb(hint_, device_, command_, arg_)
return {
       class 		 = {class_type.TUMB,class_type.TUMB},
       hint 		 = hint_,
       device 		 = device_,
       action 		 = {command_,command_},
       arg 	 	 = {arg_,arg_},
       arg_value 	 = {1,-1},
       arg_lim 	 = {{0,1},{0,1}},
       updatable 	 = true,
       use_OBB 	 = true,
	animated 	 = {true, true,false},
       animation_speed = {19, 19},

-- for switches going -1 to 1 instead of 0 to 1
function alt_2_position_tumb(hint_, device_, command_, arg_)
return {
       class 		 = {class_type.TUMB,class_type.TUMB},
       hint 		 = hint_,
       device 		 = device_,
       action 		 = {command_,command_},
       arg 	 	 = {arg_,arg_},
       arg_value 	 = {2,-2},
       arg_lim 	 = {{-1,1},{-1,1}},
       updatable 	 = true,
       use_OBB 	 = true,

	animated 	 = {true, true,false},
       animation_speed = {19, 19},


function default_displaybutton(hint_, device_, command_, arg_)
return {
       class 		 = {class_type.TUMB,class_type.TUMB},
       hint 		 = hint_,
       device 		 = device_,
       action 		 = {command_,command_},
       arg 	 	 = {arg_,arg_},
       arg_value 	 = {1,-1},
       arg_lim 	 = {{0,1},{0,1}},
       updatable 	 = true,
       use_OBB 	 = true,
	animated 	 = {true, true,false},
       animation_speed = {15, 15},

function default_flipcover(hint_, device_, command_, arg_)
return {

       class 		 = {class_type.TUMB,class_type.TUMB},
       hint 		 = hint_,
       device 		 = device_,
       action 		 = {command_,command_},
       arg 	 	 = {arg_,arg_},
       arg_value 	 = {1,-1},
       arg_lim 	 = {{0,1},{0,1}},
       updatable 	 = true,
       use_OBB 	 = true,
	animated 	 = {true, true,false},
       animation_speed = {14, 14},

function default_3_position_tumb(hint_,device_,command_,arg_,cycled_,inversed_)
local cycled = true
local val = 1
if inversed_ then
       val = -1
if cycled_ ~= nil then
       cycled = cycled_
return {
       class 		 = {class_type.TUMB,class_type.TUMB},
       hint 		 = hint_,
       device 		 = device_,
       action 		 = {command_,command_},
       arg 	 	 = {arg_,arg_},
       arg_value 	 = {val,-val},
       arg_lim 	 = {{-1,1},{-1,1}},
       updatable 	 = true,
       use_OBB 	 = true,
       cycle = cycled,
	animated 	 = {true, true,false},
       animation_speed = {19, 19},

function default_axis_old(hint_,device_,command_,arg_, default_, gain_,updatable_,relative_)

local default = default_ or 1
local gain = gain_ or 0.1
local updatable = updatable_ or false
local relative  = relative_ or false

return  {
       class 		= {class_type.LEV},
       hint  		= hint_,
       device 		= device_,
       action 		= {command_},
       arg 	  	= {arg_},
       arg_value 	= {default},
       arg_lim   	= {{0,1}},
       updatable 	= updatable,
       use_OBB 	= true,
       gain		= {gain},
       relative    = {relative},

function default_axis(hint_,device_,command_,arg_, default_, gain_,updatable_,relative_,cycle_)
local default = default_ or 1
local gain = gain_ or 0.1
local updatable = updatable_ or false
local relative = relative_ or false

return {
       class 		 = {class_type.LEV},
       hint 		 = hint_,
       device 		 = device_,
       action 		 = {command_},
       arg 	 	 = {arg_},
       arg_value 	 = {default},
       arg_lim 	 = {{0,1}},
       updatable 	 = updatable,
       use_OBB 	 = false,
       gain		 = {gain},
       relative 	 = {relative},
       cycle 	 	 =  cycle_ or false

function default_movable_axis(hint_,device_,command_,arg_, default_, gain_,updatable_,relative_)
local default = default_ or 1
local gain = gain_ or 0.1
local updatable = updatable_ or false
local relative = relative_ or false

return {
       class 		 = {class_type.MOVABLE_LEV},
       hint 		 = hint_,
       device 		 = device_,
       action 		 = {command_},
       arg 	 	 = {arg_},
       arg_value 	 = {default},
       arg_lim 	 = {{0,1}},
       updatable 	 = updatable,
       use_OBB 	 = true,
       gain		 = {gain},
       relative = {relative},

function default_axis_limited(hint_,device_,command_,arg_, default_, gain_,updatable_,relative_, arg_lim_, cycle_)
local relative = false
local default = default_ or 0
local updatable = updatable_ or false
if relative_ ~= nil then
	relative = relative_

local cycle__ = false
if cycle_ ~= nil then
	cycle__ = cycle_

local gain = gain_ or 0.1
return {
       class 		 = {class_type.LEV},
       hint 		 = hint_,
       device 		 = device_,
       action 		 = {command_},
       arg 	 	 = {arg_},
       arg_value 	 = {default},
       arg_lim 	 = arg_lim_,
       updatable 	 = updatable,
       use_OBB 	 = false,
       gain		 = {gain},
       relative = {relative},
       cycle 	 	 =  cycle__

function multiposition_switch(hint_,device_,command_,arg_,count_,delta_,inversed_, min_)
   local min_ = min_ or 0
local delta_ = delta_ or 0.5
local inversed = 1
if inversed_ then
	inversed = -1
return {
       class 		 = {class_type.TUMB,class_type.TUMB},
       hint 		 = hint_,
       device 		 = device_,
       action 		 = {command_,command_},
       arg 	 	 = {arg_,arg_},
       arg_value 	 = {-delta_ * inversed,delta_ * inversed},
       arg_lim 	 = {{min_, min_ + delta_ * (count_ -1)},
                       {min_, min_ + delta_ * (count_ -1)}},
       updatable 	 = true,
       use_OBB 	 = true,

function multiposition_switch_springy(hint_,device_,command_,arg_,count_,delta_,inversed_, min_)
   local min_ = min_ or 0
local delta_ = delta_ or 0.5
local inversed = 1
if inversed_ then
	inversed = -1
return {
       class 		 = {class_type.TUMB,class_type.TUMB},
       hint 		 = hint_,
       device 		 = device_,
       action 		 = {command_,command_},
       arg 	 	 = {arg_,arg_},
       arg_value 	 = {-delta_ * inversed,delta_ * inversed},
       arg_lim 	 = {{min_, min_ + delta_ * (count_ -1)},
                       {min_, min_ + delta_ * (count_ -1)}},
       updatable 	 = true,
       use_OBB 	 = true,

function multiposition_switch_limited(hint_,device_,command_,arg_,count_,delta_,inversed_,min_)
   local min_ = min_ or 0
local delta_ = delta_ or 0.5
local inversed = 1
if inversed_ then
	inversed = -1
return {
       class 		 = {class_type.TUMB,class_type.TUMB},
       hint 		 = hint_,
       device 		 = device_,
       action 		 = {command_,command_},
       arg 	 	 = {arg_,arg_},
       arg_value 	 = {-delta_ * inversed,delta_ * inversed},
       arg_lim 	 = {{min_, min_ + delta_ * (count_ -1)},
                       {min_, min_ + delta_ * (count_ -1)}},
       updatable 	 = true,
       use_OBB 	 = true,
       cycle 	 = false,
	animated 	 = {true, true},
       animation_speed = {4, 4},

function multiposition_roller_limited(hint_,device_,command_,arg_,count_,inversed_,range_)
local range = range_ or 1.0
local delta_ = range / ( count_ - 1.0 )
local inversed = 1
if inversed_ then
	inversed = -1
return {
       class 		 = {class_type.TUMB,class_type.TUMB},
       hint 		 = hint_,
       device 		 = device_,
       action 		 = {command_,command_},
       arg 	 	 = {arg_,arg_},
       arg_value 	 = {-delta_ * inversed,delta_ * inversed},
       arg_lim 	 = {{0, delta_ * (count_ -1)},
                       {0, delta_ * (count_ -1)}},
       updatable 	 = true,
       use_OBB 	 = true,
       cycle 	 = false,		
	animated 	 = {true, true},
       animation_speed = {16.0/count_, 16.0/count_},		

function default_button_axis(hint_, device_,command_1, command_2, arg_1, arg_2, limit_1, limit_2)
local limit_1_ = limit_1 or 1.0
local limit_2_ = limit_2 or 1.0
   return {
       class		 = {class_type.BTN, class_type.LEV},
       hint		 = hint_,
       device		 = device_,
       action		 = {command_1, command_2},
       stop_action  = {command_1, 0},
       arg			 = {arg_1, arg_2},
       arg_value	 = {1, 0.5},
       arg_lim		 = {{0, limit_1_}, {0,limit_2_}},
       animated     = {false,true},
       animation_speed = {0, 0.9},
       gain         = {0, 0.5},
       relative	 = {false, false},
       updatable 	 = true,
       use_OBB 	 = true,
       use_release_message = {true, false}

function default_animated_lever(hint_, device_, command_, arg_, animation_speed_,arg_lim_)
   local arg_lim__ = arg_lim_ or {0.0,1.0}
   return {
       class = {class_type.TUMB, class_type.TUMB},
       hint 	 = hint_,
       device 	 = device_,
       action 	 = {command_, command_},
       arg 		 = {arg_, arg_},
       arg_value 	 = {1, 0},
       arg_lim 	 = {arg_lim__, arg_lim__},
       updatable = true,
       gain 		 = {0.1, 0.1},
       animated 	 = {true, true},
       animation_speed = {animation_speed_, 0},
       cycle = true,

function default_button_tumb(hint_, device_, command1_, command2_, arg_)
return {
       class 		 = {class_type.BTN,class_type.TUMB},
       hint 		 = hint_,
       device 		 = device_,
       action 		 = {command1_,command2_},
       stop_action  = {command1_,0},
       arg 	 	 = {arg_,arg_},
       arg_value 	 = {-1,1},
       arg_lim 	 = {{-1,0},{0,1}},
       updatable 	 = true,
       use_OBB 	 = true,
       use_release_message = {true,false}

function default_springloaded_3pos_switch(hint_, device_, command1_, command2_, value1_, value2_, value3_, arg_)
--[[ command1_ - tumbler's up command,
 command2_ - tumbler's down command
 value1_ - tumbler's up position
 value2_ - center position
 value3_ - tumbler's down position
return	{
       class 		= {class_type.TUMB, class_type.TUMB},
       hint 		= hint_,
       device 		= device_,
       action 	= {command1_ ,	command2_},
       stop_action = {command1_, 	command2_},
       arg 		= {arg_,		arg_},
       stop_value 	= {value2_,			value2_},
       arg_value 	= {value1_, 	value3_},
       arg_lim 	= {{value1_, value2_}, {value3_, value2_}},
       use_release_message = {false, false}

function default_springloaded_3pos_switch_tiny(hint_, device_, command1_, command2_, value1_, value2_, value3_, arg_)
--[[ command1_ - tumbler's up command,
 command2_ - tumbler's down command
 value1_ - tumbler's up position
 value2_ - center position
 value3_ - tumbler's down position
return	{
       class 		= {class_type.TUMB, class_type.TUMB},
       hint 		= hint_,
       device 		= device_,
       action 	= {command1_ ,	command2_},
       stop_action = {command1_, 	command2_},
       arg 		= {arg_,		arg_},
       stop_value 	= {value2_,			value2_},
       arg_value 	= {value1_, 	value3_},
       arg_lim 	= {{value1_, value2_}, {value3_, value2_}},
       use_release_message = {false, false},

elements = {}

-- hydraulics
elements["PNT_629"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Hydraulic Transfer Pump Switch"), devices.HYDRAULICS, device_commands.HYD_TRANSFER_PUMP_Switch, cockpit_args.HYD_TRANSFER_PUMP_Switch)
elements["PNT_630"] = default_flipcover(_("Hydraulic Transfer Pump Switch Cover"), devices.HYDRAULICS, device_commands.HYD_TRANSFER_PUMP_SwitchCover, cockpit_args.HYD_TRANSFER_PUMP_SwitchCover)
elements["PNT_631"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Hydraulic Isolation Switch"), devices.HYDRAULICS, device_commands.HYD_ISOL_Switch, cockpit_args.HYD_ISOLATION_Switch)
elements["PNT_928"] = default_3_position_tumb(_("Hydraulic Emergency Flight Control Switch"), devices.HYDRAULICS, device_commands.HYD_EMERG_FLT_Switch, cockpit_args.HYD_EMERGENCY_FLT_Switch, false, false)
elements["PNT_8100"] = default_flipcover(_("Hydraulic Emergency Flight Control Switch Cover"), devices.HYDRAULICS, device_commands.HYD_EMERG_FLT_SwitchCover, cockpit_args.HYD_EMERGENCY_FLT_SwitchCover)
elements["PNT_632"] = default_animated_lever(_("Hydraulic Hand Pump"), devices.HYDRAULICS, device_commands.HYD_HandPump, cockpit_args.HYD_EMERG_PUMP, 2.0, {0.0,1.0})

elements["PNT_1071"] = default_button(_("MASTER RESET"), devices.CADC, device_commands.MASTER_Reset, cockpit_args.MASTER_Reset)

elements["PNT_2100"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Stow Inlet Ramps Left Switch"), devices.AICS, device_commands.INLET_RAMPS_LeftSwitch, cockpit_args.INLET_RAMPS_LeftSwitch)
elements["PNT_2101"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Stow Inlet Ramps Right Switch"), devices.AICS, device_commands.INLET_RAMPS_RightSwitch, cockpit_args.INLET_RAMPS_RightSwitch)

-- Wing sweep
elements["PNT_317"] = default_animated_lever(_("Emergency Wing Sweep Handle Cover"), devices.WINGSWEEP, device_commands.WINGSWEEP_EmergencySweepCover, cockpit_args.WINGSWEEP_EmergencySweepCover, 3, {0.0,1.0})

--elements["PNT_384"] = default_axis(_("Emergency Wing Sweep Handle"),devices.WINGSWEEP, device_commands.WINGSWEEP_EmergencySweepLever, cockpit_args.WINGSWEEP_EmergencySweepLever, 1.0, 0.1, true, false)

elements["PNT_384"] =              {
       class = {class_type.LEV, class_type.TUMB},
       hint = _("Emergency Wing Sweep Handle (Click to pop out)"),
       device = devices.WINGSWEEP,
       action = {device_commands.WINGSWEEP_EmergencySweepLever, device_commands.WINGSWEEP_EmergencyLeverExtended},
       --  stop_action = {device_commands.RADARALT_Test, 0},
       arg = {cockpit_args.WINGSWEEP_EmergencySweepLever, cockpit_args.Wingsweep_Lever_Popout},
       arg_value = {1.0, -1.0 },
       arg_lim = {{0, 1}, {0, 1}},
       relative = {false, false},
       gain = {0.1, 1.0, 0.5},
       use_release_message = {false, true},
       updatable = true,
       cycle 	=  {false,true},
       animated 	 = {false, true},
       animation_speed = {2.5, 2.5},
       use_OBB = true }

--Radar altimeter

elements["PNT_308"] =              {
   class = {class_type.BTN, class_type.LEV},
   hint = _("Radar Altimeter Control Knob"),
   device = devices.RADARALTIMETER,
   action = {device_commands.RADARALT_Test, device_commands.RADARALT_Knob},
   stop_action = {device_commands.RADARALT_Test, 0},
   is_repeatable = {},
   arg = {cockpit_args.ALTI_Radar_KnobPush, cockpit_args.ALTI_Radar_Knob},
   arg_value = {1.0, 0.5 },
   arg_lim = {{0, 1}, {0, 1}},
   relative = {false,true},
   gain = {1.0, 0.5},
   use_release_message = {true, false},
   use_OBB = true }

-- Airspeed indicator
elements["PNT_310"] =              {
   class = {class_type.TUMB, class_type.LEV},
   hint = _("Airspeed Indicator Bug Knob"),
   device = devices.MACHANDAIRSPEED,
   action = {device_commands.AIRSPEED_KnobSwitch, device_commands.AIRSPEED_Knob},
   is_repeatable = {},
   arg = {cockpit_args.AIRSPD_KnobPush, cockpit_args.AIRSPD_Knob},
   arg_value = {1.0, 0.5 },
   arg_lim = {{0, 1}, {0, 1}},
   relative = {false,true},
   gain = {1.0, 0.5},
   use_release_message = {true, false},
   use_OBB = true }

elements["PNT_307"] = default_springloaded_3pos_switch(_("Altimeter Mode Switch"), devices.BAROALTIMETER, device_commands.ALTIMETER_Mode, device_commands.ALTIMETER_Mode, -1, 0, 1, cockpit_args.ALTI_RightKnob)
elements["PNT_306"] = default_axis(_("Altimeter Pressure Setting"), devices.BAROALTIMETER, device_commands.ALTIMETER_Knob, cockpit_args.ALTI_LeftKnob, 0, 0.5, false, true)

--RIO Altimeter
elements["PNT_20307"] = default_springloaded_3pos_switch(_("Altimeter Mode Switch"), devices.BAROALTIMETER, device_commands.RIOALTIMETER_Mode, device_commands.RIOALTIMETER_Mode, -1, 0, 1, cockpit_args.RIOALTI_RightKnob)
elements["PNT_20306"] = default_axis(_("Altimeter Pressure Setting"), devices.BAROALTIMETER, device_commands.RIOALTIMETER_Knob, cockpit_args.RIOALTI_LeftKnob, 0, 0.5, false, true)

--elements["PNT_326"] = default_animated_lever(_("Landing Gear Lever"), devices.GEARHOOK, device_commands.GEAR_Handle, cockpit_args.GEAR_Handle, 1, {0.0,1.0})
--elements["PNT_326"].sound = {{SOUND_GEAR_HANDLE},{SOUND_GEAR_HANDLE}}
elements["PNT_326"] =              {
       class = {class_type.TUMB, class_type.TUMB},
       hint = _("Landing Gear Lever (RB emergency extend)"),
       device = devices.GEARHOOK,
       action = {device_commands.GEAR_Handle, device_commands.GEAR_Handle_Emergency },
       arg = {cockpit_args.GEAR_Handle, cockpit_args.GEAR_HandleEmergency},
       arg_value = {1.0, 1.0},
       arg_lim = {{0, 1}, {0, 1}},
       relative = {false, false, false},
       gain = {0.1, 1.0},
       use_release_message = {true, true},
       updatable = true,
       cycle   =  {false,true},
       animated     = {true, true},
       animation_speed = {1.5, 1.5},
       use_OBB = true }

elements["PNT_1075"] = default_springloaded_3pos_switch(_("Nose Strut Compression Switch"),devices.GEARHOOK, device_commands.GEAR_Strut, device_commands.GEAR_Strut, -1,0,1, cockpit_args.GEAR_Strut)

elements["PNT_497"] = default_button(_("Launch Bar Abort"), devices.GEARHOOK, device_commands.GEAR_LaunchBarAbort, cockpit_args.GEAR_LaunchBarAbort)
elements["PNT_496"] = default_flipcover(_("Launch Bar Abort Switch Cover"), devices.GEARHOOK, device_commands.GEAR_LaunchBarAbortCover, cockpit_args.GEAR_LaunchBarAbortCover)

