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any tips using the radar?


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I'm not having much luck with the radar in sea1/sea2 mode - it's a hit and miss process: if i'm fast enough, accurate with the slew controls with copious amounts of zoom in on the mfcd/a ship's contact and luck, i can get a spi down kinda close enough so that then i can use the wmd pod to lock it, is this how it's supposed to work?



i tried targeting a tanker, a patrol boat and the kuznetsov - can't get it to work like in Deka's c802ak video though (the ship's contact is a solid horizontal line that you can easily target) -






pilotfly.gif joystick.gif :doh:





p.s. can a mod please delete https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=257383 ? I created it in the wrong section :(

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If anyone else comes across this - speed and size do seem to play a role - i couldn't get a track on a molniya (non stealthy rustbucket era vette - around 200ft long) doing 25kts unless i got to like 5-10nm from it, it worked better when i set it's speed to 11kts, then at 5kts i couldn't get a lock etc..


The ground/sea radar modes are probably work in progress and there's a number of bugs at the moment that compound any existing issues, e.g. at the moment you can't narrow down your radar scan area to say 15 degrees in order to get a better lock because the jeff mfcd's will start flashing like a strobe light etc. The jeff radar seems to be a bit weak as well (as in it's vertical scan area is tiny) - I guess we'll have to wait for more documentation/guides, bugfixes etc

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