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C-130 Hercules


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Когда я читаю, как Штаты развивают свой С-130, я сразу вспоминаю наш Ан-12. Ведь они же практически ровесники, а какая разная участь! Где один и где лругой...

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Когда я читаю, как Штаты развивают свой С-130, я сразу вспоминаю наш Ан-12. Ведь они же практически ровесники, а какая разная участь! Где один и где лругой...


Эх, если бы окб Антонова тоже был НАШе... :D

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Компания Airdyne по контракту с Армией США будет продолжать развитие, производство, конфигурирование и поддержку системы модульных полезных нагрузок Special Airborne Mission Installation and Response (SABIR) для установки на самолеты С-130.


SABIR служит для оперативного придания транспортным С-130 специальных функций, с минимальными переделками, активное оборудование устанавливаться в десантную дверь самолета рядом монтируется операторское место.


В ней могут сочетать различные системы: коммуникационные, разведывательные, ретрансляции, оптические, радары, системы отбора проб воздуха, сброса объектов (гидроакустических буев, управляемых бомб, специальных контейнеров) и пр. В общей сложности компания заявляет существование 170 различных конфигураций.



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Когда я читаю, как Штаты развивают свой С-130, я сразу вспоминаю наш Ан-12. Ведь они же практически ровесники, а какая разная участь! Где один и где лругой...


А другой поспешно заменялся на Ан-70. Деньги же без счёта. Ну а так -- Y-9.

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Lockheed Martin поставила 400-й по счету самолет семейства C-130J Super Hercules, им оказался MC-130J Commando II для AFSOC



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How long do you have to separate 30mm and 105mm shots?

Shots must be separated by 0.5 seconds. This improves accuracy of both guns and reduces stress on aircraft. It also mitigates the chance that the 30mm could catch up and strike the 105mm in flight (1 in a billion chance)


Describe the safe separation for the AGM-176 and GBU-39

GBU-39/B will be released from the wing in the following order: outer aft, outer forward, inner aft, inner forward. The weapon will fall 2,000ft flip over. If rippled will establish safe separation from other weapons via 60' spacing and 100' from the aircraft. Once the weapon acquires GPS the weapon is considered ready for high order detonation.

AGM-176 is ejected backwards from the aircraft sensing a 5g ejection force. The weapon will fall 1,000ft and deploy its fins to aim roughly towards the target. It will begin to acquire GPS and fire the rocket motor. After the rocket motor finishes its boost the ESAF is armed and the weapon will go high order.


What is the difference between HIA and LIA for the AGM-176?

LIA: is the default condidtion for the AGM-176. It computes the most direct path to the target. It increases maneuverability and decreases the CEP of the weapon because the seeker head opens immediately after the rocket motor fires.

HIA: maintains a flat, high flight path to the target coordinates provided at launch. It guarantees a 65deg impact angle at the target. The CEP of the weapon decreases because the seeker head does not provide guidance until the last 6000'


If the helicopter is at 1000' HAT, how far away does it have to be in order for the AC-130 to shoot? What is the minimum impact angle for AC-130 rounds for this to be considered safe?


0-500ft HAT 500m

500-1500ft HAT 750m

1500-5500ft HAT 2000m

This procedure should not be used for impact angles less than 45deg.


What are the different fusing options for the FMU-153 fuse? What makes it different from the MK399 mod 1 fuse? What round is it primarily associated with?

The fuzing options for the FMU-153 are either PD or delay which results in a 0.004-0.009 second delay. The difference between the FMU-153 and the MK 399 mod 1 fuze is the hardened improved penetrator (HIP). Both fuses are associated wit hthe PGU044 105mm HE round.


What are the Danger Close values for munitions on the AC-130W?

30mm- 100m

105mm- 190m

GBU-39/B & B/B (Airburst)- 205m (285m)

GBU-39A/B- 70m

AGM-176 (Airburst)- 170m (230m)


What are the squadron TTPs for moving target engagements? Why?

The primary weapon should be the AGM-176 (unless CDE/GFC will not allow it). Both the 105mm and 30mm may be used, but the first priority should be turning the moving target into a static target (so aim in front of the target to get it to stop before trying to directly engage). Using an AGM-176 is in LIA mode and Live is enabled in BMS. Remember taht the yellow footprint drawn is the static footprint so the crew should release the weapon closer to 50% of the static footprint (only if the rest of the situation allows for this). The target should be traveling away from the aircraft and be +/-30deg of aircraft track. This improves the probability of the weapon acquiring the target. Rear aspect also maximizes the area in which the SAL will see the laser reflection and prevent the weapon from nosing over to intercept and running the risk of losing gyroscopic stabilization or over g'ing and breaking up prior to reaching the target.


What are the field of view (FoV) and field of regard (FoR) for the AGM-176? What is the difference between the two?