--elements["PNT_238"] = default_animated_lever(_("Hook Lever"), devices.GEARHOOK, device_commands.HOOK_Handle, cockpit_args.HOOK_Handle, 1, {0.0,1.0})

elements["PNT_238"] =              {
       class = {class_type.TUMB, class_type.TUMB},
       hint = _("Hook Extension Handle (RB cycle emergency mode)"),
       device = devices.GEARHOOK,
       action = {device_commands.HOOK_Handle, device_commands.HOOK_Handle_Emergency },
       arg = {cockpit_args.HOOK_Handle, cockpit_args.HOOK_EmergencyDown},
       arg_value = {1.0, 1.0},
       arg_lim = {{0, 1}, {0, 1}},
       relative = {false, false, false},
       gain = {0.1, 1.0},
       use_release_message = {true, true},
       updatable = true,
       cycle 	=  {false,true},
       animated 	 = {true, true},
       animation_speed = {3.2, 3.2},
       use_OBB = true  }

-- Brakes
elements["PNT_1072"] = default_3_position_tumb(_("Anti-Skid Spoiler BK Switch"), devices.GEARHOOK, device_commands.BRAKE_AntiSkidAndSpoilerBrake, cockpit_args.BRAKE_AntiSkidAndSpoilerBrake, false, true)
elements["PNT_237"] = default_animated_lever(_("Parking Brake Handle"), devices.GEARHOOK, device_commands.BRAKE_ParkingBrake, cockpit_args.BRAKE_ParkingBrake, 3.5, {0.0,1.0})

-- SAS
elements["PNT_2106"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("AFCS Stability Augmentation - Pitch"), devices.AFCS, device_commands.AFCS_Stability_Pitch, cockpit_args.AFCS_Stability_Pitch)
elements["PNT_2107"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("AFCS Stability Augmentation - Roll"), devices.AFCS, device_commands.AFCS_Stability_Roll, cockpit_args.AFCS_Stability_Roll)
elements["PNT_2108"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("AFCS Stability Augmentation - Yaw"), devices.AFCS, device_commands.AFCS_Stability_Yaw, cockpit_args.AFCS_Stability_Yaw)

-- Autopilot
elements["PNT_2109"] = default_3_position_tumb(_("Autopilot - Vector / Automatic Carrier Landing"), devices.AFCS, device_commands.AP_Vector, cockpit_args.AP_Vector, false, true)
elements["PNT_2110"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Autopilot - Altitude Hold"), devices.AFCS, device_commands.AP_Altitude, cockpit_args.AP_Altitude)
elements["PNT_2111"] = default_3_position_tumb(_("Autopilot - Heading / Ground Track"), devices.AFCS, device_commands.AP_Heading, cockpit_args.AP_Heading, false, true)
elements["PNT_2112"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Autopilot - Engage"), devices.AFCS, device_commands.AP_Engage, cockpit_args.AP_Engage)
elements["PNT_2112"].arg_lim  = {{-1,1},{-1,1}}
elements["PNT_2112"].arg_value  = {2,-2}

-- Flaps
--elements["PNT_225"] = multiposition_switch(_("Flaps lever"),devices.FLAPS,device_commands.FLAPS_Lever,225,4,0.25, false)
elements["PNT_225"] = default_axis(_("Flaps Lever"), devices.FLAPS, device_commands.FLAPS_Lever, cockpit_args.FLAP_Lever, 1.0, 0.1, true, false)

-- Engine
elements["PNT_THROT_L"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Left Engine Fuel Cutoff"), devices.ENGINE, device_commands.THROTTLE_Left_Throttle_CutOff, 12300) --stupid high arg
elements["PNT_THROT_L"].sound = {{},{}}
elements["PNT_THROT_R"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Right Engine Fuel Cutoff"), devices.ENGINE, device_commands.THROTTLE_Right_Throttle_CutOff, 12301)
elements["PNT_THROT_R"].sound = {{},{}}

elements["PNT_2104"] = default_3_position_tumb(_("Throttle Mode"), devices.ENGINE, device_commands.ENGINE_Throttle_Mode, cockpit_args.ENGINE_Throttle_Mode, false, true)
elements["PNT_2103"] = default_3_position_tumb(_("Throttle Temp"), devices.ENGINE, device_commands.ENGINE_Throttle_Temp, cockpit_args.ENGINE_Throttle_Temp, false, true)

--elements[""] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Mid compression bypass test"), devices.ENGINE, device_commands.ENGINE_Mid_Compression_Bypass_Test, 2108)
elements["PNT_941"] = default_3_position_tumb(_("Engine/Probe Anti-Ice"), devices.ENGINE, device_commands.ENGINE_Probe_Anti_Ice, cockpit_args.ENGINE_Probe_Anti_Ice, false ,true)

elements["PNT_2105"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Engine Airstart"), devices.ENGINE, device_commands.ENGINE_Air_Start, cockpit_args.ENGINE_Air_Start)  -- temp since i dont have the right switches for B
elements["PNT_2102"] = default_3_position_tumb(_("Engine Crank"), devices.ENGINE, device_commands.ENGINE_Crank, cockpit_args.ENGINE_Crank, false, false)
elements["PNT_16007"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Left Engine Mode"), devices.ENGINE, device_commands.ENGINE_Left_Mode, cockpit_args.ENG_Mode_L)  -- temp since i dont have the right switches for B
elements["PNT_16008"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Right Engine Mode"), devices.ENGINE, device_commands.ENGINE_Right_Mode, cockpit_args.ENG_Mode_R)  -- temp since i dont have the right switches for B

elements["PNT_16005"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Asymmetric Thrust Limiter Cover"), devices.ENGINE, device_commands.ENGINE_Asym_LimiterCover, cockpit_args.ASYM_Limiter_Flipcover)
elements["PNT_16006"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Asymmetric Thrust Limiter"), devices.ENGINE, device_commands.ENGINE_Asym_Limiter, cockpit_args.ASYM_Limiter_Switch)

-- Fire system
elements["PNT_15083"] = default_button(_("Fire Ext Bottle - Left"), devices.FIRE, device_commands.FIRESYSTEM_Bottle_Fire_L, cockpit_args.Fire_Ext_Button_Left)
elements["PNT_15082"] = default_button(_("Fire Ext Bottle - Right"), devices.FIRE, device_commands.FIRESYSTEM_Bottle_Fire_R, cockpit_args.Fire_Ext_Button_Right)

-- Fuel system
elements["PNT_1044"] = default_animated_lever(_("Fuel Shutoff - Right"), devices.FUELSYSTEM, device_commands.FUELSYSTEM_Shutoff_R, cockpit_args.Fire_Ext_Handle_Right,1,{0.0,1.0})
elements["PNT_15081"] = default_animated_lever(_("Fuel Shutoff - Left"), devices.FUELSYSTEM, device_commands.FUELSYSTEM_Shutoff_L, cockpit_args.Fire_Ext_Handle_Left,1,{0.0,1.0})

--elements["PNT_1076"] = default_3_position_tumb(_("Fuel Qty Sel"), devices.FUELSYSTEM, device_commands.FUELSYSTEM_Fuel_Qty_Sel, 1076, false, false)

elements["PNT_1094"] = default_flipcover(_("Fuel Feed Cover"), devices.FUELSYSTEM, device_commands.FUELSYSTEM_Fuel_Feed_Cover, cockpit_args.FUELSYSTEM_Fuel_Feed_Cover)
elements["PNT_1095"] = default_3_position_tumb(_("Fuel Feed"), devices.FUELSYSTEM, device_commands.FUELSYSTEM_Fuel_Feed, cockpit_args.FUELSYSTEM_Fuel_Feed, false, false)

elements["PNT_1001"] = default_3_position_tumb(_("Wing/Ext Trans"), devices.FUELSYSTEM, device_commands.FUELSYSTEM_WingExt_Trans, cockpit_args.FUELSYSTEM_WingExt_Trans, false, true)
elements["PNT_1074"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Fuel Dump"), devices.FUELSYSTEM, device_commands.FUELSYSTEM_Dump, cockpit_args.FUELSYSTEM_Dump)
elements["PNT_1073"] = default_3_position_tumb(_("Refuel Probe"), devices.FUELSYSTEM, device_commands.FUELSYSTEM_Refuel_Probe, cockpit_args.FUELSYSTEM_Refuel_Probe, false, true)

elements["PNT_1076"] = default_springloaded_3pos_switch(_("Fuel Quantity Selector"), devices.FUELSYSTEM, device_commands.FUELSYSTEM_Fuel_Qty_Sel, device_commands.FUELSYSTEM_Fuel_Qty_Sel, -1, 0, 1, cockpit_args.FUELSYSTEM_Fuel_Qty_Sel)
elements["PNT_1050"] = default_axis(_("BINGO Fuel Level Knob"), devices.FUELSYSTEM, device_commands.FUELSYSTEM_Bingo_Knob, cockpit_args.FUELSYSTEM_Bingo_Knob, 1, 0.1, true, true)
-- Fuel system

-- Electrics
elements["PNT_937"] = default_3_position_tumb(_("Left Generator Switch"),devices.ELECTRICS, device_commands.ELEC_MASTER_GEN_LeftSwitch, cockpit_args.ELEC_MASTER_GEN_LeftSwitch, false, true)
elements["PNT_936"] = default_3_position_tumb(_("Right Generator Switch"),devices.ELECTRICS, device_commands.ELEC_MASTER_GEN_RightSwitch, cockpit_args.ELEC_MASTER_GEN_RightSwitch, false, true)
elements["PNT_927"] = default_flipcover(_("Emergency Generator Switch Cover"),devices.ELECTRICS, device_commands.ELEC_EMERG_GEN_SwitchCover, cockpit_args.ELEC_EMERG_GEN_SwitchCover)
elements["PNT_926"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Emergency Generator Switch"),devices.ELECTRICS, device_commands.ELEC_EMERG_GEN_Switch, cockpit_args.ELEC_EMERG_GEN_Switch)

--Cockpit mechanics
elements["PNT_224"] = default_animated_lever(_("Canopy Jettison"), devices.COCKPITMECHANICS, device_commands.CANOPY_Drop, cockpit_args.CANOPY_Jettison,5, {0.0,1.0})
elements["PNT_2051"] = default_animated_lever(_("Canopy Jettison"), devices.COCKPITMECHANICS, device_commands.CANOPY_Drop, cockpit_args.CANOPY_Jettison,5, {0.0,1.0})

elements["PNT_2049"] = default_animated_lever(_("Ejection CMD Lever"), devices.COCKPITMECHANICS, device_commands.EJECT_CMD_Lever, cockpit_args.EJECT_CMD_Lever, 3, {0.0,1.0})

elements["PNT_Seat_Safety"] = default_animated_lever(_("Ejection Seat Safety"), devices.COCKPITMECHANICS, device_commands.EJECT_ArmPilot, cockpit_args.Pilot_Seat_Safety,5, {0.0,1.0})

elements["PNT_498"] = default_animated_lever(_("Ejection Seat Safety"), devices.COCKPITMECHANICS, device_commands.EJECT_ArmRIO, cockpit_args.RIO_SEAT_SAFETY,5, {0.0,1.0})

elements["PNT_122"] = default_animated_lever(_("Storage"), devices.COCKPITMECHANICS, device_commands.RIO_STORAGE_BOX, cockpit_args.RIO_STORAGE_BOX, 3, {0.0,1.0})

--Enivornment control
elements["PNT_8114"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Pilot Oxygen On"),devices.COCKPITMECHANICS, device_commands.PilotOxygenOn, cockpit_args.ENVIRO_PilotOxygenOn)
elements["PNT_119"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("RIO Oxygen On"),devices.COCKPITMECHANICS, device_commands.RIOOxygenOn, cockpit_args.ENVIRO_RIOOxygenOn)
elements["PNT_939"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Cabin Pressure Dump"),devices.COCKPITMECHANICS, device_commands.CabinPressureDump, cockpit_args.ENVIRO_CabinPressureDump)
elements["PNT_929"] = default_displaybutton(_("Air Source Ram"),devices.COCKPITMECHANICS, device_commands.AirSourceRam, cockpit_args.ENVIRO_AirSourceRam)
elements["PNT_933"] = default_displaybutton(_("Air Source Off"),devices.COCKPITMECHANICS, device_commands.AirSourceOff, cockpit_args.ENVIRO_AirSourceOff)
elements["PNT_930"] = default_displaybutton(_("Air Source Left Engine"),devices.COCKPITMECHANICS, device_commands.AirSourceLEng, cockpit_args.ENVIRO_AirSourceLEng)
elements["PNT_931"] = default_displaybutton(_("Air Source Right Engine"),devices.COCKPITMECHANICS, device_commands.AirSourceREng, cockpit_args.ENVIRO_AirSourceREng)
elements["PNT_932"] = default_displaybutton(_("Air Source Both Engines"),devices.COCKPITMECHANICS, device_commands.AirSourceBoth, cockpit_args.ENVIRO_AirSourceBoth)
elements["PNT_942"] = default_3_position_tumb(_("Wind Shield Air"), devices.COCKPITMECHANICS, device_commands.WindShield_Air, cockpit_args.WINDSHIELD_AIR, false ,true)
elements["PNT_950"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("Temperature"), devices.COCKPITMECHANICS, device_commands.Temperature, cockpit_args.TEMPERATURE, 9, 0.125, false, 0)
elements["PNT_950"].sound = {{SOUND_SPRINGY2_KNOB},{SOUND_SPRINGY2_KNOB}}

elements["PNT_940"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Temp Auto / Man"),devices.COCKPITMECHANICS, device_commands.TempAutoMan, cockpit_args.TEMPMANAUTO)
elements["PNT_938"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Ram Air"),devices.COCKPITMECHANICS, device_commands.RamAir, cockpit_args.RAMAIR)

-- BIT panel
elements["PNT_934"] =              {
   class = {class_type.TUMB, class_type.TUMB},
   hint = _("Master Test Selector (LB to rotate, RB to pull/push)"),
   device = devices.BITPANEL,
   action = {device_commands.BIT_Selector, device_commands.BIT_SelectorPush},
   arg = {cockpit_args.BIT_Selector, cockpit_args.Master_test_knob_push },
   arg_value =  {1/11 , 1.0 },
   arg_lim = {{0, 10/11}, {0, 1}},
   relative = {false, false},
   use_release_message = {true, true},
   use_OBB = true,
   cycle =  {false, true}

--Light panel
elements["PNT_915"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Hook Bypass"), devices.AOASYSTEM, device_commands.AoA_HookBypass, cockpit_args.AoA_HookBypass)
elements["PNT_918"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Taxi Light"), devices.COCKPITMECHANICS, device_commands.LIGHTS_Taxi, cockpit_args.LIGHT_Taxi)
elements["PNT_924"] = default_3_position_tumb(_("Red Flood Light"), devices.COCKPITMECHANICS, device_commands.LIGHTS_RedFlood, cockpit_args.LIGHT_RedFloodSwitch, false, true)
elements["PNT_921"] = default_3_position_tumb(_("White Flood Light"), devices.COCKPITMECHANICS, device_commands.LIGHTS_WhiteFlood, cockpit_args.LIGHT_WhiteFloodSwitch, false, true)
elements["PNT_913_22"] = default_3_position_tumb(_("Position Lights Wing"), devices.COCKPITMECHANICS, device_commands.LIGHTS_PositionWings, cockpit_args.LIGHTS_PositionWings, false, true)
elements["PNT_916"] = default_3_position_tumb(_("Position Lights Tail"), devices.COCKPITMECHANICS, device_commands.LIGHTS_PositionTail, cockpit_args.LIGHTS_PositionTail, false, true)
elements["PNT_919"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Position Lights Flash"), devices.COCKPITMECHANICS, device_commands.LIGHTS_PositionFlash, cockpit_args.LIGHTS_PositionFlash)
elements["PNT_923"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Anti-Collision Lights"), devices.COCKPITMECHANICS, device_commands.LIGHTS_AntiCol, cockpit_args.LIGHTS_AntiCol)

elements["PNT_917"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("AoA Indexer Light Intensity"), devices.AOASYSTEM, device_commands.AoA_IndexerStrength, cockpit_args.LIGHTS_INDEXER, 9, 0.125, false, 0)
elements["PNT_917"].sound = {{SOUND_SPRINGY2_KNOB},{SOUND_SPRINGY2_KNOB}}

elements["PNT_913"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("ACM Panel Light Intensity"), devices.COCKPITMECHANICS, device_commands.LIGHTS_ACMPanel, cockpit_args.LIGHTS_ACM, 9, 0.125, false, 0)
elements["PNT_913"].sound = {{SOUND_SPRINGY2_KNOB},{SOUND_SPRINGY2_KNOB}}

elements["PNT_920"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("Instrument Light Intensity"), devices.COCKPITMECHANICS, device_commands.LIGHTS_Instruments, cockpit_args.LIGHTS_INSTRUMENT, 9, 0.125, false, 0)
elements["PNT_920"].sound = {{SOUND_SPRINGY2_KNOB},{SOUND_SPRINGY2_KNOB}}

elements["PNT_922"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("Console Light Intensity"), devices.COCKPITMECHANICS, device_commands.LIGHTS_Console, cockpit_args.LIGHTS_CONSOLE, 9, 0.125, false, 0)
elements["PNT_922"].sound = {{SOUND_SPRINGY2_KNOB},{SOUND_SPRINGY2_KNOB}}

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elements["PNT_925"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("Formation Light Intensity"), devices.COCKPITMECHANICS, device_commands.LIGHTS_Formation, cockpit_args.LIGHTS_FORMATION, 9, 0.125, false, 0)
elements["PNT_925"].sound = {{SOUND_SPRINGY2_KNOB},{SOUND_SPRINGY2_KNOB}}

--Light panel RIO
elements["PNT_194"] = default_3_position_tumb(_("Red Flood Light"), devices.COCKPITMECHANICS, device_commands.LIGHTS_RedFlood_RIO, cockpit_args.LIGHT_RedFloodSwitch_RIO, false, true)
elements["PNT_159"] = default_3_position_tumb(_("White Flood Light"), devices.COCKPITMECHANICS, device_commands.LIGHTS_WhiteFlood_RIO, cockpit_args.LIGHT_WhiteFloodSwitch_RIO, false, true)
elements["PNT_193"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("Instrument Light Intensity"), devices.COCKPITMECHANICS, device_commands.LIGHTS_Instruments_RIO, cockpit_args.LIGHTS_INSTRUMENT_RIO, 9, 0.125, false, 0)
elements["PNT_193"].sound = {{SOUND_SPRINGY2_KNOB},{SOUND_SPRINGY2_KNOB}}
elements["PNT_192"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("Console Light Intensity"), devices.COCKPITMECHANICS, device_commands.LIGHTS_Console_RIO, cockpit_args.LIGHTS_CONSOLE_RIO, 9, 0.125, false, 0)
elements["PNT_192"].sound = {{SOUND_SPRINGY2_KNOB},{SOUND_SPRINGY2_KNOB}}

-- DISPLAY Panel: Power
elements["PNT_1010"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("VDI Power On/Off"),devices.VDI, device_commands.DISP_VDI_power, cockpit_args.DISP_VDI_power)
elements["PNT_1009"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("HUD Power On/Off"),devices.HUD, device_commands.DISP_HUD_power, cockpit_args.DISP_HUD_power)
elements["PNT_1008"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("HSD/ECMD Power On/Off"),devices.HSD, device_commands.DISP_HSD_ECMD_power, cockpit_args.DISP_HSD_ECMD_power)

