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Radar elevation sensitivity

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As I'm not a patient guy, I have fixed it for myself by adding these 2 lines to the "default.lua":

{pressed = hotas_commands.THROTTLE_ANT_ELEV_UP, cockpit_device_id = devices.HOTAS,    value_pressed =  0.2, name = _('ANT ELEV Knob - CW Fine'), category = {_('Throttle Grip'), _('HOTAS')}},
{pressed = hotas_commands.THROTTLE_ANT_ELEV_DOWN, cockpit_device_id = devices.HOTAS,    value_pressed = -0.2, name = _('ANT ELEV Knob - CCW Fine'), category = {_('Throttle Grip'), _('HOTAS')}},

The values after "value_pressed" determine the sensitivity of the command (higher number --> faster, smaller number --> slower).


Windows 10 Pro 64Bit | i7-4790 CPU |16 GB RAM|SSD System Disk|SSD Gaming Disk| MSI GTX-1080 Gaming 8 GB| Acer XB270HU | TM Warthog HOTAS | VKB Gladiator Pro | MongoosT-50 | MFG Crosswind Pedals | TrackIR 5

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm using a TM Warthog - with the Radar Elevation assigned to the Coolie Switch Up & Down directions, using the ANT ELEV Knob - CW & CW Commands, and don't see any sensitivity issue as of the last 2 updates (April 18/20)



Maybe it was fixed then?

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  • 1 year later...
On 4/3/2020 at 5:40 AM, LeCuvier said:

As I'm not a patient guy, I have fixed it for myself by adding these 2 lines to the "default.lua":

{pressed = hotas_commands.THROTTLE_ANT_ELEV_UP, cockpit_device_id = devices.HOTAS,    value_pressed =  0.2, name = _('ANT ELEV Knob - CW Fine'), category = {_('Throttle Grip'), _('HOTAS')}},
{pressed = hotas_commands.THROTTLE_ANT_ELEV_DOWN, cockpit_device_id = devices.HOTAS,    value_pressed = -0.2, name = _('ANT ELEV Knob - CCW Fine'), category = {_('Throttle Grip'), _('HOTAS')}},

The values after "value_pressed" determine the sensitivity of the command (higher number --> faster, smaller number --> slower).


Hello, can you provide some more detail on how to use your code to solve the issue please? Like a "how to" place the code in the file? What software do I need to do it?


Thanks in advance. I just got the F16 module and I am using my rotary encoder dial on my VIRPIL CM3 and the radar jumps altitude blocks. 

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Windows 10 Pro 64Bit | i7-4790 CPU |16 GB RAM|SSD System Disk|SSD Gaming Disk| MSI GTX-1080 Gaming 8 GB| Acer XB270HU | TM Warthog HOTAS | VKB Gladiator Pro | MongoosT-50 | MFG Crosswind Pedals | TrackIR 5

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2 hours ago, LeCuvier said:


WOW.. You put a ton of time into this. Thank you!


I can barely use email so this is gonna be interesting!! I read your instructions but it's not clicking for me.. Not sure if I need to just copy and past the script above in or if I need to modify what's in there. 




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@LowlyslowsYou copy the two lines above and paste them into the "default.lua", using the free Notepad++ editor. It's important you paste them into the right block of code. Refer to the document for specifics.


Windows 10 Pro 64Bit | i7-4790 CPU |16 GB RAM|SSD System Disk|SSD Gaming Disk| MSI GTX-1080 Gaming 8 GB| Acer XB270HU | TM Warthog HOTAS | VKB Gladiator Pro | MongoosT-50 | MFG Crosswind Pedals | TrackIR 5

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8 hours ago, LeCuvier said:

@LowlyslowsYou copy the two lines above and paste them into the "default.lua", using the free Notepad++ editor. It's important you paste them into the right block of code. Refer to the document for specifics.


