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Lua script: record player's a2a kills/deaths to HTML file


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For Lock On V1.02 servers:


After a mission has finished, and the debrief screen comes up, this script will record all player's kills and deaths and add them to a HTML file containing all past player's kills/deaths. It will also record all IP connections. Sorry I couldn't host this in a zip file, I am currently having problems logging onto my webpage.




First, backup Config\Export\Export.lua.


Then, in export.lua, you need to add this line near the top

g_startTime = os.date( "start: \t%I:%M %p<br>");


Then, scroll down in Export.lua and, in function LuaExportStop(), add these 2 lines ( make sure you add them after function LuaExportStop() and before the next end:


dofile( "Config/Export/logFlight.lua" );


So, your LuaExportStop() might look like this:

function LuaExportStop()
-- Works once just after mission stop.

-- Close files and/or connections here.
-- For example:
-- 1) File
--	io.close()
-- 2) Socket
--if c then
	--s, e = c:send( "\t> quit\n" ) -- to close the listener socket

dofile( "Config/Export/logFlight.lua" );



Now, make a file called logFlight.lua in your Config\Export\ Folder and paste this code into it:


dofile( "Config/Export/fileOps.lua" );

function CalcScores()
 local currPlayer = "";
 local plane = "";
 local playerList = {};
 local playerCount = 0;
 local i = 1;
 local currPIndex = 0;
 local temp = io.input();
 local inFile = io.open( "./Temp/mp_log.txt", "r" );
 io.input( inFile );
if ( inFile ) then
  io.write( "<font color=\"#000000\"><br><b>Points</b><br>" );
  io.write( "<center><table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\" width=\"80%\">" );
   io.write( "<tr><td width=\"16%\"><font face=\"Verdana\" size=\"2\">Plane</font></td> ");
   io.write( "  <td width=\"26%\"><font face=\"Verdana\" size=\"2\">Player</font></td> ");
   io.write( "  <td width=\"13%\"><font face=\"Verdana\" size=\"2\">Kills</font></td> ");
   io.write( "  <td width=\"14%\"><font face=\"Verdana\" size=\"2\">Deaths</font></td> ");
   io.write( "</tr> ");

   --io.write( "<font face=\"Courier New\" size=\"2\">" );
  data = io.read( "*line" );
	while ( data ~= NIL ) do
	  -- read the line and look for players
	  -- look for first player
	  strIndex, strIndex2 = string.find( data, "\"" );
	  if ( strIndex ~= NIL ) then
	    currPlayer = string.sub( data, strIndex + 1 );
	    strIndex = string.find( currPlayer, "\"" );
	    strIndex2 = string.find( currPlayer, ")" ) - 1;
	    plane = string.sub( currPlayer, strIndex + 2, strIndex2 );
	    currPlayer = string.sub( currPlayer, 0, strIndex - 1 );
	    -- is the player already in the list?
	    i = 1;
	    while ( i < playerCount and currPlayer ~= playerList[ i ][ "name" ] ) do
	      i = i + 1;
	    if ( i <= playerCount and currPlayer == playerList[ i ][ "name" ] ) then
 		    currPIndex = i;
 		    -- add this player
 		    playerCount = playerCount + 1;
 		    playerList[ playerCount ] = {};
 		    playerList[ playerCount ][ "name" ] = currPlayer;
 		    playerList[ playerCount ][ "plane" ] = plane;
 		    playerList[ playerCount ][ "kills" ] = 0;
 		    playerList[ playerCount ][ "deaths" ] = 0;
 		    playerList[ playerCount ][ "ejected" ] = 0;
 		    currPIndex = playerCount;
 		  -- this is to catch an ejection and recovery before the plane crashed
 		  -- crash usually follows an eject
	    if ( string.find( data, "crash" ) == NIL and playerList[ currPIndex ][ "ejected" ] == 1 ) then
	      playerList[ currPIndex ][ "deaths" ] = playerList[ currPIndex ][ "deaths" ] + 1;
	      playerList[ currPIndex ][ "ejected" ] = 0;
 		  -- find if this is a kill or crash
 		  if ( string.find( data, "kill" ) ~= NIL ) then
	      playerList[ currPIndex ][ "kills" ] = playerList[ currPIndex ][ "kills" ] + 1;
	    elseif ( string.find( data, "eject" ) ~= NIL  ) then
	      playerList[ currPIndex ][ "ejected" ] = 1;
 		  elseif ( string.find( data, "crash" ) ~= NIL ) then  
 		    playerList[ currPIndex ][ "deaths" ] = playerList[ currPIndex ][ "deaths" ] + 1;
	      if ( playerList[ currPIndex ][ "ejected" ] == 1 ) then
	        playerList[ currPIndex ][ "ejected" ] = 0;
 		data = io.read( "*line" );
	for i = 1, playerCount do
 	  io.write( "<tr><td width=\"16%\"><font face=\"Verdana\" color=\"#ff0000\" size=\"2\">" );
 	  io.write( "<img border=\"0\" src=\"img/" );
 	  io.write( playerList[ i ][ "plane" ] );
 	  io.write( ".jpg\"></td><td width=\"26%\"><font color=\"#0000ff\"><b>" );
 	  io.write( playerList[ i ][ "name" ] );
 	  io.write( "</b></td><td width=\"13%\"><font color=\"#ff0000\"><b>" );
     io.write( "<p align=\"center\"><b>" );
     io.write( playerList[ i ][ "kills" ] );
     io.write( "</b></td><td width=\"14%\"><p align=\"center\"><font color=\"#ff0000\"><b>" );
 	  io.write( playerList[ i ][ "deaths" ] );
 	  io.write( "</font></b></td></tr>" );
 	io.write( "</table>" );
   io.write( "</center>" );