-- DISPLAY Panel: Steer CMD
elements["PNT_1002"] = default_displaybutton(_("Navigation Steer Commands: TACAN"), devices.NAV_INTERFACE, device_commands.NAV_Btn_Steer_TCN, cockpit_args.NAV_Btn_Steer_TCN)
elements["PNT_1003"] = default_displaybutton(_("Navigation Steer Commands: Destination"), devices.NAV_INTERFACE, device_commands.NAV_Btn_Steer_DEST, cockpit_args.NAV_Btn_Steer_DEST)
elements["PNT_1004"] = default_displaybutton(_("Navigation Steer Commands: AWL PCD"), devices.NAV_INTERFACE, device_commands.NAV_Btn_Steer_AWL_PCD, cockpit_args.NAV_Btn_Steer_AWL_PCD)
elements["PNT_1005"] = default_displaybutton(_("Navigation Steer Commands: Vector"), devices.NAV_INTERFACE, device_commands.NAV_Btn_Steer_VEC, cockpit_args.NAV_Btn_Steer_VEC)
elements["PNT_1006"] = default_displaybutton(_("Navigation Steer Commands: Manual"), devices.NAV_INTERFACE, device_commands.NAV_Btn_Steer_MAN, cockpit_args.NAV_Btn_Steer_MAN)

elements["PNT_1016"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("HSD Display Mode"), devices.HSD, device_commands.HSD_Display_Mode_Cycle, cockpit_args.HSD_Display_Mode_Cycle)
elements["PNT_1017"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("HSD ECM Override"), devices.HSD, device_commands.HSD_ECM_Override, cockpit_args.HSD_ECM_Override)

-- HSD
elements["PNT_1039"] = default_axis(_("HSD Selected Heading"), devices.HSD, device_commands.HSD_Knob_Heading, cockpit_args.HSD_Knob_Heading, 0, 0.0194, false, true)
elements["PNT_1040"] = default_axis(_("HSD Selected Course"), devices.HSD, device_commands.HSD_Knob_Course, cockpit_args.HSD_Knob_Course, 0, 0.0194, false, true)
--elements["PNT_1040"] = default_axis_old(_("HSD Selected Course"), devices.HSD, device_commands.HSD_Knob_Course, cockpit_args.HSD_Knob_Course, 0, 0.05818, true, false, true)
elements["PNT_1043"] = default_axis(_("HSD Brightness"), devices.HSD, device_commands.HSD_Knob_Brightness, cockpit_args.HSD_Knob_Brightness, 0, 0.1, false, false)
elements["PNT_1041"] = default_button(_("HSD Test"), devices.HSD, device_commands.HSD_Btn_Test, cockpit_args.HSD_Test)

elements["PNT_2023"] = default_axis(_("ECMD Brightness"), devices.ECMD, device_commands.ECMD_Knob_Brightness, cockpit_args.ECMD_Knob_Brightness, 0, 0.1, true, false)
elements["PNT_2024"] = default_button(_("ECMD Test"), devices.ECMD, device_commands.ECMD_Btn_Test, cockpit_args.ECMD_Btn_Test)
--elements["PNT_ECMD_KNOB"] = BIT button

-- ECMD Panel
--elements["PNT_189"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("ECM Display Mode"), devices.ECMD, device_commands.ECMD_Mode_Cycle, cockpit_args.ECMD_Mode_SW)
--elements["PNT_156"] = default_3_position_tumb(_("ECM Display Override"), devices.ECMD, device_commands.ECMD_Override_Cycle, cockpit_args.ECMD_Override_SW, false, false)
--elements["PNT_168"] = default_3_position_tumb(_("ECM Display Corr"), devices.ECMD, device_commands.ECMD_Corr_Cycle, cockpit_args.ECMD_Corr_SW, false, false)
--elements["PNT_190"] = default_3_position_tumb(_("ECM Display Data/ADF"), devices.ECMD, device_commands.ECMD_Data_ADF_Cycle, cockpit_args.ECMD_Data_ADF_SW, false, false)

elements["PNT_292"] = default_button(_("TACAN CMD Button"), devices.TACAN, device_commands.TACAN_CMD_Btn_Pilot, cockpit_args.PILOT_TACAN_Button)
elements["PNT_135"] = default_button(_("TACAN CMD Button"), devices.TACAN, device_commands.TACAN_CMD_Btn_RIO, cockpit_args.TACAN_CMD_Btn_RIO)

-- TACAN Pilot Panel
elements["PNT_2041"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("TACAN Mode"), devices.TACAN, device_commands.TACAN_Knob_Func_Pilot, cockpit_args.TACAN_Knob_Func_Pilot, 5, 0.25, false)
elements["PNT_2036"] = default_axis(_("TACAN Volume"), devices.TACAN, device_commands.TACAN_Knob_Vol_Pilot, cockpit_args.TACAN_Knob_Vol_Pilot, 0, 0.1, false, false)
elements["PNT_2042"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("TACAN Mode Normal/Inverse"), devices.TACAN, device_commands.TACAN_Mode_Norm_Inv_Pilot, cockpit_args.TACAN_Mode_Norm_Inv_Pilot)
elements["PNT_2042"].arg_lim = {{-1,1},{-1,1}}
elements["PNT_2042"].arg_value = {2,-2}
elements["PNT_2043"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("TACAN Channel X/Y"), devices.TACAN, device_commands.TACAN_Mode_X_Y_Pilot, cockpit_args.TACAN_Mode_X_Y_Pilot)
elements["PNT_2043"].arg_lim = {{-1,1},{-1,1}}
elements["PNT_2043"].arg_value = {2,-2}

elements["PNT_2115"] = default_button(_("TACAN BIT"), devices.TACAN, device_commands.TACAN_Btn_BIT_Pilot, cockpit_args.TACAN_Btn_BIT_Pilot)
elements["PNT_TACAN_OUTER_TWIST_PILOT"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("TACAN Channel Wheel (Tens)"), devices.TACAN, device_commands.TACAN_Knob_Chnl_Tens_Pilot, cockpit_args.TACAN_Dial_Outer_Pilot, 13, 1/12, false, 0)

elements["PNT_TACAN_LEVER_PILOT"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("TACAN Channel Lever (Ones)"), devices.TACAN, device_commands.TACAN_Knob_Chnl_Ones_Pilot, cockpit_args.TACAN_Dial_Inner_Pilot, 10, 1/9, false, 0)
-- TACAN RIO Panel
elements["PNT_374"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("TACAN Mode"), devices.TACAN, device_commands.TACAN_Knob_Func_RIO, cockpit_args.TACAN_Knob_Func_RIO, 5, 0.25, false)
elements["PNT_375"] = default_axis(_("TACAN Volume"), devices.TACAN, device_commands.TACAN_Knob_Vol_RIO, cockpit_args.TACAN_Knob_Vol_RIO, 0, 0.1, false, false)
elements["PNT_373"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("TACAN Mode Normal/Inverse"), devices.TACAN, device_commands.TACAN_Mode_Norm_Inv_RIO, cockpit_args.TACAN_Mode_Norm_Inv_RIO)
elements["PNT_372"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("TACAN Channel X/Y"), devices.TACAN, device_commands.TACAN_Mode_X_Y_RIO, cockpit_args.TACAN_Mode_X_Y_RIO)
elements["PNT_371"] = default_button(_("TACAN BIT"), devices.TACAN, device_commands.TACAN_Btn_BIT_RIO, cockpit_args.TACAN_Btn_BIT_RIO)
elements["PNT_TACAN_OUTER_TWIST_RIO"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("TACAN Channel Wheel (Tens)"), devices.TACAN, device_commands.TACAN_Knob_Chnl_Tens_RIO, cockpit_args.TACAN_Dial_Outer_RIO, 13, 1/12, false, 0)
elements["PNT_8890"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("TACAN Channel Lever (Ones)"), devices.TACAN, device_commands.TACAN_Knob_Chnl_Ones_RIO, cockpit_args.TACAN_Dial_Inner_RIO, 10, 1/9, false, 0)

-- AN/ARA-63 Panel
elements["PNT_910"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("AN/ARA-63 Power Switch"), devices.ILS, device_commands.ARA63_Power_Switch, cockpit_args.ARA63_Power_Switch)
elements["PNT_911"] = default_button(_("AN/ARA-63 BIT Button"), devices.ILS, device_commands.ARA63_BIT_Btn, cockpit_args.ARA63_BIT_Btn)
elements["PNT_912"] = multiposition_switch(_("AN/ARA-63 Channel Knob"), devices.ILS, device_commands.ARA63_Chnl_Knob, cockpit_args.ARA63_Chnl_Knob, 20, 1/19, false, 0)

-- Pilot TONE VOLUME panel
-- elements["PNT_2040"] = default_axis(_("ALR-45 Volume"), devices.ICS, device_commands.RADIO_ICS_Vol_ALR45, cockpit_args.RADIO_ICS_Vol_ALR45, 0, 0.1, false, false)
-- elements["PNT_2039"] = default_axis(_("ALR-50 Volume"), devices.ICS, device_commands.RADIO_ICS_Vol_ALR50, cockpit_args.RADIO_ICS_Vol_ALR50, 0, 0.1, false, false)
elements["PNT_2040"] = default_axis(_("ALR-67 Volume"), devices.ICS, device_commands.RADIO_ICS_Vol_ALR67_Pilot, cockpit_args.RADIO_ICS_Vol_ALR67_Pilot, 0, 0.1, false, false)
elements["PNT_2039"] = default_axis(_("Sidewinder Volume"), devices.ICS, device_commands.RADIO_ICS_Vol_Sidewinder, cockpit_args.RADIO_ICS_Vol_Sidewinder, 0, 0.1, false, false)

-- ICS Pilot
elements["PNT_2047"] = default_axis(_("ICS Volume"), devices.ICS, device_commands.RADIO_ICS_Vol_Pilot, cockpit_args.RADIO_ICS_Vol_Pilot, 0, 0.1, false, false)
elements["PNT_2045"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("ICS Amplifier Selector"), devices.ICS, device_commands.RADIO_ICS_Ampl_Pilot, cockpit_args.RADIO_ICS_Ampl_Pilot, 3, 0.5, false)
elements["PNT_2044"] = default_3_position_tumb(_("ICS Function Selector"), devices.ICS, device_commands.RADIO_ICS_Func_Pilot, cockpit_args.RADIO_ICS_Func_Pilot, false, true)

elements["PNT_400"] = default_axis(_("ICS Volume"), devices.ICS, device_commands.RADIO_ICS_Vol_RIO, cockpit_args.RADIO_ICS_Vol_RIO, 0, 0.1, false, false)
elements["PNT_401"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("ICS Amplifier Selector"), devices.ICS, device_commands.RADIO_ICS_Ampl_RIO, cockpit_args.RADIO_ICS_Ampl_RIO, 3, 0.5, false)
elements["PNT_402"] = default_3_position_tumb(_("ICS Function Selector"), devices.ICS, device_commands.RADIO_ICS_Func_RIO, cockpit_args.RADIO_ICS_Func_RIO, false, true)
elements["PNT_381"] = default_3_position_tumb(_("XMTR SEL Switch"), devices.ICS, device_commands.RADIO_ICS_XMTR_SEL_RIO, cockpit_args.RADIO_ICS_XMTR_SEL_RIO, false, true)
elements["PNT_380"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("V/UHF 2 ANT Switch"), devices.ICS, device_commands.RIO_UHF_UPR_LWR, cockpit_args.RIO_UHF_UPR_LWR, false, true)
elements["PNT_382"] = default_3_position_tumb(_("KY MODE Switch"), devices.ICS, device_commands.RIO_KY_MODE, cockpit_args.RIO_KY_MODE, false, true)

-- UHF ARC-159
elements["PNT_2033"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("UHF ARC-159 Freq Mode"), devices.ARC159, device_commands.RADIO_UHF_FREQ_MODE_Pilot, cockpit_args.RADIO_UHF_FREQ_MODE_Pilot, 3, 0.5, true)
elements["PNT_2033"].sound = {{SOUND_PLASTICY_KNOB},{SOUND_PLASTICY_KNOB}}
elements["PNT_2034"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("UHF ARC-159 Function"), devices.ARC159, device_commands.RADIO_UHF_FUNC_Pilot, cockpit_args.RADIO_UHF_FUNC_Pilot, 4, 0.333333, false)
elements["PNT_2034"].sound = {{SOUND_PLASTICY_KNOB},{SOUND_PLASTICY_KNOB}}
elements["PNT_2032"] = multiposition_switch_springy(_("UHF ARC-159 Preset Channel Selector"), devices.ARC159, device_commands.RADIO_UHF_CHAN_Pilot, cockpit_args.RADIO_UHF_CHAN_Pilot, 12, 0.0833333333, false)

elements["PNT_2035"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("UHF ARC-159 Squelch Switch"), devices.ARC159, device_commands.RADIO_UHF_SQL_Pilot, cockpit_args.RADIO_UHF_SQL_Pilot)

elements["PNT_2030"] = default_springloaded_3pos_switch_tiny(_("UHF ARC-159 100MHz & 10MHz"), devices.ARC159, device_commands.RADIO_UHF_FREQ_HUNDRED_TEN_Pilot, device_commands.RADIO_UHF_FREQ_HUNDRED_TEN_Pilot, -1, 0, 1, cockpit_args.RADIO_UHF_FREQ_HUNDRED_TEN_Pilot)
elements["PNT_2029"] = default_springloaded_3pos_switch_tiny(_("UHF ARC-159 1MHz"), devices.ARC159, device_commands.RADIO_UHF_FREQ_UNIT_Pilot, device_commands.RADIO_UHF_FREQ_UNIT_Pilot, -1, 0, 1, cockpit_args.RADIO_UHF_FREQ_UNIT_Pilot)
elements["PNT_2028"] = default_springloaded_3pos_switch_tiny(_("UHF ARC-159 0.1MHz"), devices.ARC159, device_commands.RADIO_UHF_FREQ_TEHTH_Pilot, device_commands.RADIO_UHF_FREQ_TEHTH_Pilot, -1, 0, 1, cockpit_args.RADIO_UHF_FREQ_TEHTH_Pilot)
elements["PNT_2026"] = default_springloaded_3pos_switch_tiny(_("UHF ARC-159 0.025MHz"), devices.ARC159, device_commands.RADIO_UHF_FREQ_HUNDREDTH_Pilot, device_commands.RADIO_UHF_FREQ_HUNDREDTH_Pilot, -1, 0, 1, cockpit_args.RADIO_UHF_FREQ_HUNDREDTH_Pilot)

elements["PNT_8115"] = default_button(_("UHF ARC-159 Read"), devices.ARC159, device_commands.RADIO_UHF_READ_Pilot, cockpit_args.RADIO_UHF_READ_Pilot)

elements["PNT_2031"] = default_axis(_("UHF ARC-159 Volume Pilot"), devices.ARC159, device_commands.RADIO_UHF_VOL_Pilot, cockpit_args.RADIO_UHF_VOL_Pilot, 0, 0.1, false, false)
elements["PNT_383"] = default_axis(_("UHF ARC-159 Volume RIO"), devices.ARC159, device_commands.RADIO_UHF_VOL_RIO, cockpit_args.RADIO_UHF_VOL_RIO, 0, 0.1, false, false)
elements["PNT_2027"] = default_axis(_("UHF ARC-159 Display Brightness"), devices.ARC159, device_commands.RADIO_UHF_BRT_Pilot, cockpit_args.RADIO_UHF_BRT_Pilot, 0, 0.1, false, false)

elements["PNT_16009"] = default_button(_("UHF ARC-159 Load"), devices.ARC159, device_commands.RADIO_UHF_LOAD_Pilot, cockpit_args.RADIO_UHF_LOAD_Pilot)
elements["PNT_16010"] = default_button(_("UHF ARC-159 Tone"), devices.ARC159, device_commands.RADIO_UHF_TONE_Pilot, cockpit_args.RADIO_UHF_TONE_Pilot)

-- UHF ARC-159 End

-- VHF/UHF ARC-182
elements["PNT_RIO_UHF_OUTER"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("VHF/UHF ARC-182 Freq Mode"), devices.ARC182, device_commands.RADIO_VHF_FREQ_MODE_RIO, cockpit_args.RADIO_VHF_FREQ_MODE_RIO, 6, 0.2, false)
elements["PNT_358"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("VHF/UHF ARC-182 MODE"), devices.ARC182, device_commands.RADIO_VHF_FUNC_RIO, cockpit_args.RADIO_VHF_FUNC_RIO, 5, 0.25, false)
elements["PNT_352"] = multiposition_switch(_("VHF/UHF ARC-182 Preset Channel Selector"), devices.ARC182, device_commands.RADIO_VHF_CHAN_RIO, cockpit_args.RADIO_VHF_CHAN_RIO, 12, 0.0833333333, false)
elements["PNT_359"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("VHF/UHF ARC-182 FM/AM Switch"), devices.ARC182, device_commands.RADIO_VHF_FM_AM_RIO, cockpit_args.RADIO_VHF_FM_AM_RIO)

elements["PNT_351"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("VHF/UHF ARC-182 Squelch Switch"), devices.ARC182, device_commands.RADIO_VHF_SQL_RIO, cockpit_args.RADIO_VHF_SQL_RIO)

elements["PNT_354"] = default_springloaded_3pos_switch(_("VHF/UHF ARC-182 100MHz & 10MHz"), devices.ARC182, device_commands.RADIO_VHF_FREQ_HUNDRED_TEN_RIO, device_commands.RADIO_VHF_FREQ_HUNDRED_TEN_RIO, -1, 0, 1, cockpit_args.RADIO_VHF_FREQ_HUNDRED_TEN_RIO)
elements["PNT_355"] = default_springloaded_3pos_switch(_("VHF/UHF ARC-182 1MHz"), devices.ARC182, device_commands.RADIO_VHF_FREQ_UNIT_RIO, device_commands.RADIO_VHF_FREQ_UNIT_RIO, -1, 0, 1, cockpit_args.RADIO_VHF_FREQ_UNIT_RIO)
elements["PNT_356"] = default_springloaded_3pos_switch(_("VHF/UHF ARC-182 0.1MHz"), devices.ARC182, device_commands.RADIO_VHF_FREQ_TEHTH_RIO, device_commands.RADIO_VHF_FREQ_TEHTH_RIO, -1, 0, 1, cockpit_args.RADIO_VHF_FREQ_TEHTH_RIO)
elements["PNT_357"] = default_springloaded_3pos_switch(_("VHF/UHF ARC-182 0.025MHz"), devices.ARC182, device_commands.RADIO_VHF_FREQ_HUNDREDTH_RIO, device_commands.RADIO_VHF_FREQ_HUNDREDTH_RIO, -1, 0, 1, cockpit_args.RADIO_VHF_FREQ_HUNDREDTH_RIO)

elements["PNT_350"] = default_axis(_("VHF/UHF ARC-182 Volume RIO"), devices.ARC182, device_commands.RADIO_VHF_VOL_RIO, cockpit_args.RADIO_VHF_VOL_RIO, 0, 0.1, false, false)
elements["PNT_2038"] = default_axis(_("VHF/UHF ARC-182 Volume Pilot"), devices.ARC182, device_commands.RADIO_VHF_VOL_PILOT, cockpit_args.RADIO_VHF_VOL_PILOT, 0, 0.1, false, false)
elements["PNT_360"] = default_axis(_("VHF/UHF ARC-182 Display Brightness"), devices.ARC182, device_commands.RADIO_VHF_BRT_RIO, cockpit_args.RADIO_VHF_BRT_RIO, 0, 0.1, false, false)
-- VHF/UHF ARC-182 End

