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Why are the presets different from the Hornet?


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Thanks for an excellent module!


I'm wondering if there is a certain reason why the radios in the F-14 have different presets than the Hornet? Is it based on some IRL source that you wanted to stay true to or something like that?


Imho, it would have been great if it just matched the Hornet list since the two types often fly together and it's such a hassle to change it everytime.


(I realize one can make their own template .miz with this prepared and so on, just not sure if there's any value to the lists being different rather than having the defaults similar.)


Keep up the good work!

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Or at least, some way to copy them in bulk from one unit to another.


I tried modifying your Case I trainer to have some F-14's take-off from the ground by switching out some of the Batumi Hornets to Tomcats just by changing aircraft type of the unit. Everything reset to F-14 defaults. And SUCH a pain to update all the radio presets!


Made worse because you cannot cut and paste entire freq sets, so you have to write down dozens numbers and then individually type them in.

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I can't remember where we took ours from, we're considering to update them to the same channels at some point, but atm it is rather low on the priority list. Thank you for your kind patience.

Heatblur Simulations


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Made worse because you cannot cut and paste entire freq sets, so you have to write down dozens numbers and then individually type them in.


There is a little hack if you're a little computer savvy. If you unzip the .miz file and open the mission-file in there, you'll see it's simple a lua configuration file. You can carefully copy-paste the contents of the radio section from a Tomcat you have modified to the ones that still have the default presets. Not optimal but at least it's much faster than manually doing it in the ME. Just make sure you do not have the mission open in the ME while hacking away in its contents. Weird stuff will happen. :)


I can't remember where we took ours from, we're considering to update them to the same channels at some point, but atm it is rather low on the priority list. Thank you for your kind patience.


That sounds cool. Thanks a lot for the friendly and humble response. Much appreciated! :)

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There is a little hack if you're a little computer savvy. If you unzip the .miz file and open the mission-file in there, you'll see it's simple a lua configuration file. You can carefully copy-paste the contents of the radio section from a Tomcat you have modified to the ones that still have the default presets. Not optimal but at least it's much faster than manually doing it in the ME. Just make sure you do not have the mission open in the ME while hacking away in its contents. Weird stuff will happen. :)


Ah, that IS useful! Thanks!

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