Surprisingly, I got it to work! However, it might be the wrong thing. I just searched for the code: THROTTLE_ANT_ELEV_UP and changed both UP/DOWN to 0.1/-0.1. When I went back into DCS I noticed a second set of antenna elevation binds (4 total and now orange in color). I bound to the new set and now the sensitive is perfect. 


Thoughts? I know this isn't what you recommended but it worked plus I didn't see your response until just now!


Thanks for the help!

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I do not have the 4 lines displayed in orange, because my added lines have " Fine" added to the names of the added bindings.

I suspect you added the new lines with the same names as the original lines. In other words, you have lines with identical names but different code. That's an (non-lethal) error condition.

I could have changed the original lines as you did, but I wanted to keep the original lines for quick coarse adjustments.


Windows 10 Pro 64Bit | i7-4790 CPU |16 GB RAM|SSD System Disk|SSD Gaming Disk| MSI GTX-1080 Gaming 8 GB| Acer XB270HU | TM Warthog HOTAS | VKB Gladiator Pro | MongoosT-50 | MFG Crosswind Pedals | TrackIR 5

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19 hours ago, LeCuvier said:

I do not have the 4 lines displayed in orange, because my added lines have " Fine" added to the names of the added bindings.

I suspect you added the new lines with the same names as the original lines. In other words, you have lines with identical names but different code. That's an (non-lethal) error condition.

I could have changed the original lines as you did, but I wanted to keep the original lines for quick coarse adjustments.

So should I return the old lines back to original and copy and paste your lines right under them?

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20 hours ago, Lowlyslows said:

So should I return the old lines back to original and copy and paste your lines right under them?

That might be a good idea.


Windows 10 Pro 64Bit | i7-4790 CPU |16 GB RAM|SSD System Disk|SSD Gaming Disk| MSI GTX-1080 Gaming 8 GB| Acer XB270HU | TM Warthog HOTAS | VKB Gladiator Pro | MongoosT-50 | MFG Crosswind Pedals | TrackIR 5

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26 minutes ago, Lowlyslows said:

... Just to confirm, I copy and paste your two lines right underneath the two original lines right? Not up elevation under up elevation, right?

It does not matter at all, as long as you put them into the right block of lines. Personally, I put all added lines at the end of the block for key commands., like this:

--added HWF
{down = mmc_commands.Alt, up = mmc_commands.Alt, cockpit_device_id = devices.MMC, value_down =  1.0, value_up =  0.0, name = _('HUD Altitude Switch 2-POS RADAR/BARO'), category = {_('Right Console'), _('HUD Control Panel')}},
{pressed = hotas_commands.THROTTLE_ANT_ELEV_UP, cockpit_device_id = devices.HOTAS,    value_pressed =  0.2, name = _('ANT ELEV Knob - CW Fine'), category = {_('Throttle Grip'), _('HOTAS')}},
{pressed = hotas_commands.THROTTLE_ANT_ELEV_DOWN, cockpit_device_id = devices.HOTAS,    value_pressed = -0.2, name = _('ANT ELEV Knob - CCW Fine'), category = {_('Throttle Grip'), _('HOTAS')}},
{down = iCommandPlaneGearUp, up  = iCommandPlaneGearDown, name = _('LG Handle 2-Pos UP/DOWN'), category = {_('Left Auxiliary Console')}},
{down = control_commands.ApPitchAlt_EXT, up = control_commands.ApPitchAlt_EXT, cockpit_device_id = devices.CONTROL_INTERFACE, value_down =  1.0, value_up = -1.0,    name = _('Autopilot PITCH Switch ALT HOLD/OFF'), category = {_('Instrument Panel'), _('FLCS')}},
{down = control_commands.ApPitchAtt_EXT, up = control_commands.ApPitchAlt_EXT, cockpit_device_id = devices.CONTROL_INTERFACE, value_down = -1.0,    value_up = -1.0, name = _('Autopilot PITCH Switch ATT HOLD/OFF'), category = {_('Instrument Panel'), _('FLCS')}},
{down = fcr_commands.PwrSw, up = fcr_commands.PwrSw, cockpit_device_id = devices.FCR, value_down =  1.0, value_up =  0.0,    name = _('FCR Switch 2-Pos FCR/OFF OFF'), category = {_('Right Console'), _('SNSR PWR Control Panel')}},
{down = ufc_commands.FLIR_GAIN_Sw, up = ufc_commands.FLIR_GAIN_Sw, cockpit_device_id = devices.UFC,    value_down =  1.0, value_up =  0.0, name = _('ICP FLIR GAIN/LEVEL 3-Pos Switch GAIN/LVL'), category = {_('Instrument Panel'), _('ICP')}},
{down = ufc_commands.FLIR_GAIN_Sw, up = ufc_commands.FLIR_GAIN_Sw, cockpit_device_id = devices.UFC,    value_down =  -1.0, value_up =  0.0, name = _('ICP FLIR GAIN/LEVEL 3-Pos Switch AUTO/LVL'), category = {_('Instrument Panel'), _('ICP')}},
{down = rwr_commands.Power, up = rwr_commands.Power, cockpit_device_id = devices.RWR, value_down =  1.0, value_up =  0.0, name = _('RWR Indicator Control POWER Button 2-Pos DEPR/REL'), category = {_('Left Auxiliary Console'), _('THREAT WARNING AUX Panel')}},
{down = cpt_commands.EjectionSafetyLever, up = cpt_commands.EjectionSafetyLever, value_down = 1.0, value_up = 0.0, cockpit_device_id = devices.CPT_MECH, name = _('Ejection Safety Lever 2-Pos ARMED/LOCKED'), category = {_('Systems')}},
{down = cpt_commands.EjectionSafetyLever, value_down = 1.0, cockpit_device_id = devices.CPT_MECH, name = _('Ejection Safety Lever ARMED'), category = {_('Systems')}},
{down = cpt_commands.EjectionSafetyLever, value_down = 0.0, cockpit_device_id = devices.CPT_MECH, name = _('Ejection Safety Lever LOCKED'), category = {_('Systems')}},




Windows 10 Pro 64Bit | i7-4790 CPU |16 GB RAM|SSD System Disk|SSD Gaming Disk| MSI GTX-1080 Gaming 8 GB| Acer XB270HU | TM Warthog HOTAS | VKB Gladiator Pro | MongoosT-50 | MFG Crosswind Pedals | TrackIR 5

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9 hours ago, LeCuvier said:

It does not matter at all, as long as you put them into the right block of lines. Personally, I put all added lines at the end of the block for key commands., like this:

--added HWF
{down = mmc_commands.Alt, up = mmc_commands.Alt, cockpit_device_id = devices.MMC, value_down =  1.0, value_up =  0.0, name = _('HUD Altitude Switch 2-POS RADAR/BARO'), category = {_('Right Console'), _('HUD Control Panel')}},
{pressed = hotas_commands.THROTTLE_ANT_ELEV_UP, cockpit_device_id = devices.HOTAS,    value_pressed =  0.2, name = _('ANT ELEV Knob - CW Fine'), category = {_('Throttle Grip'), _('HOTAS')}},
{pressed = hotas_commands.THROTTLE_ANT_ELEV_DOWN, cockpit_device_id = devices.HOTAS,    value_pressed = -0.2, name = _('ANT ELEV Knob - CCW Fine'), category = {_('Throttle Grip'), _('HOTAS')}},
{down = iCommandPlaneGearUp, up  = iCommandPlaneGearDown, name = _('LG Handle 2-Pos UP/DOWN'), category = {_('Left Auxiliary Console')}},
{down = control_commands.ApPitchAlt_EXT, up = control_commands.ApPitchAlt_EXT, cockpit_device_id = devices.CONTROL_INTERFACE, value_down =  1.0, value_up = -1.0,    name = _('Autopilot PITCH Switch ALT HOLD/OFF'), category = {_('Instrument Panel'), _('FLCS')}},
{down = control_commands.ApPitchAtt_EXT, up = control_commands.ApPitchAlt_EXT, cockpit_device_id = devices.CONTROL_INTERFACE, value_down = -1.0,    value_up = -1.0, name = _('Autopilot PITCH Switch ATT HOLD/OFF'), category = {_('Instrument Panel'), _('FLCS')}},
{down = fcr_commands.PwrSw, up = fcr_commands.PwrSw, cockpit_device_id = devices.FCR, value_down =  1.0, value_up =  0.0,    name = _('FCR Switch 2-Pos FCR/OFF OFF'), category = {_('Right Console'), _('SNSR PWR Control Panel')}},
{down = ufc_commands.FLIR_GAIN_Sw, up = ufc_commands.FLIR_GAIN_Sw, cockpit_device_id = devices.UFC,    value_down =  1.0, value_up =  0.0, name = _('ICP FLIR GAIN/LEVEL 3-Pos Switch GAIN/LVL'), category = {_('Instrument Panel'), _('ICP')}},
{down = ufc_commands.FLIR_GAIN_Sw, up = ufc_commands.FLIR_GAIN_Sw, cockpit_device_id = devices.UFC,    value_down =  -1.0, value_up =  0.0, name = _('ICP FLIR GAIN/LEVEL 3-Pos Switch AUTO/LVL'), category = {_('Instrument Panel'), _('ICP')}},
{down = rwr_commands.Power, up = rwr_commands.Power, cockpit_device_id = devices.RWR, value_down =  1.0, value_up =  0.0, name = _('RWR Indicator Control POWER Button 2-Pos DEPR/REL'), category = {_('Left Auxiliary Console'), _('THREAT WARNING AUX Panel')}},
{down = cpt_commands.EjectionSafetyLever, up = cpt_commands.EjectionSafetyLever, value_down = 1.0, value_up = 0.0, cockpit_device_id = devices.CPT_MECH, name = _('Ejection Safety Lever 2-Pos ARMED/LOCKED'), category = {_('Systems')}},
{down = cpt_commands.EjectionSafetyLever, value_down = 1.0, cockpit_device_id = devices.CPT_MECH, name = _('Ejection Safety Lever ARMED'), category = {_('Systems')}},
{down = cpt_commands.EjectionSafetyLever, value_down = 0.0, cockpit_device_id = devices.CPT_MECH, name = _('Ejection Safety Lever LOCKED'), category = {_('Systems')}},



Fixed and works!


Thanks for all your help! Not sure what the other lines of script to (still new to the F16). Not sure if I need them ore not.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi: I have the F14 and I have the Radar control elevation up/down for the RIO bound to my joystick trim hat (TM Warthog).  However, it is WAY to sensitive, one touch sends the antenna all over the place 😞

I tried the method above, managed to get the key binding "Fine Radar Elevation Up/Down" to appear in the binding assignment GUI, but when I bound it to the same hat as an alternate function, it did not work.  Clearly I'm missing something.

This is from my default.lua in the main game Mods/aircraft/F14/Input/F-14B-RIO/Joystick folder (red is what I added):

{ up = device_commands.RADAR_elevation_updown, down = device_commands.RADAR_elevation_updown, cockpit_device_id=devices.RADAR, value_down = 1, value_up = 0, name = _('Radar elevation up'), category = _('Radar Control Panel')},
{ up = device_commands.RADAR_elevation_updown, down = device_commands.RADAR_elevation_updown, cockpit_device_id=devices.RADAR, value_down = -1, value_up = 0, name = _('Radar elevation down'), category = _('Radar Control Panel')},

{ up = device_commands.RADAR_elevation_updown, down = device_commands.RADAR_elevation_updown, cockpit_device_id=devices.RADAR, value_down = 0.2, value_up = 0, name = _('Fine Radar elevation up'), category = _('Radar Control Panel')},
{ up = device_commands.RADAR_elevation_updown, down = device_commands.RADAR_elevation_updown, cockpit_device_id=devices.RADAR, value_down = -0.2, value_up = 0, name = _('Fine Radar elevation down'), category = _('Radar Control Panel')},