-- KY-28
elements["PNT_116"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("KY-28 Power Mode"), devices.ICS, device_commands.RADIO_KY28_POWER_MODE, cockpit_args.RADIO_KY28_POWER_MODE, 3, 0.5, false)
elements["PNT_115"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("KY-28 Radio Selector"), devices.ICS, device_commands.RADIO_KY28_RADIO_SELECTOR, cockpit_args.RADIO_KY28_RADIO_SELECTOR, 3, 0.5, true)
elements["PNT_150"] = default_flipcover(_("KY-28 ZEROIZE Cover"), devices.ICS, device_commands.RADIO_KY28_ZEROIZE_COVER, cockpit_args.RADIO_KY28_ZEROIZE_COVER)
elements["PNT_361"] = default_button(_("KY-28 ZEROIZE"), devices.ICS, device_commands.RADIO_KY28_ZEROIZE, cockpit_args.RADIO_KY28_ZEROIZE)

-- UHF/VHF/UHF Pilot/RIO Remote Display
elements["PNT_1031"] = default_axis(_("UHF Radio Remote Display Brightness"), devices.ARC159, device_commands.RADIO_UHF_Remote_DISP_BRT_Pilot, cockpit_args.RADIO_UHF_Remote_DISP_BRT_Pilot, 1.0, 0.1, true, false)
elements["PNT_406"] = default_axis(_("UHF Radio Remote Display Brightness"), devices.ARC159, device_commands.RADIO_UHF_Remote_DISP_BRT_RIO, cockpit_args.RIO_UHF_REMOTE_DIM, 1.0, 0.1, true, false)
elements["PNT_1030"] = default_axis(_("VHF/UHF Radio Remote Display Brightness"), devices.ARC182, device_commands.RADIO_VHF_Remote_DISP_BRT_Pilot, cockpit_args.RADIO_VHF_Remote_DISP_BRT_Pilot, 1.0, 0.1, true, false)
elements["UHF_BIT_TEST"] = default_button(_("UHF Radio Remote Display Test"), devices.ARC159, device_commands.RADIO_UHF_Remote_DISP_TEST_Pilot, cockpit_args.UHF_Test_Button_Pilot)
elements["PNT_405"] = default_button(_("UHF Radio Remote Display Test"), devices.ARC159, device_commands.RADIO_UHF_Remote_DISP_TEST_RIO, cockpit_args.RIO_UHF_REMOTE_TEST)
elements["VHF_BIT_TEST"] = default_button(_("VHF/UHF Radio Remote Display Test"), devices.ARC182, device_commands.RADIO_VHF_Remote_DISP_TEST_Pilot, cockpit_args.VHF_Test_Button_Pilot)
-- End UHF/VHF/UHF Pilot/RIO Remote Display

-- DECM Panel
elements["PNT_151"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("DECM ALQ-100 Power/Mode"), devices.DECM, device_commands.DECM_Mode_Knob, cockpit_args.DECM_Mode_Knob, 6, 0.2, false)
elements["PNT_9950"] = default_axis(_("DECM ALQ-100 Volume"), devices.DECM, device_commands.DECM_Vol_Knob, cockpit_args.DECM_Vol_Knob, 0, 0.1, false, false)

-- RWR Control Panel ALR-67
elements["PNT_16011"] = default_axis(_("AN/ALR-67 Display Brightness"), devices.RWR, device_commands.RWR_Brightness_Pilot, cockpit_args.RWR_Brightness_Pilot, 1.0, 0.1, true, false)
elements["PNT_376"] = default_axis(_("AN/ALR-67 Display Brightness"), devices.RWR, device_commands.RWR_Brightness_RIO, cockpit_args.RWR_Brightness_RIO, 1.0, 0.1, true, false)
elements["PNT_2136"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("AN/ALR-67 Display Type"), devices.RWR, device_commands.RWR_DISPLAY_TYPE, cockpit_args.ALR67_RIO_RWR_DISPLAY_TYPE, 5, 0.25, false)

elements["PNT_2137"] = default_springloaded_3pos_switch(_("AN/ALR-67 Mode"), devices.RWR, device_commands.RWR_DISPLAY_MODE, device_commands.RWR_DISPLAY_MODE, -1, 0, 1, cockpit_args.ALR67_RIO_RWR_MODE)
elements["PNT_2140"] = default_springloaded_3pos_switch(_("AN/ALR-67 Test"), devices.RWR, device_commands.RWR_TEST_SWITCH, device_commands.RWR_TEST_SWITCH, -1, 0, 1, cockpit_args.ALR67_RIO_RWR_TEST)
elements["PNT_2139"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("AN/ALR-67 Power"), devices.RWR, device_commands.RWR_POWER, cockpit_args.ALR67_RIO_RWR_PWR)
elements["PNT_2138"] = default_axis(_("AN/ALR-67 Volume"), devices.ICS, device_commands.RWR_ALR67_Volume, cockpit_args.ALR67_RIO_RWR_VOL, 1.0, 0.1, true, false)

-- AN/ALE-39 Mode Panel
elements["PNT_390"] = default_3_position_tumb(_("AN/ALE-37 Power/Mode"), devices.COUNTERMEASURES, device_commands.CMDS_Master_Mode_SW, cockpit_args.CMDS_Master_Mode_SW, false, true)
elements["PNT_389"] = default_springloaded_3pos_switch(_("AN/ALE-37 Chaff Dispense"), devices.COUNTERMEASURES, device_commands.CMDS_Chaff_Oper_SW, device_commands.CMDS_Chaff_Oper_SW, -1, 0, 1, cockpit_args.CMDS_Chaff_Oper_SW)
elements["PNT_388"] = default_springloaded_3pos_switch(_("AN/ALE-37 Flare Dispense"), devices.COUNTERMEASURES, device_commands.CMDS_Flare_Oper_SW, device_commands.CMDS_Flare_Oper_SW, -1, 0, 1, cockpit_args.CMDS_Flare_Oper_SW)
elements["PNT_387"] = default_springloaded_3pos_switch(_("AN/ALE-37 Jammer Dispense"), devices.COUNTERMEASURES, device_commands.CMDS_Jammer_Oper_SW, device_commands.CMDS_Jammer_Oper_SW, -1, 0, 1, cockpit_args.CMDS_Jammer_Oper_SW)
elements["PNT_398"] = default_3_position_tumb(_("AN/ALE-37 Flare Mode"), devices.COUNTERMEASURES, device_commands.CMDS_Flare_Mode_SW, cockpit_args.CMDS_Flare_Mode_SW, false, true)
elements["PNT_391"] = default_button(_("AN/ALE-37 Flare Salvo"), devices.COUNTERMEASURES, device_commands.CMDS_Flare_Salvo_SW, cockpit_args.CMDS_Flare_Salvo_SW)

elements["PNT_386"] = default_axis(_("AN/ALE-37 Chaff Counter"),devices.COUNTERMEASURES, device_commands.CMDS_Chaff_Counter_Control, cockpit_args.CMDS_Chaff_Counter_Control, 1.0, 1.0, false, true)
elements["PNT_385"] = default_axis(_("AN/ALE-37 Flare Counter"),devices.COUNTERMEASURES, device_commands.CMDS_Flare_Counter_Control, cockpit_args.CMDS_Flare_Counter_Control, 1.0, 1.0, false, true)
elements["PNT_399"] = default_axis(_("AN/ALE-37 Jammer Counter"),devices.COUNTERMEASURES, device_commands.CMDS_Jammer_Counter_Control, cockpit_args.CMDS_Jammer_Counter_Control, 1.0, 1.0, false, true)

-- AN/ALE-39 Program Panel
elements["PNT_206"] = multiposition_roller_limited(_("AN/ALE-37 L10 Load Type"), devices.COUNTERMEASURES, device_commands.CMDS_L10_Wheel, cockpit_args.CMDS_L10_Wheel, 3, false)
elements["PNT_207"] = multiposition_roller_limited(_("AN/ALE-37 L20 Load Type"), devices.COUNTERMEASURES, device_commands.CMDS_L20_Wheel, cockpit_args.CMDS_L20_Wheel, 3, false)
elements["PNT_209"] = multiposition_roller_limited(_("AN/ALE-37 R10 Load Type"), devices.COUNTERMEASURES, device_commands.CMDS_R10_Wheel, cockpit_args.CMDS_R10_Wheel, 3, false)
elements["PNT_208"] = multiposition_roller_limited(_("AN/ALE-37 R20 Load Type"), devices.COUNTERMEASURES, device_commands.CMDS_R20_Wheel, cockpit_args.CMDS_R20_Wheel, 3, false)

elements["PNT_214"] = multiposition_roller_limited(_("AN/ALE-37 Chaff Burst Quantity"), devices.COUNTERMEASURES, device_commands.CMDS_Chaff_Burst_Qty_Wheel, cockpit_args.CMDS_Chaff_Burst_Qty_Wheel, 6, false)
elements["PNT_215"] = multiposition_roller_limited(_("AN/ALE-37 Chaff Burst Interval"), devices.COUNTERMEASURES, device_commands.CMDS_Chaff_Burst_Intv_Wheel, cockpit_args.CMDS_Chaff_Burst_Intv_Wheel, 6, false)

elements["PNT_203"] = multiposition_roller_limited(_("AN/ALE-37 Chaff Salvo Quantity"), devices.COUNTERMEASURES, device_commands.CMDS_Chaff_Salvo_Qty_Wheel, cockpit_args.CMDS_Chaff_Salvo_Qty_Wheel, 7, false)
elements["PNT_202"] = multiposition_roller_limited(_("AN/ALE-37 Chaff Salvo Interval"), devices.COUNTERMEASURES, device_commands.CMDS_Chaff_Salvo_Intv_Wheel, cockpit_args.CMDS_Chaff_Salvo_Intv_Wheel, 5, false)

elements["PNT_205"] = multiposition_roller_limited(_("AN/ALE-37 Flare Quantity"), devices.COUNTERMEASURES, device_commands.CMDS_Flare_Qty_Wheel, cockpit_args.CMDS_Flare_Qty_Wheel, 6, false)
elements["PNT_210"] = multiposition_roller_limited(_("AN/ALE-37 Flare Interval"), devices.COUNTERMEASURES, device_commands.CMDS_Flare_Intv_Wheel, cockpit_args.CMDS_Flare_Intv_Wheel, 5, false)

elements["PNT_204"] = multiposition_roller_limited(_("AN/ALE-37 Jammer Quantity"), devices.COUNTERMEASURES, device_commands.CMDS_JAMR_Qty, cockpit_args.CMDS_JAMR_Qty, 4, false)
elements["PNT_211"] = multiposition_roller_limited(_("AN/ALE-37 Jammer Interval Units"), devices.COUNTERMEASURES, device_commands.CMDS_JAMR_Intv_1, cockpit_args.CMDS_JAMR_Intv_1, 10, false)
elements["PNT_212"] = multiposition_roller_limited(_("AN/ALE-37 Jammer Interval Tens"), devices.COUNTERMEASURES, device_commands.CMDS_JAMR_Intv_10, cockpit_args.CMDS_JAMR_Intv_10, 10, false)
elements["PNT_213"] = multiposition_roller_limited(_("AN/ALE-37 Jammer Interval Hundreds"), devices.COUNTERMEASURES, device_commands.CMDS_JAMR_Intv_100, cockpit_args.CMDS_JAMR_Intv_100, 10, false)

elements["PNT_216"] = default_button(_("AN/ALE-37 Programmer Reset"), devices.COUNTERMEASURES, device_commands.CMDS_Programmer_Reset, cockpit_args.CMDS_Programmer_Reset)

-- INS
elements["PNT_50"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("Navigation Mode"), devices.INS, device_commands.TID_nav_mode, cockpit_args.TID_nav_mode, 7, 0.1666667, false)
elements["PNT_51"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("Destination Mode"), devices.NAV_INTERFACE, device_commands.TID_dest_mode, cockpit_args.TID_dest_mode, 8, 0.142857, false) -- 1/7
-- AHRS / compass
elements["PNT_904"] = {
class = {class_type.BTN, class_type.LEV},
hint = _("Compass HDG Slave Knob/nPush (Left Mouse Button) and rotate (Right Mouse Button)"),
device = devices.AHRS,
action = {device_commands.AHRS_HDG_PushButton, device_commands.AHRS_HDG_Rotate},
arg = {cockpit_args.AHRS_HDG_PushButton, cockpit_args.AHRS_HDG_Rotate },
arg_value = {1.0, 1.0},
arg_lim = {{0.0, 1.0}, {-1.0, 1.0} },
relative = {false, false},
gain = {2.5, 0.08 },
use_release_message = {true, true},
updatable = true,
cycle 	=  {true, false},
animated 	 = {false, false},
animation_speed = {0.0, 0.0},
stop_action = {device_commands.AHRS_HDG_PushButton, 0},
stop_value 	= {0.0,	0.0},
use_OBB = true }

elements["PNT_905"] = default_3_position_tumb(_("Compass Mode"), devices.AHRS, device_commands.AHRS_ModeSwitch, cockpit_args.AHRS_ModeSwitch, false, true)
elements["PNT_905"].sound = {{SOUND_SPRINGY2_KNOB},{SOUND_SPRINGY2_KNOB}}

elements["PNT_906"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Compass N-S Hemisphere"), devices.AHRS, device_commands.AHRS_NorthSouth, cockpit_args.AHRS_NorthSouth)
elements["PNT_909"] = default_axis(_("Compass LAT Correction"), devices.AHRS, device_commands.AHRS_LatCorrection, cockpit_args.AHRS_LatCorrection, 0, 0.011, false, false)

-- Copied temp so easy to copy: (I'm lazy, sue me)
--elements["PNT_926"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("EMERG GEN switch"),devices.ELECTRICS, device_commands.EMERG_GEN_Switch, 926)
--elements["PNT_1073"] = default_3_position_tumb(_("Refuel Probe"), devices.FUELSYSTEM, device_commands.FUELSYSTEM_Refuel_Probe, 1073, false, false)

-- Spoiler Overrides
elements["PNT_902"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Inboard Spoiler Override Cover"),devices.ELECTRICS, device_commands.SPOIL_Inboard_Override_Cover, cockpit_args.SPOIL_Inboard_Override_Cover)
elements["PNT_903"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Outboard Spoiler Override Cover"),devices.ELECTRICS, device_commands.SPOIL_Outboard_Override_Cover, cockpit_args.SPOIL_Outboard_Override_Cover)
elements["PNT_908"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Inboard Spoiler Override"),devices.ELECTRICS, device_commands.SPOIL_Inboard_Override, cockpit_args.SPOIL_Inboard_Override)
elements["PNT_907"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Outboard Spoiler Override"),devices.ELECTRICS, device_commands.SPOIL_Outboard_Override, cockpit_args.SPOIL_Outboard_Override)

-- Gun Elevation
elements["PNT_1000"] = default_axis(_("Gun Elevation Lead Adjustment"),devices.WEAPONS, device_commands.WEAP_Gun_Elevation, cockpit_args.WEAP_Gun_Elevation, 1.0, 0.1, true, true)

elements["PNT_1022"] = default_axis(_("Gun Ammunition Counter Adjustment"),devices.WEAPONS, device_commands.WEAP_Gun_Ammo_adjust, cockpit_args.WEAP_Gun_Ammo_adjust, 1.0, 0.1, true, true)

-- DISPLAY Panel

elements["PNT_1007"] = default_axis(_("HUD Pitch Ladder Brightness"),devices.HUD, device_commands.DISP_HUD_pitch_bright, cockpit_args.DISP_HUD_pitch_bright, 1.0, 0.1, true, false)
elements["PNT_1019"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("VDI Display Mode"),devices.VDI, device_commands.DISP_VDI_display_mode, cockpit_args.DISP_VDI_display_mode)
elements["PNT_1018"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("VDI Landing Mode"),devices.VDI, device_commands.DISP_VDI_landing_mode, cockpit_args.DISP_VDI_landing_mode)
elements["PNT_1021"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("HUD De-clutter On/Off"),devices.HUD, device_commands.DISP_HUD_declutter, cockpit_args.DISP_HUD_declutter)
elements["PNT_1020"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("HUD AWL Mode"),devices.HUD, device_commands.DISP_HUD_AWL_mode, cockpit_args.DISP_HUD_AWL_mode)

elements["PNT_1015"] = default_displaybutton(_("HUD Take-Off Mode"),devices.HUD, device_commands.DISP_mode_takeoff, cockpit_args.DISP_mode_takeoff)
elements["PNT_1014"] = default_displaybutton(_("HUD Cruise Mode"),devices.HUD, device_commands.DISP_mode_cruise, cockpit_args.DISP_mode_cruise)
elements["PNT_1013"] = default_displaybutton(_("HUD Air-to-Air Mode"),devices.HUD, device_commands.DISP_mode_air2air, cockpit_args.DISP_mode_air2air)
elements["PNT_1012"] = default_displaybutton(_("HUD Air-to-Ground Mode"),devices.HUD, device_commands.DISP_mode_air2ground, cockpit_args.DISP_mode_air2ground)
elements["PNT_1011"] = default_displaybutton(_("HUD Landing Mode"),devices.HUD, device_commands.DISP_mode_landing, cockpit_args.DISP_mode_landing)


--Stdby ADI Pilot
elements["PNT_1032"] =    {
   class = {class_type.TUMB, class_type.LEV},
   hint = _("Standby ADI Knob"),
   device = devices.STDBYAI,
   action = {device_commands.STDBYADI_uncage, device_commands.STDBYADI_trim},
   is_repeatable = {},
   arg = {cockpit_args.STDBYADI_uncage, cockpit_args.STDBYADI_trim},
   arg_value = {1.0, 0.5 },
   arg_lim = {{0, 1}, {0, 1}},
   relative = {false,false},
   gain = {1.0, 0.25},
   cycled = false,
   use_release_message = {true, false},
   use_OBB = true }

elements["PNT_RIO_STBY_ADI_PULL"] = {
   class = {class_type.TUMB, class_type.LEV},
   hint = _("Standby ADI Knob"),
   device = devices.STDBYAI,
   action = {device_commands.STDBYADI_RIO_uncage, device_commands.STDBYADI_RIO_trim},
   is_repeatable = {},
   arg = {cockpit_args.STDBYADI_RIO_uncage, cockpit_args.STDBYADI_RIO_trim},
   arg_value = {1.0, 0.5 },
   arg_lim = {{0, 1}, {0, 1}},
   relative = {false,false},
   gain = {1.0, 0.25},
   cycled = false,
   use_release_message = {true, false},
   use_OBB = true }

elements["PNT_228"] = default_button(_("Accelerometer Reset"),devices.ACCELEROMETER, device_commands.ACCEL_Reset, cockpit_args.ACCEL_Reset)

--VDI & HUD Indicator controls
elements["PNT_1033"] = default_animated_lever(_("HUD filter"), devices.HUD, device_commands.VDIG_VDI_handle, cockpit_args.VDIG_VDI_handle,8,{0.0,1.0})

elements["PNT_1034"] = default_axis(_("HUD Trim"),devices.HUD, device_commands.VDIG_HUD_trim, cockpit_args.VDIG_HUD_trim, 1.0, 0.1, true, false)
elements["PNT_1035"] = default_axis(_("VSDI Screen Trim"),devices.VDI, device_commands.VDIG_VSDI_trim, cockpit_args.VDIG_VSDI_trim, 1.0, 0.1, true, false)
elements["PNT_1038"] = default_axis(_("VDI Screen Contrast"),devices.VDI, device_commands.VDIG_VDI_contrast, cockpit_args.VDIG_VDI_contrast, 1.0, 0.1, true, false)
elements["PNT_1036"] = default_axis(_("VSDI Screen Brightness"),devices.VDI, device_commands.VDIG_VSDI_bright, cockpit_args.VDIG_VSDI_bright, 1.0, 0.1, true, false)
elements["PNT_1037"] = default_axis(_("HUD Brightness"),devices.HUD, device_commands.VDIG_HUD_bright, cockpit_args.VDIG_HUD_bright, 1.0, 0.1, true, false)
elements["PNT_VDI"] = default_button(_("VDI filter"),devices.VDI, device_commands.VDIG_VDI_filter, -1)