FoV +/- 15deg and FoR +/- 30deg. FoR is the maximum viewing angle for the SAL. At this range it can determine that laser energy is coming in from this direction .It cannot, however, do anything other than turn the missile towards that energy return. The TSE cannot engage or provide flight guidance when the reflected energy is in the FoR region. The FoV is the heart of the SAL. Here the SAL is fully functional and the TSE will engage for additional flight guidance. The SAL will also take over primary guidance from GPS.


How far should you clear ahead when conducting a convoy escort?

Factors to consider when deciding how far ahead or behind a convoy to search include other traffic in the area, size and speed of the convoy, and operating environment. Crews should watch for suspicious actions such as pulling to the side of the road or vehicles turning to follow the convoy. the speed of the convoy will have a dramatic effect on lead distances. Although 1,000m may be adequate for slow moving convoys, convoys traveling at 50 or 60mph require much greater lead distances. Search 1km ahead for each 10mph. (consider the maximum speed the enemy could travel [e.g., 70mph on a highway vs. 35mph on a winding dirt road]). In an example using a 30mm round with 7sec TOF from 12,000 foot slate range, if the AC-130 identified an enemy vehicle 1km from friendlies, and friendly and enemy vehicles are moving towards each other at 10mph (20mph closure rate), the AC-130 has 90secs to PID and expend ordnance or the target will be inside danger close. (20mph closure for 1km = 111secs till co-located, 100m/11secs for danger = 100 seconds till enemy is at danger close, 7secs TOF = approx 90secs). In urban areas, scanning distances will decrease, and attacks from the side are more likely than the front or rear. If a mobile enemy threat is sighted while the gunship is out of position to shoot (and little time remains to establish a firing orbit overhead the enemy), consider stopping the friendly force and putting a curtain of suppressive fire between the enemy and the friendlies.


criteria for planning and executing AC-130 missions?

1. Is it an appropriate AC-130 mission, as a LD/HD asset?

2. Does it support the joint force commander's plan?

3. Is it operationally feasible?

4. Are required resources available to execute the mission (OCA, DCA, SEAD, Refueling etc)

5. Does the expected outcome justify the risk?


Two governing rules of AC-130 employment

Limit exposure and always expect to be fired upon, especially when firing.


What are the AC-130 threat environment classification levels?

No threat: Completely benign environment

Low threat: Optical AAA up to and including 40mm, first and second gen MANPANDS, no or limited IADS

Medium threat: Low environment and radar guided AAA (all caliber, up to third gen MANPAD, day only airborne interceptor, and an IADS

High threat: Medium threat plus radar SAM, look-down/shoot down interceptors, all generation MANPADS, capable IADS

Permissive: no to low threat environment, allowing AC-130 operations at lower altitudes

Semi-Permissive: Low to medium threat environment allowing AC-130 operations at lower to medium altitudes, SEAD may be required

Non-Permissive: Medium to high threat environment requiring AC-130 operations at higher altitudes, most likely require SEAD support


When is a CLT Jettison not recommended? Why?

CLT jettison is not recommended when a CLT has a squibbed battery. This is because a munition with a squibbed battery has mission data and may try to track to the target. smile.gif In actuality a munition with a squibbed battery resulted from a launcher failure so a jettison would probably fail as well.


What are some ways we can make a target? What are some ways a JTAC can?

We can use our sparkles or 30mm rounds (under the direction of the JTAC), LST is also and option with other LST capable aircraft. We can pass points via SADL/Link-16 as J-series target message. JTACs can use laser pointers, tracer fire, or smoke.


What are the run down times for the batteries in a Griffin or SDB?

The SDB has a run down time of 3 hours and the Griffin has a run down time of 45 minutes. During this time weapons? cannot manipulate the weapon because it is considered to be a live weapon with valid coordinates. This time limit is based on the time it takes the chemical reaction to stop producing enough thermal heat to power the weapon.


What information is passed from the AAR-44 to AAQ-24?

Threat information (azimuth and elevation) are passed when a threat is detected, but the AAR-44 acts as the communication conduit for the 1553 data bus to pass information to the AAQ-24. This includes pitch and roll information from the INS.


What is the process the LAIRCM goes through when jamming a threat?

The process is called goal seek. It essentially runs through a program that jams threats based on what the system thinks is the most common threat. This program comes from the individual user card loaded at the Nav station.


Describe the different symbology that can show up with the threat on the ALR-69

Additional symbols include the bar, staff, diamond, dashed diamond, circle and circle with lines. The bar indicates the highest threat system in the class. The staff indicates a radar in target acquisition mode. the diamond is the high threat on the scope. The dashed diamond is the newest threat and is associated with a tone, circle indicates ML (it is identifying CW energy usually associated with MG). the circle with lines indicates uncorrelated ML. Again, it is picking up CW energy, but did not pick up any of the preceding radar modes (acquisition, track, etc).


Describe fighter integration procedures.


