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Teleport CA group to point on 10nm radius of enemy?


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So I have an enemy group of tanks spawning at random position (named EnemyGroup1). Now, what I want to do is to teleport a group called FriendlyGroup1 to spawn somewhere along a circle of 10nm around the enemy group (so it's not always to, say, to the south of the enemy group). Would this be possible? If so, how?



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you can use mist.teleportInZone. This is a very powerfull tool. I use it a lot. you have to install the mist script previously.



mist.teleportInZone('S300', {'myZone1', 'myZone2'}, true, 300)


this will take the S300 group, and will teleport to a random point inside the triggerzones Myzone1 OR Myzone2 (previously edited in ME), so can put more than one triggerzones.


It teleports the group, it does not create new ones... so if you want to deploy many groups, you have to create them all.


Good luck!



for more info here


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