-- Under HUD / Master Arm / Gun/Weapons Panel
elements["PNT_1046"] = default_animated_lever(_("Master Arm Cover"), devices.WEAPONS, device_commands.WEAP_Master_Arm_Cover, cockpit_args.WEAP_Master_Arm_Cover,8,{0.0,1.0})
elements["PNT_1047"] = default_3_position_tumb(_("Master Arm Switch"),devices.WEAPONS, device_commands.WEAP_Master_Arm, cockpit_args.WEAP_Master_Arm, false, false)

elements["PNT_1049"] = default_animated_lever(_("ACM Cover"), devices.WEAPONS, device_commands.WEAP_ACM_Cover, cockpit_args.WEAP_ACM_Cover,9,{0.0,1.0}) --function default_animated_lever(hint_, device_, command_, arg_, animation_speed_,arg_lim_)


elements["PNT_1048"] = default_button(_("ACM Jettison"),devices.WEAPONS, device_commands.WEAP_ACM_Jettison, cockpit_args.WEAP_ACM_Jettison)

elements["PNT_9199"] = default_button(_("Master Caution Reset"),devices.WARNINGLIGHTS, device_commands.WLP_Master_Caution_Pilot, cockpit_args.WEAP_Master_Caution_Button)

elements["PNT_GUN_RATE"] = default_button_big(_("Gun rate"),devices.WEAPONS, device_commands.WEAP_Gun_Rate, cockpit_args.WEAP_GunRateButton)
elements["PNT_SW_COOL"] = default_button_big(_("Sidewinder cool"),devices.WEAPONS, device_commands.WEAP_SW_Cool, cockpit_args.WEAP_SWCoolButton)
elements["PNT_MSL_PREP"] = default_button_big(_("Missile prepare"),devices.WEAPONS, device_commands.WEAP_MSL_Prep, cockpit_args.WEAP_MSLPrepButton)
elements["PNT_MSL_MODE"] = default_button_big(_("Missile mode"),devices.WEAPONS, device_commands.WEAP_MSL_Mode, cockpit_args.WEAP_ModeSTPButton)
elements["PNT_239"] = default_button_big(_("Emergency stores jettison"),devices.WEAPONS, device_commands.WEAP_Emer_Jettison, cockpit_args.WEAP_Emer_Jettison)

elements["PNT_1051"] = default_axis(_("Clock Wind"), devices.CLOCK, device_commands.CLOCK_Wind, cockpit_args.CLOCK_Wind, 0.5, 0.3, true, true, true)
elements["PNT_CLOCK_RESET"] = default_button(_("Clock Timer Start/Stop/Reset"),devices.CLOCK,device_commands.CLOCK_Timer, cockpit_args.CLOCK_Timer,1)

elements["PNT_1052"] = default_axis(_("Clock Wind"), devices.CLOCK, device_commands.RIO_CLOCK_Wind, cockpit_args.RIO_CLOCK_Wind, 0.5, 0.3, true, true, true)
elements["PNT_1053"] = default_button(_("Clock Timer Start/Stop/Reset"),devices.CLOCK,device_commands.RIO_CLOCK_Timer, cockpit_args.RIO_CLOCK_Timer,1)

elements["PNT_2005"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("TID Mode"), devices.TID, device_commands.TID_mode_knob, cockpit_args.TID_mode_knob, 4, 0.33333, false)
elements["PNT_2005"].sound = {{SOUND_PLASTICY_KNOB},{SOUND_PLASTICY_KNOB}}
elements["PNT_2006"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("TID Range"), devices.TID, device_commands.TID_range_knob, cockpit_args.TID_range_knob, 5, 0.5, false, -1.0)
elements["PNT_2006"].sound = {{SOUND_PLASTICY_KNOB},{SOUND_PLASTICY_KNOB}}
elements["PNT_226"] = default_button(_("TID Non attack"), devices.TID, device_commands.TID_NON_ATTK, cockpit_args.TID_NON_ATTK)
elements["PNT_1118"] = default_button(_("TID Jam strobe"), devices.TID, device_commands.TID_JAM_STROBE, cockpit_args.TID_JAM_STROBE)
elements["PNT_1117"] = default_button(_("TID Data link"), devices.TID, device_commands.TID_DATA_LINK, cockpit_args.TID_DATA_LINK)
elements["PNT_1116"] = default_button(_("TID Sym Elem"), devices.TID, device_commands.TID_SYM_ELEM, cockpit_args.TID_SYM_ELEM)
elements["PNT_1115"] = default_button(_("TID Alt num"), devices.TID, device_commands.TID_ALT_NUM, cockpit_args.TID_ALT_NUM)
elements["PNT_2004"] = default_button(_("TID Reject Image Device disable (no function)"), devices.TID, device_commands.TID_RID_DSBL, cockpit_args.TID_RID_DSBL)
elements["PNT_2113"] = default_button(_("TID Launch zone"), devices.TID, device_commands.TID_LAUNCH_ZONE, cockpit_args.TID_LAUNCH_ZONE)
elements["PNT_2114"] = default_button(_("TID Velocity vector"), devices.TID, device_commands.TID_VEL_VECTOR, cockpit_args.TID_VEL_VECTOR)
elements["PNT_52"] = default_button(_("collision steering"), devices.TID, device_commands.TID_CLSN, cockpit_args.TID_CLSN)
elements["PNT_53"] = default_button(_("TID track hold"), devices.TID, device_commands.TID_trackhold, cockpit_args.TID_trackhold)
elements["PNT_48"] = default_axis(_("TID Brightness"),devices.TID, device_commands.TID_bright, cockpit_args.TID_bright, 1.0, 0.1, true, false)
elements["PNT_49"] = default_axis(_("TID Contrast"),devices.TID, device_commands.TID_contrast, cockpit_args.TID_contrast, 1.0, 0.1, true, false)

elements["PNT_2007"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("HCU TCS mode"),devices.HCU, device_commands.HCU_IR_TV, cockpit_args.HCU_IR_TV)
elements["PNT_2008"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("HCU radar mode"),devices.HCU, device_commands.HCU_RDR, cockpit_args.HCU_RDR)
elements["PNT_2009"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("HCU DDD mode"),devices.HCU, device_commands.HCU_DDD_cursor, cockpit_args.HCU_DDD_cursor)
elements["PNT_2010"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("HCU TID mode"),devices.HCU, device_commands.HCU_TID_cursor, cockpit_args.HCU_TID_cursor)
elements["PNT_2011"] = default_3_position_tumb(_("TV/IR switch"), devices.TCS, device_commands.HCU_TVIR_enable, cockpit_args.HCU_TVIR_enable, false, true)
elements["PNT_2012"] = default_3_position_tumb(_("WCS switch"), devices.RADAR, device_commands.HCU_WCS_enable, cockpit_args.HCU_WCS_enable, false, true)
elements["PNT_2013"] = default_button(_("Power reset"), devices.RADAR, device_commands.HCU_POWER_RESET_BUTTON, cockpit_args.HCU_POWER_RESET_BUTTON)
elements["PNT_2014"] = default_button(_("Light test"), devices.RADAR, device_commands.HCU_LIGHT_TEST_BUTTON, cockpit_args.HCU_LIGHT_TEST_BUTTON)

elements["PNT_40"] = default_button(_("RADAR 5 NM"), devices.RADAR, device_commands.RADAR_DDD_range_5, cockpit_args.RADAR_DDD_range_5)
elements["PNT_41"] = default_button(_("RADAR 10 NM"), devices.RADAR, device_commands.RADAR_DDD_range_10, cockpit_args.RADAR_DDD_range_10)
elements["PNT_42"] = default_button(_("RADAR 20 NM"), devices.RADAR, device_commands.RADAR_DDD_range_20, cockpit_args.RADAR_DDD_range_20)
elements["PNT_43"] = default_button(_("RADAR 50 NM"), devices.RADAR, device_commands.RADAR_DDD_range_50, cockpit_args.RADAR_DDD_range_50)
elements["PNT_44"] = default_button(_("RADAR 100 NM"), devices.RADAR, device_commands.RADAR_DDD_range_100, cockpit_args.RADAR_DDD_range_100)
elements["PNT_45"] = default_button(_("RADAR 200 NM"), devices.RADAR, device_commands.RADAR_DDD_range_200, cockpit_args.RADAR_DDD_range_200)
elements["PNT_DDD_CENTRw"] = default_button(_("DDD filter"),devices.RADAR, device_commands.RADAR_DDD_filter, -1)

elements["PNT_10"] = default_button(_("RADAR pulse search"), devices.RADAR, device_commands.RADAR_DDD_WCS_PSRCH, cockpit_args.RADAR_DDD_WCS_PSRCH)

elements["PNT_11"] = default_button(_("RADAR track while scan manual"), devices.RADAR, device_commands.RADAR_DDD_WCS_TWSMAN, cockpit_args.RADAR_DDD_WCS_TWSMAN)

elements["PNT_12"] = default_button(_("RADAR track while scan auto"), devices.RADAR, device_commands.RADAR_DDD_WCS_TWSAUTO, cockpit_args.RADAR_DDD_WCS_TWSAUTO)

elements["PNT_13"] = default_button(_("RADAR range while scan"), devices.RADAR, device_commands.RADAR_DDD_WCS_RWS, cockpit_args.RADAR_DDD_WCS_RWS)

elements["PNT_14"] = default_button(_("RADAR pulse doppler search"), devices.RADAR, device_commands.RADAR_DDD_WCS_PDSRCH, cockpit_args.RADAR_DDD_WCS_PDSRCH)

elements["PNT_15"] = default_button(_("RADAR pulse single target track"), devices.RADAR, device_commands.RADAR_DDD_WCS_PSTT, cockpit_args.RADAR_DDD_WCS_PSTT)

elements["PNT_9916"] = default_button(_("RADAR pulse doppler single target track"), devices.RADAR, device_commands.RADAR_DDD_WCS_PDSTT, cockpit_args.RADAR_DDD_WCS_PDSTT)

elements["PNT_17"] = default_button(_("DDD Interrogate Friend or Foe"), devices.RADAR, device_commands.RADAR_DDD_display_IFF, cockpit_args.RADAR_DDD_display_IFF)

elements["PNT_18"] = default_button(_("DDD Infrared (no function)"), devices.RADAR, device_commands.RADAR_DDD_display_IR, cockpit_args.RADAR_DDD_display_IR)

elements["PNT_19"] = default_button(_("DDD RADAR"), devices.RADAR, device_commands.RADAR_DDD_display_radar, cockpit_args.RADAR_DDD_display_radar)

elements["PNT_1812"] = default_button(_("CCM SPL (no function)"), devices.RADAR, device_commands.CCM_SPL, cockpit_args.CCM_SPL)

elements["PNT_1813"] = default_button(_("CCM ALT DIFF (no function)"), devices.RADAR, device_commands.CCM_ALT_DIFF, cockpit_args.CCM_ALT_DIFF)

elements["PNT_1814"] = default_button(_("CCM VGS (no function)"), devices.RADAR, device_commands.CCM_VGS, cockpit_args.CCM_VGS)

elements["PNT_20"] = default_axis(_("IR gain (no function)"),devices.RADAR, device_commands.RADAR_IR_gain, cockpit_args.RADAR_IR_gain, 0.5)
elements["PNT_21"] = default_axis(_("IR volume (no function)"),devices.RADAR, device_commands.RADAR_IR_volume, cockpit_args.RADAR_IR_volume, 0.5)
elements["PNT_22"] = default_axis(_("IR threshold (no function)"),devices.RADAR, device_commands.RADAR_IR_threshold, cockpit_args.RADAR_IR_threshold, 0.5)
elements["PNT_23"] = default_axis(_("Brightness"),devices.RADAR, device_commands.RADAR_DDD_bright, cockpit_args.RADAR_DDD_bright, 0.5)
elements["PNT_24"] = default_axis(_("Pulse video"),devices.RADAR, device_commands.RADAR_DDD_pulse_vid, cockpit_args.RADAR_DDD_pulse_vid, 0.5)
elements["PNT_25"] = default_axis(_("Erase"),devices.RADAR, device_commands.RADAR_DDD_erase, cockpit_args.RADAR_DDD_erase, 0.5)
elements["PNT_26"] = default_axis(_("Pulse gain"),devices.RADAR, device_commands.RADAR_DDD_pulse_gain, cockpit_args.RADAR_DDD_pulse_gain, 0.5)
elements["PNT_27"] = default_axis(_("ACM threshold (no function)"),devices.RADAR, device_commands.RADAR_ACM_thresh, cockpit_args.RADAR_ACM_thresh, 0.5)
elements["PNT_28"] = default_axis(_("JAM/JET (no function)"),devices.RADAR, device_commands.RADAR_jamjet, cockpit_args.RADAR_jamjet, 0.5)
elements["PNT_29"] = default_axis(_("PD threshold clutter"),devices.RADAR, device_commands.RADAR_PD_thresh_clutter, cockpit_args.RADAR_PD_thresh_clutter, 0.5)
elements["PNT_30"] = default_axis(_("PD threshold clear (no function)"),devices.RADAR, device_commands.RADAR_PD_thresh_clear, cockpit_args.RADAR_PD_thresh_clear, 0.5)
elements["PNT_34"] = default_3_position_tumb(_("Aspect"), devices.RADAR, device_commands.RADAR_DDD_aspect, cockpit_args.RADAR_DDD_aspect, false)
elements["PNT_35"] = default_3_position_tumb(_("Closing Velocity scale"), devices.RADAR, device_commands.RADAR_DDD_Vc_scale, cockpit_args.RADAR_DDD_Vc_scale, false)
elements["PNT_36"] = default_3_position_tumb(_("Target size (no function)"), devices.RADAR, device_commands.RADAR_DDD_tgts, cockpit_args.RADAR_DDD_tgts, false)
elements["PNT_37"] = default_3_position_tumb(_("Main Lobe Clutter filter"), devices.RADAR, device_commands.RADAR_DDD_MLC, cockpit_args.RADAR_DDD_MLC, false)
elements["PNT_38"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Automatic Gain Control (no function)"), devices.RADAR, device_commands.RADAR_DDD_AGC, cockpit_args.RADAR_DDD_AGC)
elements["PNT_38"].arg_lim  = {{-1,1},{-1,1}}
elements["PNT_38"].arg_value  = {2,-2}
elements["PNT_3900"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Parametric amplifier (no function)"), devices.RADAR, device_commands.RADAR_DDD_paramp, cockpit_args.RADAR_DDD_paramp)
elements["PNT_3900"].arg_lim  = {{-1,1},{-1,1}}
elements["PNT_3900"].arg_value  = {2,-2}
-- RIO RADAR panel
elements["PNT_79"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("Radar elevation scan"), devices.RADAR, device_commands.RADAR_elevation_bars_knob, cockpit_args.RADAR_elevation_bars_knob, 4, 0.33333, false)
elements["PNT_80"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("Radar azimuth scan"), devices.RADAR, device_commands.RADAR_azimuth_scan_knob, cockpit_args.RADAR_azimuth_scan_knob, 4, 0.33333, false)
elements["PNT_81"] = default_axis(_("Radar elevation center"),devices.RADAR, device_commands.RADAR_elevation_center_knob, cockpit_args.RADAR_elevation_center_knob, 0.0)
elements["PNT_81"].arg_lim  = {{-1,1},{-1,1}}
--elements["PNT_81"].arg_value  = {2,-2}
elements["PNT_82"] = default_axis(_("Radar azimuth center"),devices.RADAR, device_commands.RADAR_azimuth_center_knob, cockpit_args.RADAR_azimuth_center_knob, 0.0)
elements["PNT_82"].arg_lim  = {{-1,1},{-1,1}}
elements["PNT_83"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Stabilize"),devices.RADAR, device_commands.RADAR_stab_switch, cockpit_args.RADAR_stab_switch)
elements["PNT_84"] = default_springloaded_3pos_switch(_("VSL switch"), devices.RADAR, device_commands.RADAR_VSL_switch, device_commands.RADAR_VSL_switch, -1, 0, 1, cockpit_args.RADAR_VSL_switch)

-- RIO TCS controls
elements["PNT_87"] = default_3_position_tumb(_("TCS Acquisition"), devices.TCS, device_commands.TCS_ACQ_switch, cockpit_args.TCS_ACQ_switch, false, true)
elements["PNT_88"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("TCS FOV"),devices.TCS, device_commands.TCS_FOV_button, cockpit_args.TCS_FOV_button)
elements["PNT_88"].arg_lim  = {{-1,1},{-1,1}}
elements["PNT_88"].arg_value  = {2,-2}
elements["PNT_89"] = default_3_position_tumb(_("TCS Slave"), devices.TCS, device_commands.TCS_Slave_switch, cockpit_args.TCS_Slave_switch, false, true)
elements["PNT_90"] = default_3_position_tumb(_("Record power (no function)"), devices.TCS, device_commands.RECORD_power, cockpit_args.RECORD_power, false, true)
elements["PNT_91"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("Record mode (no function)"), devices.TCS, device_commands.RECORD_mode, cockpit_args.RECORD_mode, 5, 1.0/4.0, false)
elements["PNT_16016"] = default_axis(_("Record reset (no function)"), devices.TCS, device_commands.RECORD_Knob_Reset, cockpit_args.RECORD_Knob_Reset, 1.0, 0.1, true, true)

-- RIO armament panel
elements["PNT_59"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("Weapon type wheel"), devices.WEAPONS, device_commands.WEAP_Type_Wheel, cockpit_args.WEAP_Type_Wheel, 44, 1.0/43.0, false)
elements["PNT_59"].sound = {{SOUND_SPRINGY2_KNOB},{SOUND_SPRINGY2_KNOB}}

