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[FIXED INTERNALLY] WfrGr21 are not affecting FW 190 A-8 aerodynamics


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The Werfer-Granate 21 (WfrGr21 / BR21) have no effect on the aerodynamics of the FW 190 A-8 "Anton". This applies to both the loaded and spent rockets.





To test, I used the following conditions (mission file attached).


21-Jun-1944 12:00, 20 deg C, no cloud.

Aircraft starts air-spawned, with 50% fuel, full guns, WfrGr21 on wings, remove centre pylon.

Normandy map, same location for each over water ( XV68 ), facing east, at 1000m alt.

Gentle dive to sea level (10-20m), then hold until speed reduces to stable values





Once in sustained, level flight, I use the status bar to read off the speed (screenshot attached).



  • On the deck, I can sustain in level-flight 550 km/h with the loaded rockets.
  • If I fire the rockets, the sustained level-flight speed with empty tubes is 550 km/h.
  • If I drop the rocket pods (i.e. jettison, without firing), it remains 550 km/h.
  • If I fire the rockets, and then use the jettison switch, the rocket tubes remain (related bug), but the speed remains 550 km/h.





The WfrGr21 rockets have no effect on the aerodynamics, and hence speed, of the aircraft. It is irrelevant if they are not-fitted, fitted, fired or jettisoned.





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The Werfer-Granate 21 (WfrGr21 / BR21) have no effect on the aerodynamics of the FW 190 A-8 "Anton". This applies to both the loaded and spent rockets.





To test, I used the following conditions (mission file attached).


21-Jun-1944 12:00, 20 deg C, no cloud.

Aircraft starts air-spawned, with 50% fuel, full guns, WfrGr21 on wings, remove centre pylon.

Normandy map, same location for each over water ( XV68 ), facing east, at 1000m alt.

Gentle dive to sea level (10-20m), then hold until speed reduces to stable values





Once in sustained, level flight, I use the status bar to read off the speed (screenshot attached).



  • On the deck, I can sustain in level-flight 550 km/h with the loaded rockets.
  • If I fire the rockets, the sustained level-flight speed with empty tubes is 550 km/h.
  • If I drop the rocket pods (i.e. jettison, without firing), it remains 550 km/h.
  • If I fire the rockets, and then use the jettison switch, the rocket tubes remain (related bug), but the speed remains 550 km/h.





The WfrGr21 rockets have no effect on the aerodynamics, and hence speed, of the aircraft. It is irrelevant if they are not-fitted, fitted, fired or jettisoned.




Known, fixed and will be merged in the next update.

Ніщо так сильно не ранить мозок, як уламки скла від розбитих рожевих окулярів

There is nothing so hurtful for the brain as splinters of broken rose-coloured spectacles.

Ничто так сильно не ранит мозг, как осколки стекла от разбитых розовых очков (С) Me

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Tested this again with the new version (v2.5.6.47224).


Using the same testing conditions indicated in the first post of this thread.



  • No rockets loaded = 551 km/h
  • Rockets loaded, then jettisoned = 551 km/h
  • Rockets loaded, one fired, other jettisoned = 530 km/h (and asymmetry noticeable)
  • Rockets loaded, none fired = 511 km/h
  • Rockets loaded, both fired = 511 km/h


When a rocket has been fired, it is no longer possible to jettison the tube (I regard this as a separate, and significant, bug).


When a rocket has been fired, there is no change in the dynamics, even though the tube is empty (I would expect some difference, even if small, this is a minor problem in the scheme of things).

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