io.input():close();        -- close current file
 io.input( temp );        



function LogFlight()
 local inFileBuf;
 local inFileBuf2;
 local data;
 local strIndex = 0;
 local strIndex2 = 0;
 local clientCount = 0;
 local inFile = io.open( "./Temp/AsyncNet.log", "r" );
 local outFile;
 local temp1 = io.input()   -- save current file
 local temp2 = io.output()   -- save current file
 io.input( inFile );
if ( inFile ) then
  outFile = io.open( "./Temp/lastFlight.html", "w" )
  io.output( outFile );
  --io.write( "<html><head><title>Lock On: Modern Air Combat Stats</title></head><body>" );
   io.write( "<br><hr><p align=\"right\"><font face=\"Verdana\" size=\"2\" color=\"#000000\">" );
   io.write( os.date( "date:  \t%a, %b %d %Y  <br>" ) );
   if ( g_startTime ~= NIL ) then
     io.write( g_startTime );
   io.write( os.date( "end:   \t%I:%M %p<br>") );
   io.write( "</p>" );
  data = io.read( "*line" );
	while ( data ~= NIL ) do
	  -- read the line and look for connection
	  strIndex, strIndex2 = string.find( data, "accepting connection from " );
	  if ( strIndex ~= NIL ) then
	    io.write( string.format( "%s<br>", string.sub( data, strIndex2 + 1, 100 ) ) );
	    if ( clientCount == 0 ) then
	      io.write( "<br><b>IP Connections<font color=\"#0000FF\"></b><br>" );
	    clientCount = clientCount + 1;
	  data = io.read( "*line" );

io.input():close()        -- close current file
io.input( temp1 ); 

-- no clients so let's get out
if ( clientCount == 0 ) then
  io.output():close();        -- close current file
   io.output( temp2 );

 temp1 = io.input();
 inFile = io.open( "./Temp/mp_log.txt", "r" );
 io.input( inFile );
if ( inFile ) then
  io.write( "<font color=\"#000000\"><br><b>Debrief</b><br>" );
   io.write( "<font face=\"Courier New\" size=\"2\">" );
  data = io.read( "*line" );
	while ( data ~= NIL ) do
	  -- read the line and look for connection
	  --strIndex, strIndex2 = string.find( data, "accepting connection from " );
	  --if ( strIndex ~= NIL ) then
	  --  io.write( string.format( "%s\n", string.sub( data, strIndex2 + 1, 100 ) ) );
	  io.write( string.format( "\t %s<br>", data ) );
	  data = io.read( "*line" );
io.write( "<br>" );

io.input():close();        -- close current file
 io.input( temp1 ); 
io.output():close();        -- close current file
 io.output( temp2 );
 inFileBuf = OpenFile( "./Temp/lastFlight.html" );
 inFileBuf2 = OpenFile( "./Temp/logFile.html" );
 WriteToFile( "./Temp/logFile.html", inFileBuf );
 AppendToFile( "./Temp/logFile.html", inFileBuf2 );


And! That's not it... make another file in the same folder called fileOps.lua and paste this code into the file:


-- reads in a file, storing each line in an array
-- buffer[ 1 ] is always reserved for line count
function OpenFile( fileName )
 local buffer = {};
 local i = 2;  
 local temp = io.input();
 local inFile = io.open( fileName, "r" );
  io.input( inFile );
if ( inFile ) then
  buffer[ 1 ] = 2;
  buffer[ i ]= io.read( "*line" );
	while ( buffer[ i ] ~= NIL ) do
    i = i + 1;
    buffer[ i ] = io.read( "*line" );
 io.input():close();        -- close current file
 io.input( temp );
 return buffer;


-- reads the next line from the buffer
function ReadLine( buffer )
 if ( buffer[ buffer[ 1 ] + 1 ] ~= NIL ) then
   buffer[ 1 ] = buffer[ 1 ] + 1;
   return buffer[ buffer[ 1 ] - 1 ];
   return NIL

-- writes a previously made buffer to a file
-- openParam is "w" for write, "a" for append
function WriteBufferToFile( fileName, buffer, openParam )
 local i = 2;
 local temp = io.output();
 local outFile = io.open( fileName, openParam );
 io.output( outFile );
if ( outFile ) then
  while ( buffer[ i ] ~= NIL ) do
    io.write( buffer[ i ] );
    io.write( "\n" );
    i = i + 1;
 io.output():close();        -- close current file
 io.output( temp ); 

function AppendToFile( fileName, buffer )
 WriteBufferToFile( fileName, buffer, "a" );

function WriteToFile( fileName, buffer )
 WriteBufferToFile( fileName, buffer, "w" );



You're done! In terms of performance, this shouldn't cause any fps loss for the first mission hosted, because it will only run after the first debrief.


The logfile will be \Temp\LogFile.html.

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Good work JetFire!

This script based on parsing ""./Temp/AsyncNet.log" file, so is it official way to get MP results? I mean - have you talk with developers about how stable this file format will be in next patches? I wonder may be they will going to expand LUA command set to provide a direct functions to get a mission results?

"There are five dangerous faults which may affect a general: recklessness, which leads to destruction; cowardice, which leads to capture; a hasty temper, which can be provoked by insults; a delicacy of honor which is sensitive to shame; over-solicitude for his men, which exposes him to worry and trouble." Sun Tzu


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Dmut, I haven't spoken to the devs about this. I was talking to GGTharos and about his request to fix the log file so it shows all debrief data, then I thought I'd post this since it's a start towards processing game stats. But yeah, you're right, it would be alot easier if Lock On gave us the score rather than parsing it.


Ice, next time you run a mission then a debrief, could you post your Error.log file (not errors.log)? This will show any Lua errors.

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Good Stuff Jetfire! Maybe iafter 1.1 I'll help you out with doing some moreinteresting projects as well now that a lot more stuff is being exported.


Reminder: SAM = Speed Bump :D

I used to play flight sims like you, but then I took a slammer to the knee - Yoda

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Jetfire,


Wow, thanks for your work ;) :D


I just installed your application, but it doesn't work correctly.

In my Temp Folder a "lastFlight.html" is generated with following content:


<br><hr><p align="right"><font face="Verdana" size="2" color="#000000">date:  	Sa, Nov 27 2004  <br>start: 	05:46 <br>end:   	06:12 <br></p>


But the playerstats and the LogFile.html are missing. :(


Could you help me? :D

Kind regards,


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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 years later...

I found this interesting old thread and I would like to bump it with a question regarding its usage on FC. I was not able to make it work, apart from that comment by JaBoG32_Chrissi.


Can someone with LUA knowledge please take a look at the Jetfire's code? (I've sent PM to Jetfire, but no reply so far)


This could be a good alternative for Pilot Logbook.


Thanks in advance

I'm selling MiG-21 activation key.

Also selling Suncom F-15E Talon HOTAS with MIDI connectors, several sets.

Contact via PM.

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  • 1 year later...

Hi, I found this old thread very interesting.


Are these scripts still working with FC2.0 or did someone worked on exporting data from the game with all the Kill/Death etc. informations to make multiplayer stats and debriefing ?

Proud to be a [sIGPIC][/sIGPIC] :joystick::pilotfly::book:

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Hi, I found this old thread very interesting.


Are these scripts still working with FC2.0 or did someone worked on exporting data from the game with all the Kill/Death etc. informations to make multiplayer stats and debriefing ?

The possibilities is there for ServMan - we've just not decided wether we should do it yet, but it would certainly be a nice feature.

The mind is like a parachute. It only works when it's open | The important thing is not to stop questioning

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