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elements["PNT_59"].animated = {true, true}
elements["PNT_59"].animation_speed = {0.4, 0.4}
elements["PNT_9960"] = multiposition_roller_limited(_("Weapon Interval x10ms"), devices.WEAPONS, device_commands.WEAP_Interval_10s, cockpit_args.WEAP_Interval_10s, 10, false)
elements["PNT_9961"] = multiposition_roller_limited(_("Weapon Interval x100ms"), devices.WEAPONS, device_commands.WEAP_Interval_100s, cockpit_args.WEAP_Interval_100s, 10, false)
elements["PNT_9962"] = multiposition_roller_limited(_("Weapon Quantity 10s"), devices.WEAPONS, device_commands.WEAP_Quantity_10s, cockpit_args.WEAP_Quantity_10s, 10, false)
elements["PNT_9962"].arg_lim = {{0,0.3333}}
elements["PNT_9963"] = multiposition_roller_limited(_("Weapon Quantity 1s"), devices.WEAPONS, device_commands.WEAP_Quantity_1s, cockpit_args.WEAP_Quantity_1s, 10, false)

elements["PNT_2022"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("Attack mode"), devices.WEAPONS, device_commands.WEAP_ATTK_Mode, cockpit_args.WEAP_ATTK_Mode, 5, 0.25, false)
elements["PNT_2022"].sound = {{SOUND_PLASTICY_KNOB},{SOUND_PLASTICY_KNOB}}
elements["PNT_58"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("Elec fuse"), devices.WEAPONS, device_commands.WEAP_Elec_Fuse, cockpit_args.WEAP_Elec_Fuse, 5, 0.25, false)
elements["PNT_72"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("Missile speed gate"), devices.WEAPONS, device_commands.WEAP_MSL_SPD_Gate, cockpit_args.WEAP_MSL_SPD_Gate, 6, 0.2, false)
elements["PNT_78"] = default_springloaded_3pos_switch(_("Selective jettison"), devices.WEAPONS, device_commands.WEAP_Selective_Jett, device_commands.WEAP_Selective_Jett, -1, 0, 1, cockpit_args.WEAP_Selective_Jett)
elements["PNT_1069"] = default_animated_lever(_("Jettison aux guard"), devices.WEAPONS, device_commands.WEAP_Selective_Jett_cover, cockpit_args.SEL_JETT_GUARD,8,{0.0,1.0})
elements["PNT_63"] = default_3_position_tumb(_("Mech fuse"), devices.WEAPONS, device_commands.WEAP_Mech_Fuse, cockpit_args.WEAP_Mech_Fuse, false)
elements["PNT_75"] = default_3_position_tumb(_("Missile option"), devices.WEAPONS, device_commands.WEAP_Missile_Option, cockpit_args.WEAP_Missile_Option, false)

elements["PNT_60"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Bomb single/pairs"),devices.WEAPONS, device_commands.WEAP_Bomb_SinglePairs, cockpit_args.WEAP_Bomb_SinglePairs)
elements["PNT_61"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Bomb step/ripple"),devices.WEAPONS, device_commands.WEAP_Bomb_StepRipple, cockpit_args.WEAP_Bomb_StepRipple)
elements["PNT_62"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("A/G gun mode"),devices.WEAPONS, device_commands.WEAP_AG_Gun, cockpit_args.WEAP_AG_Gun)
elements["PNT_66"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Jettison racks/weapons"),devices.WEAPONS, device_commands.WEAP_Jett_RackWeapons, cockpit_args.WEAP_Jett_RackWeapons)
elements["PNT_73"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Jettison left tank"),devices.WEAPONS, device_commands.WEAP_Jett_LeftTank, cockpit_args.WEAP_Jett_LeftTank)
elements["PNT_67"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Jettison right tank"),devices.WEAPONS, device_commands.WEAP_Jett_RightTank, cockpit_args.WEAP_Jett_RightTank)
elements["PNT_68"] = default_3_position_tumb(_("Jettison station 1"),devices.WEAPONS, device_commands.WEAP_Jett_Station1, cockpit_args.WEAP_Jett_Station1)
elements["PNT_65"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Jettison station 3"),devices.WEAPONS, device_commands.WEAP_Jett_Station3, cockpit_args.WEAP_Jett_Station3)
elements["PNT_69"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Jettison station 4"),devices.WEAPONS, device_commands.WEAP_Jett_Station4, cockpit_args.WEAP_Jett_Station4)
elements["PNT_70"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Jettison station 5"),devices.WEAPONS, device_commands.WEAP_Jett_Station5, cockpit_args.WEAP_Jett_Station5)
elements["PNT_64"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Jettison station 6"),devices.WEAPONS, device_commands.WEAP_Jett_Station6, cockpit_args.WEAP_Jett_Station6)
elements["PNT_71"] = default_3_position_tumb(_("Jettison station 8"),devices.WEAPONS, device_commands.WEAP_Jett_Station8, cockpit_args.WEAP_Jett_Station8)

elements["PNT_74"] = default_button(_("A/A Launch"), devices.WEAPONS, device_commands.WEAP_AA_Launch, cockpit_args.WEAP_AA_Launch)
elements["PNT_9964"] = default_button(_("Next Launch"), devices.TID, device_commands.WEAP_Next_launch, cockpit_args.WEAP_Next_launch)

-- Computer Address Panel (CAP)
elements["PNT_98"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("CAP category"), devices.CAP, device_commands.CAP_category, cockpit_args.CAP_category, 6, 0.2, false)

elements["PNT_98"].animated = {true, true}
elements["PNT_98"].animation_speed = {1, 1}

elements["PNT_123"] = default_button(_("CAP btn 4"), devices.CAP, device_commands.CAP_button4, cockpit_args.CAP_button4)

elements["PNT_124"] = default_button(_("CAP btn 5"), devices.CAP, device_commands.CAP_button5, cockpit_args.CAP_button5)

elements["PNT_125"] = default_button(_("CAP btn 3"), devices.CAP, device_commands.CAP_button3, cockpit_args.CAP_button3)

elements["PNT_126"] = default_button(_("CAP btn 2"), devices.CAP, device_commands.CAP_button2, cockpit_args.CAP_button2)

elements["PNT_127"] = default_button(_("CAP btn 1"), devices.CAP, device_commands.CAP_button1, cockpit_args.CAP_button1)

elements["PNT_128"] = default_button(_("CAP TNG NBR"), devices.CAP, device_commands.CAP_tng_nbr, cockpit_args.CAP_tng_nbr)

elements["PNT_129"] = default_button(_("CAP btn 10"), devices.CAP, device_commands.CAP_button10, cockpit_args.CAP_button10)

elements["PNT_130"] = default_button(_("CAP btn 9"), devices.CAP, device_commands.CAP_button9, cockpit_args.CAP_button9)

elements["PNT_131"] = default_button(_("CAP btn 8"), devices.CAP, device_commands.CAP_button8, cockpit_args.CAP_button8)

elements["PNT_132"] = default_button(_("CAP btn 7"), devices.CAP, device_commands.CAP_button7, cockpit_args.CAP_button7)

elements["PNT_133"] = default_button(_("CAP btn 6"), devices.CAP, device_commands.CAP_button6, cockpit_args.CAP_button6)

elements["PNT_134"] = default_button(_("CAP PGM RSTRT"), devices.CAP, device_commands.CAP_program_restart, cockpit_args.CAP_program_restart)

elements["PNT_136"] = default_cap_button(_("CAP LONG 6"), devices.CAP, device_commands.CAP_LONG_6, cockpit_args.CAP_LONG_6)

elements["PNT_137"] = default_cap_button(_("CAP LAT 1"), devices.CAP, device_commands.CAP_LAT_1, cockpit_args.CAP_LAT_1)
elements["PNT_138"] = default_cap_button(_("CAP NBR 2"), devices.CAP, device_commands.CAP_NBR_2, cockpit_args.CAP_NBR_2)
elements["PNT_139"] = default_cap_button(_("CAP 7"), devices.CAP, device_commands.CAP_7, cockpit_args.CAP_7)
elements["PNT_140"] = default_cap_button(_("CAP HDG 8"), devices.CAP, device_commands.CAP_HDG_8, cockpit_args.CAP_HDG_8)
elements["PNT_141"] = default_cap_button(_("CAP SPD 3"), devices.CAP, device_commands.CAP_SPD_3, cockpit_args.CAP_SPD_3)
elements["PNT_143"] = default_cap_button(_("CAP ALT 4"), devices.CAP, device_commands.CAP_ALT_4, cockpit_args.CAP_ALT_4)
elements["PNT_142"] = default_cap_button(_("CAP 9"), devices.CAP, device_commands.CAP_9, cockpit_args.CAP_9)
elements["PNT_144"] = default_cap_button(_("CAP BRG 0"), devices.CAP, device_commands.CAP_BRG_0, cockpit_args.CAP_BRG_0)
elements["PNT_145"] = default_cap_button(_("CAP RNG 5"), devices.CAP, device_commands.CAP_RNG_5, cockpit_args.CAP_RNG_5)
elements["PNT_146"] = default_cap_button(_("CAP N+E"), devices.CAP, device_commands.CAP_NE, cockpit_args.CAP_NE)
elements["PNT_147"] = default_cap_button(_("CAP S-W"), devices.CAP, device_commands.CAP_SW, cockpit_args.CAP_SW)
elements["PNT_148"] = default_cap_button(_("CAP clear"), devices.CAP, device_commands.CAP_clear, cockpit_args.CAP_clear)
elements["PNT_149"] = default_cap_button(_("CAP enter"), devices.CAP, device_commands.CAP_enter, cockpit_args.CAP_enter)

-- datalink
elements["PNT_413"] = default_3_position_tumb(_("Datalink Power"), devices.DATALINK, device_commands.DATALINK_power, cockpit_args.DATALINK_ON_OFF_SW, false, true)
elements["PNT_175"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Datalink Antenna (no function)"), devices.DATALINK, device_commands.DATALINK_antenna_pos, cockpit_args.DATALINK_Antenna)
elements["PNT_176"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Datalink Reply (no function)"), devices.DATALINK, device_commands.DATALINK_reply, cockpit_args.DATALINK_Reply)
elements["PNT_177"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Datalink CAINS/TAC"), devices.DATALINK, device_commands.DATALINK_tac_cains, cockpit_args.DATALINK_Cains)
elements["PNT_191"] = default_3_position_tumb(_("Datalink Antijam (no function)"), devices.DATALINK, device_commands.DATALINK_antijam, cockpit_args.DATALINK_antijam, false, true)
elements["PNT_196"] = multiposition_roller_limited(_("Datalink freq 10MHz"), devices.DATALINK, device_commands.DATALINK_freq_10s, cockpit_args.DATALINK_freq_10s, 10, false)
elements["PNT_195"] = multiposition_roller_limited(_("Datalink freq 1MHz"), devices.DATALINK, device_commands.DATALINK_freq_1s, cockpit_args.DATALINK_freq_1s, 10, false)
elements["PNT_197"] = multiposition_roller_limited(_("Datalink freq 100kHz"), devices.DATALINK, device_commands.DATALINK_freq_tenths, cockpit_args.DATALINK_freq_tenths, 10, false)
elements["PNT_222"] = multiposition_roller_limited(_("Datalink address high"), devices.DATALINK, device_commands.DATALINK_addr_hi, cockpit_args.DATALINK_addr_hi, 10, false)
elements["PNT_223"] = multiposition_roller_limited(_("Datalink address low"), devices.DATALINK, device_commands.DATALINK_addr_lo, cockpit_args.DATALINK_addr_lo, 10, false)
elements["PNT_118"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("Beacon mode"), devices.DATALINK, device_commands.BEACON_mode_knob, cockpit_args.BEACON_mode_knob, 7, 0.166667, false)
elements["PNT_117"] = default_button(_("ACLS test"), devices.DATALINK, device_commands.BEACON_ACLS_test_button, cockpit_args.BEACON_ACLS_test_button)
elements["PNT_117"].updatable = true
elements["PNT_96"] = default_3_position_tumb(_("Beacon Power"), devices.DATALINK, device_commands.BEACON_power_switch, cockpit_args.BEACON_power_switch, false, true)

-- IFF panel
elements["PNT_161"] = default_3_position_tumb(_("IFF audio/light (no function)"), devices.IFF, device_commands.IFF_audiolight_switch, cockpit_args.IFF_audiolight_switch, false, false)
elements["PNT_162"] = default_3_position_tumb(_("IFF M1 (no function)"), devices.IFF, device_commands.IFF_M1_switch, cockpit_args.IFF_M1_switch, false, false)
elements["PNT_163"] = default_3_position_tumb(_("IFF M2 (no function)"), devices.IFF, device_commands.IFF_M2_switch, cockpit_args.IFF_M2_switch, false, false)
elements["PNT_164"] = default_3_position_tumb(_("IFF M3/A (no function)"), devices.IFF, device_commands.IFF_M3A_switch, cockpit_args.IFF_M3A_switch, false, false)
elements["PNT_165"] = default_3_position_tumb(_("IFF MC (no function)"), devices.IFF, device_commands.IFF_MC_switch, cockpit_args.IFF_MC_switch, false, false)
elements["PNT_166"] = default_3_position_tumb(_("IFF RAD (no function)"), devices.IFF, device_commands.IFF_RAD_switch, cockpit_args.IFF_RAD_switch, false, false)
elements["PNT_167"] = default_3_position_tumb(_("IFF Ident (no function)"), devices.IFF, device_commands.IFF_ident_switch, cockpit_args.IFF_ident_switch, false, false)
elements["PNT_181"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("IFF M4 (no function)"), devices.IFF, device_commands.IFF_M4_switch, cockpit_args.IFF_M4_switch)
elements["PNT_183"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("IFF code (no function)"), devices.IFF, device_commands.IFF_code_knob, cockpit_args.IFF_code_knob, 4, 1.0/3.0, false)
elements["PNT_184"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("IFF master (no function)"), devices.IFF, device_commands.IFF_master_knob, cockpit_args.IFF_master_knob, 5, 1.0/4.0, false)
elements["PNT_185"] = default_button(_("IFF test (no function)"), devices.IFF, device_commands.IFF_test_button, cockpit_args.IFF_test_button)
elements["PNT_186"] = default_button(_("IFF reply (no function)"), devices.IFF, device_commands.IFF_reply_button, cockpit_args.IFF_reply_button)

elements["PNT_2262"] = multiposition_roller_limited(_("IFF M3 code ---x (no function)"), devices.IFF, device_commands.IFF_M3code_1s, cockpit_args.IFF_M3code_1s, 8, false, 0.77777)
--elements["PNT_2262"].cycle = true
elements["PNT_2261"] = multiposition_roller_limited(_("IFF M3 code --x- (no function)"), devices.IFF, device_commands.IFF_M3code_10s, cockpit_args.IFF_M3code_10s, 8, false, 0.77777)
--elements["PNT_2261"].cycle = true
elements["PNT_198"] = multiposition_roller_limited(_("IFF M3 code -x-- (no function)"), devices.IFF, device_commands.IFF_M3code_100s, cockpit_args.IFF_M3code_100s, 8, false, 0.77777)
--elements["PNT_198"].cycle = true
elements["PNT_199"] = multiposition_roller_limited(_("IFF M3 code x--- (no function)"), devices.IFF, device_commands.IFF_M3code_1000s, cockpit_args.IFF_M3code_1000s, 8, false, 0.77777)
--elements["PNT_199"].cycle = true
elements["PNT_200"] = multiposition_roller_limited(_("IFF M1 code -x (no function)"), devices.IFF, device_commands.IFF_M1code_1s, cockpit_args.IFF_M1code_1s, 4, false, 0.33333)
--elements["PNT_200"].cycle = true
elements["PNT_201"] = multiposition_roller_limited(_("IFF M1 code x- (no function)"), devices.IFF, device_commands.IFF_M1code_10s, cockpit_args.IFF_M1code_10s, 8, false, 0.77777)
--elements["PNT_201"].cycle = true

-- LIQUID cooling
elements["PNT_95"] = default_3_position_tumb(_("Liquid cooling"), devices.RADAR, device_commands.LIQUID_cooling_switch, cockpit_args.LIQUID_cooling_switch, false, true)

elements["PNT_667"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("LANTIRN Power"), devices.LANTIRN, device_commands.LANTIRN_PowerMode, cockpit_args.LANTIRN_RotaryKnob, 3, 1.0/2.0, false)
elements["PNT_668"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("LANTIRN Laser Arm Switch"), devices.LANTIRN, device_commands.LANTIRN_Laser_ARM, cockpit_args.LANTIRN_Laser)
elements["PNT_670"] = default_button(_("Video Output Toggle (TCS/LANTIRN)"), devices.TID, device_commands.LANTIRN_TCS_Select_Toggle, cockpit_args.LANTIRN_Video)
elements["PNT_670"].updatable = true
elements["PNT_669"] = default_button(_("LANTIRN Operate Mode (Unstow)"), devices.LANTIRN, device_commands.LANTIRN_OPER_STBY_Toggle, cockpit_args.LANTIRN_MODE)
elements["PNT_669"].updatable = true
elements["PNT_671"] = default_button(_("LANTIRN IBIT"), devices.LANTIRN, device_commands.LANTIRN_IBIT, cockpit_args.LANTIRN_Button)
elements["PNT_671"].updatable = true

for i,o in pairs(elements) do
if o.class[1] == class_type.TUMB or
 (o.class[2] and o.class[2] == class_type.TUMB) or
 (o.class[3] and o.class[3] == class_type.TUMB) then
 o.updatable = true
 o.use_OBB = true

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F-14 devices.lua


local count = 6
local function counter()
count = count + 1
return count

devices = {}
devices["PROXY"] = 1 -- must be 1, hardcoded device ID of 1 is used by mission files (see proxy_device.lua)
devices["ICS"] = 2  -- hardcoded for SimpleRadioStandalone integration
devices["ARC159"] = 3 -- hardcoded for SimpleRadioStandalone integration
devices["ARC182"] = 4 -- hardcoded for SimpleRadioStandalone integration
devices["COUNTERMEASURES"] = 5 -- hardcoded for the ground crew menu options (countermeasures loadout)
devices["EPOXY"] = 6 -- hardcoded for some glue
-- Adjust 'local count' (the first line) before adding a fixed ID device here.

devices["SENSORS"] = counter()

devices["FMSENSOR"] = counter()

devices["MULTICREW"] = counter()

devices["BITPANEL"] = counter()
devices["COCKPITMECHANICS"] = counter()
devices["HYDRAULICS"] = counter()
devices["AICS"] = counter()
devices["ELECTRICS"] = counter()
devices["PNEUMATICS"] = counter()

devices["WINGSWEEP"] = counter()
devices["GEARHOOK"] = counter()
devices["FLAPS"] = counter()

devices["ENGINE"] = counter()
devices["FUELSYSTEM"] = counter()

devices["AFCS"] = counter()
devices["CADC"] = counter()
devices["CAP"] = counter()

devices["ACCELEROMETER"] = counter()
devices["AOASYSTEM"] = counter()
devices["CLOCK"] = counter()
devices["MACHANDAIRSPEED"] = counter()
devices["BAROALTIMETER"] = counter()
devices["RADARALTIMETER"] = counter()
devices["STDBYAI"] = counter()
devices["TURNANDSLIP"] = counter()
devices["VERTICALVEL"] = counter()
devices["STANDBYCOMPASS"] = counter()

devices["WARNINGLIGHTS"] = counter()

devices["FCINSTRUMENTS"] = counter()

devices["BDHI"] = counter()

-- sensors
devices["TCS"] = counter()
devices["LANTIRN"] = counter()
devices["RADAR"] = counter()

-- displays
devices["HUD"] = counter()
devices["HSD"] = counter()
devices["VDI"] = counter()
devices["TID"] = counter()
devices["ECMD"] = counter()
devices["HELMET_DEVICE"] = counter() 

-- navigation
devices["NAV_INTERFACE"] = counter()
devices["TACAN"] = counter()
devices["ILS"] = counter()
devices["IMU"] = counter()
devices["INS"] = counter()
devices["AHRS"] = counter()

devices["DATALINK"] = counter()

-- ECM
devices["DECM"] = counter()
devices["RWR"] = counter()

-- weapons
devices["WEAPONS"] = counter()

-- misc
devices["WALKMAN"] = counter()

devices["HOTAS"] = counter()
devices["HCU"] = counter()

--devices["ICSRADIO"] = counter()
--devices["TESTRADIO"] = counter()
--devices["TESTINTERCOM"] = counter()

devices["DEBUGDISPLAY"] = counter()
devices["CONTROLS"] = counter()

devices["KNEEBOARD"] = counter()

devices["JESTERAI"] = counter()

devices["WCS"] = counter()
devices["IFF"] = counter()

devices["AUTO"] = counter()

devices["PADLOCK"] = counter()

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F-14 mainpanel_init.lua


shape_name = "F14B_Cockpit"

is_EDM = true
new_shape = true 
new_model_format = true
new_infrared_debug = false
v_angle_shift 	 = math.rad(1)

simplify_cockpit = false

shift = {0, 0, 0}
rotation = math.rad(0.0)

ambient =
lighttype = "ambient"

ambient_light = {0, 0, 255}
ambient_color_day_texture = { 72, 100, 160 }
ambient_color_night_texture = {40, 10, 180}
ambient_color_from_cockpit_illumination = {240, 240, 240}
ambient_color_from_devices = {16, 12, 12}
ambient_color_from_panels	 = {16, 12, 12}
ambient_color_from_abris	 = {10, 24, 12}
ambient_color_from_shkval	 = {50, 50, 50}

dusk_border = 0.2

draw_old_cockpit = false
draw_pilot = false
use_external_views = false 

draw_arcade = LockOn_Options.flight.easy_radar or LockOn_Options.flight.auto_lockon

external_model_canopy_arg = 38

day_texture_set_value = 0.0
night_texture_set_value = 0.1
render_target_always = true

cockpit_illumination_external = 69
nightBeginTime = 20.0
nightEndTime = 6.0


local controllers = LoRegisterPanelControls()

-- MIRROR == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == = 
mirrors_data = 
--center_point 	= {0.375,0.095,0},
width           =  1.0,
   aspect          =  1.0,
   --rotation        = math.rad(-15),
   animation_speed = 2.0,
   near_clip       = 0.1,
   middle_clip     = 10,
far_clip        = 600000,
connector = "PNT_MIRROR_LOC",

mirrors_draw = CreateGauge()
mirrors_draw.arg_number = 16
mirrors_draw.input = {0,1}
mirrors_draw.output = {1,0}
mirrors_draw.controller = controllers.mirrors_draw

livery = find_custom_livery("F-14B","default")

need_to_be_closed = true

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OK, so for the F-14 guys who want to export, lets use the link posted by Phoenix FR as a start.