Clearly, what I have done here is incorrect, not sure if I'm even editing the correct file, or if the file needs to go into the saved games folder.  Also not sure where to put the "pressed = ..." script, which I THINK actually tells the game what sensitivity to use



Talent hits a target no one else can hit, genius hits a target no one else can detect

AMD Ryzen 9 3900x CPU@4.5Ghz, ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Dark Hero Motherboard, 64GB Corsair Venegence DDR 3200 RAM, MSI Rtx 3060 12GB Primary GPU, ASUS GTX 1650 4GB Secondary GPU, 40" 1920x1080 Samsung Monitor, 32" 1360x768 Sony Monitor, 32" Dynex 1360x768 Monitor, 1TB Seagate Firecuda M2 PCIe 4 OS SSD, 2TB Western Digital Blue M2 PCIe 3 storage SSD, 8TB Samsung 870QVO storage SSD, Western Digital Blue 1TB storage SATA, 2x Thrustmaster T16000 (LH and RH), Warthog Joy/Throttle/TPRS, 6 x Cougar MFDs (4 with Generic VGA 800x600 displays), Track IR 5 with IR Trackstar V3, Logitech G910 Tactile Keyboard, Logitech G604 Lightspeed Mouse, Logitech F310 Gamepad, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

Soul: None (sold long ago to the MGOMU, also known as Princess)

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Unfortunately, a method that works in one module doesn't necessarily work in another. Different developers have different handwriting, and that's especially true when the developer is from another organization as in this case. I have some old F-14 files from the trial pase, but could not find the object in "clickabledata.lua" that relates to this command. If you can find it, try to find the "Gain" paramter and reduce it.

If the command is too "fast" for pushbuttons it might be just right for a rotary encoder which generates sequences of very short pulses.


Windows 10 Pro 64Bit | i7-4790 CPU |16 GB RAM|SSD System Disk|SSD Gaming Disk| MSI GTX-1080 Gaming 8 GB| Acer XB270HU | TM Warthog HOTAS | VKB Gladiator Pro | MongoosT-50 | MFG Crosswind Pedals | TrackIR 5

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Ideally, it would go as a shifted function on whatever button I have the coarse elevation mapped to, in this case the POVU/POVD hat switch on the joystick.

I got around it (still not ideal but at least it sort of works) by remapping the zoom view slider 1 on the throttle to the L throttle handle, and mapping relative radar elevation to the slider.  Then I adjusted the axis curve so it is very slow close to the center slider position, and faster the more the slider is away from center.

Like I said, it SORT OF works in that I get the function I want, but is not very efficient in that I would rather keep the radar elevation function grouped onto a single button.

I can probably get it to work in TARGET, but it would be a PITA to program the entire system just for one function.

Talent hits a target no one else can hit, genius hits a target no one else can detect

AMD Ryzen 9 3900x CPU@4.5Ghz, ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Dark Hero Motherboard, 64GB Corsair Venegence DDR 3200 RAM, MSI Rtx 3060 12GB Primary GPU, ASUS GTX 1650 4GB Secondary GPU, 40" 1920x1080 Samsung Monitor, 32" 1360x768 Sony Monitor, 32" Dynex 1360x768 Monitor, 1TB Seagate Firecuda M2 PCIe 4 OS SSD, 2TB Western Digital Blue M2 PCIe 3 storage SSD, 8TB Samsung 870QVO storage SSD, Western Digital Blue 1TB storage SATA, 2x Thrustmaster T16000 (LH and RH), Warthog Joy/Throttle/TPRS, 6 x Cougar MFDs (4 with Generic VGA 800x600 displays), Track IR 5 with IR Trackstar V3, Logitech G910 Tactile Keyboard, Logitech G604 Lightspeed Mouse, Logitech F310 Gamepad, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

Soul: None (sold long ago to the MGOMU, also known as Princess)

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