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conversion of maple flag campaigns (A10 and F5) to f18 campaigns


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First of all I apologize to the developers if this cannot be done. Let me start by saying that I have regularly purchased all the marple flag campaigns and that I have only tried the following on my pc. If it doesn't go well, I apologize.


I have all the maple flag campaigns for A10, F5 and F18. Now I am only using the F18 and I would like to have other campaigns such as those released for the A10 and F5. In the meantime I tried to do this. With the "mission editor" I open the individual missions of one of this campaign, for example "A10 basic flight training qualification", replace the A10 with the F18 and adjust the load of bombs necessary, then click on "fly mission" mission and ... i can play! I also have all the voices from the instructor. By the way, I would still have questions:

1) Is it legal? I think so because all the campaigns that I "convert" for the F18 I have regularly purchased.

2) Can I also finish them using a plane other than the one for which the mission was scheduled? For example, on a mission I was asked to hit targets on the ground with different types of bombs. Some of these are present on the F18, but one type is not. In the specific case it is a "cluster bomb", I don't remember the acronym. If I put another bomb of the same type on the F18, therefore always cluster bomb, do you think it can create conflicts in the mission?

3) I noticed that for each campaign mission, there are two ".miz" files, they have the same name, only the word "practice" is inserted in one of the two. I tried to start them both, but they look identical. How do they differ? Why are there two files for each mission?

4) once I open the missions with the "mission editor", I can edit them, but I can't save. I can only play them by clicking "Fly now" (or "try mission", I don't remember the exact wording), from inside the editor. Not being able to save them, every time I want to replay them, I have to go through the editor, and every time replace the plane on duty with what I want (in this case with the F1. Is there a way to save them?

Thank you.


P.S.: to questions no. 3,4 a user replied.


congratulations for the work and look forward to the release of new campaigns for the f18

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