Download the .rar file in the following post:



extract the contents and place the f-14B.lua in the directory:

C:\Users\<yourProfile>\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Scripts\DCS-ExportScript\ExportsModules


Should look like:

C:\Users\<yourProfile>\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Scripts\DCS-ExportScript\ExportsModules\F-14B.lua


Unfortunately, Chacal IX did not follow the standard convention when creating the file, but he did put a lot of work into it (Amazing first attempt Chacal), so for now, as a quick start, we'll use it. I'm assuming it works. I don't see any reason why it won't


REVISED: I was apparently reading the files for the A-10 posted here instead of the F-14. Didn't realize someone requested a-10 files before and that caused the confusion. I have no reason to believe the files chacal posted did not follow convention now. I do not have enough of the f-14 files at current to know, either way, buy my assumption leans to be optimistic.


Chacal IX, for future reference if you end up here, Use the same ID in your exportscripts file as the mainpanel_init.lua file.


For Chacal IX (or other exportscripts users only):




FuelQuantityCounterTenthOfThous				= CreateGauge()
FuelQuantityCounterTenthOfThous.arg_number	= 90
FuelQuantityCounterTenthOfThous.input		= {0.0, 10.0}
FuelQuantityCounterTenthOfThous.output		= {0.0, 1.0}
FuelQuantityCounterTenthOfThous.params		= {2}
FuelQuantityCounterTenthOfThous.controller	= controllers.FuelQuantityCounterDrum


In your exportscripts use the same id, for example:


Your exportscripts:

[90]  =  "%.1f",   --      RECORD_power 


Better to be:

[90]  =  "%.1f",   --      FuelQuantityCounterTenthOfThous 


That way the exportscripts ID matches the mainpanel_init arg_number and is easy to cross reference.


Anyways, I digress, just thought I'd shoot you a pointer.



So once you have that exportscripts in the above folder, you can help me deduce what some of these values are.


I'm not familiar with the F-14 at all (mostly fly WWII and GA aircraft in sims)


From the looks of the file lua file provided by Chacal, we are provided with the following fuel related ID's:


f-14 Fuel related ids
[15018]  =  "%.1f",   --      WARN_LFuelPress 
[15021]  =  "%.1f",   --      WARN_RFuelPress 
[15029]  =  "%.1f",   --      WARN_LFuelLow 
[15035]  =  "%.1f",   --      WARN_RFuelLow
[1001]  =  "%.1f",   --      FUELSYSTEM_WingExt_Trans 
[1044]  =  "%.1f",   --      FUELSYSTEM_Shutoff_R 
[1050]  =  "%.1f",   --      FUELSYSTEM_Bingo_Knob 
[1054]  =  "%.1f",   --      FUEL_AftL 
[1055]  =  "%.1f",   --      FUEL_FwdR 
[1070]  =  "%.1f",   --      FUELSYSTEM_Shutoff_L 
[1073]  =  "%.1f",   --      FUELSYSTEM_Refuel_Probe 
[1074]  =  "%.1f",   --      FUELSYSTEM_Dump 
[1076]  =  "%.1f",   --      FUELSYSTEM_Fuel_Qty_Sel 
[1094]  =  "%.1f",   --      FUELSYSTEM_Fuel_Feed_Cover 
[1095]  =  "%.1f",   --      FUELSYSTEM_Fuel_Feed 
[2211]  =  "%.1f",   --      rAnnunc_FUELLOW 
[2117]  =  "%.1f",   --      FUEL_TotalFuelRIO10k 
[2118]  =  "%.1f",   --      FUEL_TotalFuelRIO1k 
[2119]  =  "%.1f",   --      FUEL_TotalFuelRIO100 
[2120]  =  "%.1f",   --      FUEL_TotalFuelRIO10 
[2135]  =  "%.1f",   --      FUEL_TotalFuelRIO1 
[6000]  =  "%.1f",   --      FUEL_LFuelDial1k 
[6001]  =  "%.1f",   --      FUEL_LFuelDial100 
[6002]  =  "%.1f",   --      FUEL_LFuelDial10 
[6003]  =  "%.1f",   --      FUEL_LFuelDial1 
[6004]  =  "%.1f",   --      FUEL_RFuelDial1k 
[6005]  =  "%.1f",   --      FUEL_RFuelDial100 
[6006]  =  "%.1f",   --      FUEL_RFuelDial10 
[6007]  =  "%.1f",   --      FUEL_RFuelDial1 
[6010]  =  "%.1f",   --      FUEL_TotalFuel10k 
[6011]  =  "%.1f",   --      FUEL_TotalFuel1k 
[6012]  =  "%.1f",   --      FUEL_TotalFuel100 
[6013]  =  "%.1f",   --      FUEL_TotalFuel10 
[6014]  =  "%.1f",   --      FUEL_TotalFuel1 
[6020]  =  "%.1f",   --      FUEL_BingoFuel10k 
[6021]  =  "%.1f",   --      FUEL_BingoFuel1k 
[6022]  =  "%.1f",   --      FUEL_BingoFuel100 
[6023]  =  "%.1f",   --      FUEL_BingoFuel10 
[6024]  =  "%.1f",   --      FUEL_BingoFuel1 
[15002]  =  "%.1f",   --      Refuel_probe_light 
[999]  =  "%.1f",   --      FUEL_FuelDumpTorchHor 
[999]  =  "%.1f",   --      FUEL_FuelDumpTorchVert 
[22]  =  "%.1f",   --      FUEL_FuelProbe 
[999]  =  "%.1f",   --      FUEL_FuelDump 
[999]  =  "%.1f",   --      FUEL_FuelDumpTorch 
[610]  =  "%.1f",   --  LIGHTS_Fuel_Probe 
[12300] = "%1d",   -- Left Engine Fuel Cutoff, (-1, 0, 1)
[12301] = "%1d",   -- Right Engine Fuel Cutoff, (-1, 0, 1)
[12300] = "%1d",   -- Left Engine Fuel Cutoff, (1, 0, 1)
[12301] = "%1d",   -- Right Engine Fuel Cutoff, (1, 0, 1)

[1001] = "%1d",   -- Wing/Ext Trans, (-1, -1, 1)
[1073] = "%1d",   -- Refuel Probe, (-1, -1, 1)
[1074] = "%1d",   -- Fuel Dump, (-1, 0, 1)
[1076] = "%1d",   -- Fuel Quantity Selector, (-1, -1, 0)
[1094] = "%1d",   -- Fuel Feed Cover, (-1, 0, 1)
[1095] = "%1d",   -- Fuel Feed, (-1, -1, 1)
[1044] = "%1d",   -- Fuel Shutoff - Right, (0, 0, 1)
[15081] = "%1d",   -- Fuel Shutoff - Left, (0, 0, 1)
[1001] = "%1d",   -- Wing/Ext Trans, (1, -1, 1)
[1044] = "%1d",   -- Fuel Shutoff - Right, (1, 0, 1)
[1050] = "%1d",   -- BINGO Fuel Level Knob, (1, 0, 1)
[1073] = "%1d",   -- Refuel Probe, (1, -1, 1)
[1074] = "%1d",   -- Fuel Dump, (1, 0, 1)
[1076] = "%1d",   -- Fuel Quantity Selector, (1, 1, 0)
[1094] = "%1d",   -- Fuel Feed Cover, (1, 0, 1)
[1095] = "%1d",   -- Fuel Feed, (1, -1, 1)
[15081] = "%1d",   -- Fuel Shutoff - Left, (1, 0, 1)


Ok, now that I've compiled the above and am looking at it, it looks like we are going to have to make some changes to the above.


I'm sort of figuring this out for you as I write the post. Unfortunately in doing that I may have to go back on some of the instructions above.


Figure if you can see or learn how I'm doing it, it will prove more valuable for you in the future in creating your own pieces of the script.


We can deduce the following fairly accurately:


Any above Value with the "%1d" string format (after the equal sign) is either a switch or a light or something simliar with a few states (as you can see in the brackets at the end of these lines their accepted values) -1, 0, 1 for example usually means 3 way switch. These will output non decimal numbers like 1 or 0 (not 1.4 or 0.3433). I'm not sure how Chacal documented the states, but lets move forward.


Anything with a "%.1f" value is going to output numbers like 0.1 or 0.2. Most of these should have probably been "%.4f" which would output 0.1234 or 0.5235 for example. The difference being the 4 decimal places instead of 1. The problem with 1 decimal place is that if for instance you are trying to output fuel for example, DCS will most likely store this value like 0.1000


so 0.1000 * 10000 = 1000 (or 1,000 lbs of fuel). 1 decimal place works in the prior example, but what if we have 416 lbs of fuel. In this case DCS would store 0.0416 in the variable (or ID) and by limiting the variable to 1 decimal place we get 0.0 * 10000 which is just 0.


By formatting the value with a single decimal place we are losing accuracy to the tune of 1000 lbs per value that can be stored. By using 4 digits we have an accuracy or resolution with that variable of 1 lb per value. or 0.0001 is 1 lb of fuel. You can be more accurate if you like, but for the purpose of DCS 4 digits is usually fine.


We would probably want to change the majority of this file to 4 digits. Not all are required, example flaps with 5 positions may be stored like 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5


I hope I made that idea clear enough. (Please ask questions if you like)


Anyways, Lets change the above values to 4 decimal and continue. I will need some of your help to determine what is what. Again, I don't have the F-14 module, so cannot test it.


I'd suggest your next step is to download a good code editor.


I use many of these for different projects, but my two most widely used are both free:


Visual Studio Code:



or Notepad ++



Notepad++ is sort of a stay over from years past that I'm just used to, but for the most part I use both at the same time. I use notepad++ to look for a string of words (e.g search "Fuel") in all files within this directory will look through all the code in all the files in the aircraft\f-14 directory for instance and display the results nicely so that I can easily find pieces of code.


I Usually use visual studio code for coding now as it is much more modern and does a lot more. Either way, I will be referring to line numbers (left column) which is literally the line number of the code I'm referencing in the file starting from the first line (1) to the last.


I'll end this post here and continue on the next post.

Edited by nosaMtrevoC

Modules: Persian Gulf | Normandy | Channel | Nevada | Supercarrier | WWII Assets | FC3 | Spitfire | P-51D | P-47D | F-86F | L-39 | AV-8B | F-16C | F/A-18C | A-10C | F-14B | A-4E-C | BS2


System: X570 AMD-3900X | 32GB DDR4 3000 | 2TB Gen 4x4 5GB/s NVME | Dual 1070 TI | 4k 32" Samsung

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With your code editor, open the F-14B.lua,


Lines 927 to 931 should look like:

[2117]  =  "%.1f",   --      FUEL_TotalFuelRIO10k 
[2118]  =  "%.1f",   --      FUEL_TotalFuelRIO1k 
[2119]  =  "%.1f",   --      FUEL_TotalFuelRIO100 
[2120]  =  "%.1f",   --      FUEL_TotalFuelRIO10 
[2135]  =  "%.1f",   --      FUEL_TotalFuelRIO1 


with the description of TotalFuel in these variables, I'm only assuming that these may output total fuel for the f-14.


That being said, if you look at my post above, there are a number of variables that store total fuel, so maybe there is a total fuel for Left and Right. There is also Bingo Fuel.


In reference to the F-14 I don't know what the Bingo Fuel output is. Is there a seperate tank for an emergency amount of fuel?


Anyways, we will have to take some of the above information and see what it outputs and go from there. You guys will have to do this testing for me.


To decipher the above variables, it looks like the above holds the fuel variables in single, tens, hundreds, thousands and tens of thousands.


This is so that a guage with multiple needles (like an altimeter) can show the proper information.


Sometimes in DCS you need to add all these values together:



FUEL_TotalFuelRIO10k = 0.0000

FUEL_TotalFuelRIO1k = 0.1000

FUEL_TotalFuelRIO100 = 0.4000

FUEL_TotalFuelRIO10 = 0.3000

FUEL_TotalFuelRIO1 = 0.7000


Meaning we have from top to bottom:

0, 10,000 units of fuel stored in this variable

1, 1,000 units of fuel or 1000 lbs of fuel stored in this variable

4, 100 units of fuel or 400 lbs of fuel stored in this variable

3, 10 units of fuel or 30 lbs of fuel stored in this variable

7, 1 units of fuel or 7 lbs of fuel stored in this variable




all those variables added together, 01437 (1,437 lbs of fuel)


I've also seen however (like in the P-51d) the 10k variable store 0.01437 meaning that we can drop the whole adding everything together and just use 10kvariable * 10,000 giving us an accurate number.


That being said, (unlike other modules I've done), maybe the f-14 stores whole numbers like 1,000.0 instead of 0.1000 for 1,000 lbs. That is a possibility, and would explain why Chacal used "%.1f" instead of "%.4f"


Lets find out in my next post.

Modules: Persian Gulf | Normandy | Channel | Nevada | Supercarrier | WWII Assets | FC3 | Spitfire | P-51D | P-47D | F-86F | L-39 | AV-8B | F-16C | F/A-18C | A-10C | F-14B | A-4E-C | BS2


System: X570 AMD-3900X | 32GB DDR4 3000 | 2TB Gen 4x4 5GB/s NVME | Dual 1070 TI | 4k 32" Samsung

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Continuation of prior posts... (don't start here)


In this post we will prepare our code to test some of the values and what output we receive.


I cannot do this myself (if you've been following along I don't own the f-14 module) I have too many DCS modules as it is and still need to finish those before I move on, unless there is a sale in which I'll snap up my remaining modules. (spent way to much on the last sale that just passed)


If you don't still have the F-14B.lua file open, do it now.


Go to line: 927 which should look like:


[2117]  =  "%.1f",   --      FUEL_TotalFuelRIO10k 


We are going to change the output from 1 decimal place to four by changing the "%.1f" > "%.4f" to display 0.4352 instead of 0.4


Your new line 927 should look like this now:


[2117]  =  "%.4f",   --      FUEL_TotalFuelRIO10k 



Now do the same for line 998 which should look like this when done:


[6010]  =  "%.4f",   --      FUEL_TotalFuel10k 



And we might as well figure out what the bingo fuel number outputs by changing line 1003 to this:


[6020]  =  "%.4f",   --      FUEL_BingoFuel10k 



Now it's time to export these values to the DCS streamdeck.


Now go near the end of the file at line 2093.


It should look like this between 2093 and 2105:


-- Pointed to by ProcessIkarusDCSHighImportance
function ExportScript.ProcessIkarusDCSConfigHighImportance(mainPanelDevice)
every frame export to Ikarus
Example from A-10C
Get Radio Frequencies
get data from device
local lUHFRadio = GetDevice(54)
ExportScript.Tools.SendData("ExportID", "Format")
ExportScript.Tools.SendData(2000, string.format("%7.3f", lUHFRadio:get_frequency()/1000000)) -- <- special function for get frequency data
ExportScript.Tools.SendData(2000, ExportScript.Tools.RoundFreqeuncy((UHF_RADIO:get_frequency()/1000000))) -- ExportScript.Tools.RoundFreqeuncy(frequency (MHz|KHz), format ("7.3"), PrefixZeros (false), LeastValue (0.025))


All the text in green (if you are using visual studio code) is a comment and doesn't do anything at all. You can put anything you want between the comment brackets including old code, or notes to yourself etc...


You cann see the beginning of the comment brackets start with --[[


and end with ]]


Anything in between does not get interpreted.


For the sake of this example and being able to refer to line numbers properly, we are going to delete the green comment within this function (this function starts at "function ExportScript.ProcessIkarusDCSConfigHighImportance(mainPanelDevice)" and ends with "end" (in purple in visual studio code))


Although we are deleting the comment, we are going to keep the blank space or lines within the function so that we can add new code to this function and refer to the appropriate line numbers.


Go ahead and select the green text and delete it paying attention to the fact that the function line and end line need to remain, only delete the green text within this function or between lines 2095 and 2104 leaving lines 2094 and 2105 alone.


You should have gone from the above code to this now:


-- Pointed to by ProcessIkarusDCSHighImportance
function ExportScript.ProcessIkarusDCSConfigHighImportance(mainPanelDevice)



Insert the same amount of blank lines within the function where the comment used to be so that we can continue to refer to specific line numbers. This means that on line 2094 you will still have the function......(mainPanelDevice) code and line 2105 will still be end, but lines 2095 to 2104 will be blank.


Should look like this:

-- Pointed to by ProcessIkarusDCSHighImportance
function ExportScript.ProcessIkarusDCSConfigHighImportance(mainPanelDevice)



Now on line 2096 we will add a comment. Comments are extremely important in code as when you come back to this a month later you do not have to reverse engineer or interpret what you did before. There is no maximum amount of comments, the more the better. It also allows others to interpret your code easily.


on line 2096 we will put:


	--Test fuel 10k output


Notice the tab space before the code. Indenting helps you to visualize that this piece of code or in this case comment lives inside the function which helps to visualize scope and other things beyond the scope of this post.


You should now have:

-- Pointed to by ProcessIkarusDCSHighImportance
function ExportScript.ProcessIkarusDCSConfigHighImportance(mainPanelDevice)

--Test fuel 10k output



Now we're ready to add some code.

Modules: Persian Gulf | Normandy | Channel | Nevada | Supercarrier | WWII Assets | FC3 | Spitfire | P-51D | P-47D | F-86F | L-39 | AV-8B | F-16C | F/A-18C | A-10C | F-14B | A-4E-C | BS2


System: X570 AMD-3900X | 32GB DDR4 3000 | 2TB Gen 4x4 5GB/s NVME | Dual 1070 TI | 4k 32" Samsung

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Continuation of prior posts... (don't start here)


In this post we will test some of the values and what output we receive.


I cannot do this myself (if you've been following along I don't own the f-14 module) I have too many DCS modules as it is and still need to finish those before I move on, unless there is a sale in which I'll snap up my remaining modules. (spent way to much on the last sale that just passed)


If you don't still have the F-14B.lua file open, do it now.


(Sorry, adding the above to each post in case someone happens upon this mid way, you can skip to here if you've been following along. Also apologize if I'm breaking this down too much for the experienced user and not enough for the layman. I'm not a teacher by any stretch, nor familiar with anyones level of experience in coding or DCS. I just started using DCS again a few weeks ago during the sales and am familiarizing myself with it again. Also never programmed in lua until a few weeks ago, but as a programmer by trade once upon a time, it's all the same pile.)


We should have between lines 2093 and 2105:


-- Pointed to by ProcessIkarusDCSHighImportance
function ExportScript.ProcessIkarusDCSConfigHighImportance(mainPanelDevice)

--Test fuel 10k output



We are interested in the following items (to test their output):


[2117] = "%.4f", -- FUEL_TotalFuelRIO10k

[6010] = "%.4f", -- FUEL_TotalFuel10k

[6020] = "%.4f", -- FUEL_BingoFuel10k


The number to the left in brackets (e.g. [2117]) is the ID we will be referring to below.


First we are going to make a local variable (remember the mention of scope, local plays a role here) for each of the above items so that we can manipulate them outside the function we will be calling with those variables.


Don't worry about typing this in the lua file yet, lets just examine what is happing with the following:


local ourVariableTotalFuelRIO10k = mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(2117)


the above code says lets make a "local" variable named "ourVariableTotalFuelRIO10k" and assign it a value after the equals sign


after the equals sign is our value which could be something like = 1 in which case our variable named "ourVariableTotalFuelRIO10k" would equal 1.


In this case however our variable = mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(2117) which is a table of values passed to the function we are in right now (you can see mainPanelDevice in brackets on line 2094) that we are accessing with another function "get_argument_value" and an ID for the value we want to get "get_argument_value(2117)" which should return the value associated with that ID, or in other words get argument value that is associated with fuel and the lua interpreter should return that value.


When all is interpreted by lua, we should have something like "ourVariableTotalFuelRIO10k = 0.2423" 0.2423 being representative of 2423 lbs of fuel assuming that is how much fuel your plane has.


There is another assumption here outside the concept of how this works, and that is that Chacal's code works and that these ID's are representative of their proper counterparts.


As i mentioned prior, I noticed that the ID's in his script do not match those in the mainpanel_init.lua so we will have to do some testing to make sure this works.


That's where you guys come in.


We will continue our code below and I will have to wait for you guys to give me some results to continue.


With that understanding, lets proceed with putting some code into our .lua file.


on line 2097 we will create our first variable, followed by our second and third variable relating to the three values we are testing on lines 2098 and 2099 respectively.


You should have this code block now between lines 2093 and 2105:


-- Pointed to by ProcessIkarusDCSHighImportance
function ExportScript.ProcessIkarusDCSConfigHighImportance(mainPanelDevice)

--Test fuel 10k output
local ourVariableTotalFuelRIO10k = mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(2117)
local ourVariableTotalFuel10k = mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(6010)
local ourVariableBingoFuel10k = mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(6020)



Notice in the above the only thing that changes line to line is the name of the variable and the ID in the brackets at then end.


When the code is interpreted by lua, it will set the appropriate (lets hope) fuel values to our named variables.


Now lets call the function that will make these values available to the stream deck which will look like the following: (don't worry about typing this yet, we'll just go over what we are doing first)


ExportScript.Tools.SendData(2600, ourVariableTotalFuelRIO10k)


What is happening here is that we are calling a function (much like the function we are typing this code in) that performs an action. When we used get_argument(id) above, it returned a value for us, which functions commonly do.


the ExportScript.Tools.Sendata() function, makes our information available to the stream deck (or other things.) If you were interested in how that functions code looks, you could open the tools.lua (off the top of my head) file in the C:\Users\<you>\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Scripts\DCS-ExportScript\lib directory and look for that function to see what the code does.


If you notice the two values "2600" and "ourVariable..." between the brackets of the function seperated by a comma. This function requires input of two values.


For example a function that adds two numbers together would require those two numbers and return a value of the answer or addFunction(4, 3) might take the input values of 4 and 3 and return 7 which might look like:


myAnswer = addFunction(4, 3)


myAnswer in this case would be 7


the addFunction function might look like:


function addFunction(firstNumber, secondNumber)
    local result = firstNumber + secondNumber
    return result


You don't need to fully understand this, I just wanted you to understand the code we are typing on some level. Sorry If I'm digressing too much, but this can be a bit of a rabbit hole.


Right or Wrong I just thought "teach a man to fish" sort of thing.




In our ExportScript.Tools.SendData() function example we need to give it to input's, the ID number we want to use to access this output (not the fuel id in this case, just an id we want to use in stream deck, could be anything) and we also need to provide it with the actual fuel data (our variable we created)


So lets add the following three lines on 2101 to 2103 so our code now looks like:


-- Pointed to by ProcessIkarusDCSHighImportance
function ExportScript.ProcessIkarusDCSConfigHighImportance(mainPanelDevice)

--Test fuel 10k output
local ourVariableTotalFuelRIO10k = mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(2117)
local ourVariableTotalFuel10k = mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(6010)
local ourVariableBingoFuel10k = mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(6020)

ExportScript.Tools.SendData(2600, ourVariableTotalFuelRIO10k)
ExportScript.Tools.SendData(2601, ourVariableTotalFuel10k)
ExportScript.Tools.SendData(2602, ourVariableBingoFuel10k)



Notice a few things.


One, the 2600, 2601, 2602 id's are not used anywhere else in this script. They are unique to our output here. You can take one of the above id's and use it here if you just want to output a switch state for example.


(This statement is not completely true or complete, but I don't want to go down another rabbit hole, this is the simpler example for a layman. Just don't want some experienced programmer jumping on me to find fault, I'm excluding a lot of potential scenarios that I use myself, but are more diffucult to interpret. I use the following in my p-51 which does it all in one line: ExportScript.Tools.SendData(2155, string.format("%d", ExportScript.CalculateFuel(mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(155))) .. ' gal' ) --155 Left Fuel Tank) I digress.


Essentially we are building out this problem line by line instead of nesting them. It is cleaner and easier to read this way.


So 2600, 2601 and 2602 are the ID's we will be using in the stream deck to monitor these values which are id's not used anywhere else in this script.


Notice also after the 2600 series of id's that the next value is our variable that we are passing to the sendData function that is storing our fuel data.


So essentially we are saying, take the fuel data and make it available to the stream deck in the 2600 id.


That's it for now.


Next step is to setup the stream deck to display these values (next post) and test them and give me the results.

Modules: Persian Gulf | Normandy | Channel | Nevada | Supercarrier | WWII Assets | FC3 | Spitfire | P-51D | P-47D | F-86F | L-39 | AV-8B | F-16C | F/A-18C | A-10C | F-14B | A-4E-C | BS2


System: X570 AMD-3900X | 32GB DDR4 3000 | 2TB Gen 4x4 5GB/s NVME | Dual 1070 TI | 4k 32" Samsung

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Ahhh Phoenix (mentioned there are front and back seat fuel) that helps make some sense of it.


Let's continue in next post with this info, maybe it will be the same values then.

Modules: Persian Gulf | Normandy | Channel | Nevada | Supercarrier | WWII Assets | FC3 | Spitfire | P-51D | P-47D | F-86F | L-39 | AV-8B | F-16C | F/A-18C | A-10C | F-14B | A-4E-C | BS2


System: X570 AMD-3900X | 32GB DDR4 3000 | 2TB Gen 4x4 5GB/s NVME | Dual 1070 TI | 4k 32" Samsung

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Also, I apologize for the spelling or grammar. I'm straight typing this as fast as I can get it out of my brain without edits.

Modules: Persian Gulf | Normandy | Channel | Nevada | Supercarrier | WWII Assets | FC3 | Spitfire | P-51D | P-47D | F-86F | L-39 | AV-8B | F-16C | F/A-18C | A-10C | F-14B | A-4E-C | BS2


System: X570 AMD-3900X | 32GB DDR4 3000 | 2TB Gen 4x4 5GB/s NVME | Dual 1070 TI | 4k 32" Samsung

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Continuation of prior posts... (don't start here)


In this post we will test some of the values and what output we receive.


I cannot do this myself (if you've been following along I don't own the f-14 module) I have too many DCS modules as it is and still need to finish those before I move on, unless there is a sale in which I'll snap up my remaining modules. (spent way to much on the last sale that just passed)


If you havn't SAVED THE LUA FILE, make sure to do this now.


(Sorry, adding the above to each post in case someone happens upon this mid way, you can skip to here if you've been following along. Also apologize if I'm breaking this down too much for the experienced user and not enough for the layman. I'm not a teacher by any stretch, nor familiar with anyones level of experience in coding or DCS. I just started using DCS again a few weeks ago during the sales and am familiarizing myself with it again. Also never programmed in lua until a few weeks ago, but as a programmer by trade once upon a time, it's all the same pile.)





If you skipped above, save your .lua file and load up the DCS stream deck software. (I assume you have the DCS stream deck plugin installed and working)


I don't have the stream deck plugin or stream deck with me right now (I'm not at home), so bear with me as I go off memory. May have to edit some of this when I get home.


Add a stream deck button (most of them should work, but the one with the black box in the middle works for sure)


In the third option, (monitor text or something like that), in the id field, put the 2600 id.


Do the same (add two more buttons) and use the id 2601 and 2602 respectively.




These buttons will not display any values until you are actually flying the f-14


Load up DCS, instant action, fly the f-14.



When flying, these numbers should (although initially they may bounce around or settle) display some type of number.


This number should relate to fuel in some manner.


It could be direct like :


the number displayed: 0.1456

Actual fuel: 1,456 lbs


or also direct like:

the number displayed: 1456.3240

Actual fuel: 1,456.3240 lbs


It could also not be as obvious at first for example:


F-14 max fuel is 1920 lbs

number displayed: 1.0000

actual fuel: 1920 lbs


which might change to:

number displayed: 0.5000

actual fuel: 960 lbs


and then:

number displayed: 0.2500

actual fuel: 480 lbs




Hopefully its linear. (in the p-51 it is not because it doesn't relate to the fuel available, but instead to the postion of the fuel guage which is not linear. In the p-51 the first quarter of the fuel guage is 0 to 5 lbs to give you more accuracy when low, but the last quarter of the guage shows 72 to 96 lbs representing 5 lbs in the first quarter and 24 lbs in the last quarter and different again in the middle. or 0.25 is 5 lbs of fuel and 0.75 is 72 lbs of fuel)


At this point you guys will have to try to interpret what you are seeing compared to the fuel in the f-14 and see if you can find some type of correlation.


Keep in mind we output only the 10k fuel variable hoping that it stores the whole fuel amount and not just the 10k portion of it.



Anyways, I'll leave this with you guys until we get some data.


Hope this helps.

Modules: Persian Gulf | Normandy | Channel | Nevada | Supercarrier | WWII Assets | FC3 | Spitfire | P-51D | P-47D | F-86F | L-39 | AV-8B | F-16C | F/A-18C | A-10C | F-14B | A-4E-C | BS2


System: X570 AMD-3900X | 32GB DDR4 3000 | 2TB Gen 4x4 5GB/s NVME | Dual 1070 TI | 4k 32" Samsung

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Another note:


If the data comes back and doesn't make sense at all or isn't displayed, (which would explain the mismatch I saw between the export script as provided and the mainpanel_init.lua file) If so, I will have to edit the above example.



-- Pointed to by ProcessIkarusDCSHighImportance
function ExportScript.ProcessIkarusDCSConfigHighImportance(mainPanelDevice)

--Test fuel 10k output
local ourVariableTotalFuelRIO10k = mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(2117)
local ourVariableTotalFuel10k = mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(6010)
local ourVariableBingoFuel10k = mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(6020)

ExportScript.Tools.SendData(2600, ourVariableTotalFuelRIO10k)
ExportScript.Tools.SendData(2601, ourVariableTotalFuel10k)
ExportScript.Tools.SendData(2602, ourVariableBingoFuel10k)



to this code:


-- Pointed to by ProcessIkarusDCSHighImportance
function ExportScript.ProcessIkarusDCSConfigHighImportance(mainPanelDevice)

--Test fuel 10k output
local ourVariableTotalFuelRIO10k = mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(88)
local ourVariableTotalFuel10k = mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(89)
local ourVariableBingoFuel10k = mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(90)

ExportScript.Tools.SendData(2600, ourVariableTotalFuelRIO10k)
ExportScript.Tools.SendData(2601, ourVariableTotalFuel10k)
ExportScript.Tools.SendData(2602, ourVariableBingoFuel10k)



Note the only changes are the 3 id's in the first three lines of code (line 2097 to 2099) from 2177 to 88 and 6010 to 89 and 6020 to 90


save the lua file, you don't need to change anything in stream deck software,


Reload f-14 in dcs and see if those ID's make more sense with fuel.

Modules: Persian Gulf | Normandy | Channel | Nevada | Supercarrier | WWII Assets | FC3 | Spitfire | P-51D | P-47D | F-86F | L-39 | AV-8B | F-16C | F/A-18C | A-10C | F-14B | A-4E-C | BS2


System: X570 AMD-3900X | 32GB DDR4 3000 | 2TB Gen 4x4 5GB/s NVME | Dual 1070 TI | 4k 32" Samsung

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Last post (above) shouldn't matter.


There probably isn't a discrepancy in the f-14 export file.


I thought the original files posted were for the f14 but were for the a-10


I didn't see the f-14 files when I made these posts for some reason, but now they are showing up <shrug>


Anyways, We'll assume that the f-14 script provided by Chackal works and go with the first iteration of the code with id's 2117, 6010 and 6020, not 88,89,90


This definitely confused me as I assumed the f-14 mod would (and did) define the mainPanelDevice array or table variables) I just chalked it up to a portion of the script or mod that I hadn't fully explored. I'm glad my original understanding of the module hasn't changed. Sorry for the confusion.


Also, to correct looks like Chackal did follow convention, and again nice work. It's time-consuming. I apologize for any error or omissions that are made due to assumptions, but its tough to work blind without the f-14 files or mod or dcs at all as I'm not at home when typing this, so again apologies in advance.

Edited by nosaMtrevoC

Modules: Persian Gulf | Normandy | Channel | Nevada | Supercarrier | WWII Assets | FC3 | Spitfire | P-51D | P-47D | F-86F | L-39 | AV-8B | F-16C | F/A-18C | A-10C | F-14B | A-4E-C | BS2


System: X570 AMD-3900X | 32GB DDR4 3000 | 2TB Gen 4x4 5GB/s NVME | Dual 1070 TI | 4k 32" Samsung

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There must be other relevant files for the f-14 that I'm unaware of (probably called during the init. file of that aircraft), I only based my assumptions on aircraft I had previously worked on. The f-14 module being more advanced it probably has more relevant files.


That being said, above should work.

Modules: Persian Gulf | Normandy | Channel | Nevada | Supercarrier | WWII Assets | FC3 | Spitfire | P-51D | P-47D | F-86F | L-39 | AV-8B | F-16C | F/A-18C | A-10C | F-14B | A-4E-C | BS2


System: X570 AMD-3900X | 32GB DDR4 3000 | 2TB Gen 4x4 5GB/s NVME | Dual 1070 TI | 4k 32" Samsung

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Maybe someone can post a video of the streamdeck output of the above test of the 3 variables like i did here so we can see them. Maybe video the output on stream deck and then the fuel guage or display in the f-14


for reference:

Modules: Persian Gulf | Normandy | Channel | Nevada | Supercarrier | WWII Assets | FC3 | Spitfire | P-51D | P-47D | F-86F | L-39 | AV-8B | F-16C | F/A-18C | A-10C | F-14B | A-4E-C | BS2


System: X570 AMD-3900X | 32GB DDR4 3000 | 2TB Gen 4x4 5GB/s NVME | Dual 1070 TI | 4k 32" Samsung

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Just realized there isn't an F-14 Script for DCS-ExportScripts module


I can probably make one easily that will work for fuel, but because I don't own the F-14 module I don't have the proper files to look into.


I can probably figure it out if you post the contents of these files, but no promises. Sometimes these files point to other files and it becoms a rabbit hole. It's tough without owning the modules.


If you want me to try:


Open the following folder: "...\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World\Mods\aircraft\A-10C\Cockpit\Scripts"


The following three files are of interest there:






Post the contents here (wrapped in the hastag (above) code blocks)


I'll take a look.


If you look at the above, you can see I was only following your instructions. =)

I realised you wanted the other files (which weren't in that directory structure with the F-14) later.

I *could* have deleted the code text in the earlier posts that contained the A-10C stuff, but I'm pretty sure that's why I have a 50% "warning" rate from a post I made close to ten years ago. Seems that deleting post content annoys moderators here.

Not about to make the same mistake again.

Edited by slaintemaith
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No prob slaintemaith, just some confusion.


Just copied the path from the exportscripts dir not thinking of changing a-10 to f-14 (just used it as an example. Definately my fault, wasn't trying to blame anyone.


I didn't realize I requested them because I didn't realize a-10 was in the path.


Appreciate the response and help.

Modules: Persian Gulf | Normandy | Channel | Nevada | Supercarrier | WWII Assets | FC3 | Spitfire | P-51D | P-47D | F-86F | L-39 | AV-8B | F-16C | F/A-18C | A-10C | F-14B | A-4E-C | BS2


System: X570 AMD-3900X | 32GB DDR4 3000 | 2TB Gen 4x4 5GB/s NVME | Dual 1070 TI | 4k 32" Samsung

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definitely led to some confusion when the code didn't make sense.

Modules: Persian Gulf | Normandy | Channel | Nevada | Supercarrier | WWII Assets | FC3 | Spitfire | P-51D | P-47D | F-86F | L-39 | AV-8B | F-16C | F/A-18C | A-10C | F-14B | A-4E-C | BS2


System: X570 AMD-3900X | 32GB DDR4 3000 | 2TB Gen 4x4 5GB/s NVME | Dual 1070 TI | 4k 32" Samsung

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we'll get it working after a few tumbles ;)

Modules: Persian Gulf | Normandy | Channel | Nevada | Supercarrier | WWII Assets | FC3 | Spitfire | P-51D | P-47D | F-86F | L-39 | AV-8B | F-16C | F/A-18C | A-10C | F-14B | A-4E-C | BS2


System: X570 AMD-3900X | 32GB DDR4 3000 | 2TB Gen 4x4 5GB/s NVME | Dual 1070 TI | 4k 32" Samsung

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definitely led to some confusion when the code didn't make sense.


If I'm honest, I was *really* wondering why you were asking for A-10C code...


But hey, I'm here to help.


Sometimes I have to think things through for myself.

(I couldn't do what you do--my brain recoils at what you're posting now--so I'm hoping larger minds will prevail and make the F-14 StreamDeck friendlier.)


Honestly, I spent today using arbitrary keybinds to make/operate my F-14/Streamdeck profile as best I could without the scripts.

I can tell you the scripts are FAR more robust (I can operate the Harrier with nothing but HOTAS and the StreamDeck--and that's including startup) than just using ported keyboard commands.

I appreciate the work that's going in to this.

Hopefully no one is going to sue me for posting publicly files that are part of a paid add-on.

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maybe less is more. Figured I could give people a better understanding of what is going on in the exportscript, but you end up going down lots of rabbit holes without certain basic understandings.


If you got to here (good job and/or I'm sorry, lol)


Attached is the f-14b lua script made by chackal and the edits I've made above.



Put the script in the same directory as the others, and follow a few posts above by using the 3'rd option in stream deck to monitor text change id's 2600, 2601 and 2602 on 3 different buttons and let me know the results.


If the results make sense I'll make a fuel monitor button with them that displays the fuel output(s) on one button and flashes yellow when low on fuel.


Modules: Persian Gulf | Normandy | Channel | Nevada | Supercarrier | WWII Assets | FC3 | Spitfire | P-51D | P-47D | F-86F | L-39 | AV-8B | F-16C | F/A-18C | A-10C | F-14B | A-4E-C | BS2


System: X570 AMD-3900X | 32GB DDR4 3000 | 2TB Gen 4x4 5GB/s NVME | Dual 1070 TI | 4k 32" Samsung

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