1. Wheel: Deconfliction: Visual. Advantages: Less airspace required. Disadvantages: CAS aircraft must remain visual. Fighter flies orbit outside AC-130 (6-9nm) (opposite or same direction depending on where the fighter's pod is). AC-130 calls clock positions. Once contact mark, fighter calls IN VISUAL when abeam or aft of AC-130 and rolls in behind AC-130. ALTITUDE call required if passing below AC-130 altitude; Gunship responds "COLD" and fighter must call OUT upon returning to wheel.

2. IP-Target Run-in: Deconfliction: Procedural. Advantages: Fighters are familiar. Disadvantages: Higher workload. Less frequent attacks. Fighter offsets for desired run-in heading. AC-130 calls cardinal directions. Once gunship calls cardinal direction closest to IP (i.e., SOUTH for a SOUTH-NORTH run-in). After weapon release fighter egresses as directed.

3. Opposite Sector: Deconfliction: Procedural. Advantages: Allows constant fires from CAS aircraft and the AC-130. Can incorporate more than one CAS aircraft. Disadvantages: Fighters can only attack on their sector. Requires gunship position updates. Fighters set up hold points opposite sides of a "be-no" line. Gunship calls cardinal directions. When Gunship is on one side of the "be-no" line, fighters on the opposite side may engage and must be complete when gunship crosses the "be-no" line again, at which point the other fighters may engage.

4. Perch: Same as wheel with A-10 flying perch off of AC-130. A-10 flies similar air speeds and is able to fly in formation with AC-130, this allows for easier deconfliction as the A-10 rolls behind the AC-130, and then breaks left outside the orbit and returns to the perch.


Describe helicopter integration procedures.

0-500ft HAT, RW >= 500m

500-1500ft HAT, RW >= 750m

1500-5500ft HAT, RW >= 2000m


-"Sparkle On" "Contact/Tally" Both aircraft confirm the target for deconfliction

- "Established 1000m East of Target 200ft AGL" RW confirms outside engagement zone and AGL to establish distance

-"Rounds away"

-"Cold" "Cease Fire" If RW moves inside the engagement distance, call Cease Fire for AC-130 to go cold


Procedures should not be used for impact angles less than 45deg

If RW loses SA on target being engaged or is unable to maintain safety distances call "Abort"


Describe the GAU-23A/A

The 30mm gun is an electrically powered chain driven automatic weapon. It is fed linked ammunition through the AHS, and has selectable dual-feed (upper and lower) capability. Comprised of three main parts: barrel assembly, feeder assembly, and receiver assembly. Four firing modes: single, burst, automatic (125spm +/- 25), full rate (200spm +/-25)


Describe notes, warning and cautions associated with the GAU-23A/A.


-The tie-rod and azimuth pin must be installed for pressurized flight in accordance with Fig.1W-29

-During ground operations, if operating the TGM, ensure the TGM is in a ground safe mode and all personnel are clear to prevent injury to personnel and/or damage to the gun.

-Do not operate the TGM above 200KIAS. Doing so may cause damage to the azimuth motor and inaccuracy of the gun.


-The LED on power supplies 1 through 6 denotes the presence of DC power. This does not indicate that 115V AC is being received.

-If AC power is applied to the GPC the three internal battery voltmeters will display the voltage of the chargers not the actual voltage from the battery. To check the battery voltage power must be removed from the GPC

-The 1553/SCNS data is currently only utilized for GFCS data logging.


Describe the components of the M137A1 105mm cannon.

1. 105mm (M137A1) cannon

2. Safety cage


4. 4-way hydraulic retraction valve

5. TGM

6. Pressure seal

7. Blast diffuser

8. Pressure plate interface


Describe notes, warning, and cautions associated with the 105mm Cannon.


-During ground operations, if operating the TGM, ensure ground safe is enabled and all personnel are clear. Failure to comply may cause injury to personnel and/or damage to the gun.

- Before selecting any more of pressurization, coordinate with the AF to ensure the ammunition dump port cover is closed, and the 105mm gun is retracted. Failure to do so could result in a the outflow valve being forced closed causing the cabin altitude to descend at an uncontrolled rate.

-Do not fire the 105mm above the upper elevation limit of -18deg/ -314mr to prevent muzzle blast damage to the left wing trailing edge structure and flaps.

-The max rate of fire is 4 to 10 rounds per minute up to a maximum expenditure of 30 rounds. After max firing limits have been reached, the 105mm will not be fired at any rate above 3 rounds per minute until the gun cools to ambient temperature. The sustained rate of 3 rounds per minute may be fired until entire 105mm combat ammunition load is expended.

-Overheating a 105mm gun tube can cause a cookoff, or possible inbore detonation of a 105mm high explosive projectile.

-After utilizing maximum and or sustained 105mm firing rates, do not load the gun until immediately prior to expected firing. A chambered round must be fired or removed from the gun within 5mins of chambering. Care must be taken when operating the 105mm breech to prevent round/case separation.


-If manual mode is used to retract the gun, manual mode must be used to extend the gun.

-If auxiliary pump mode is used to retract the gun, auxiliary pump mode must be used to extend the gun.

-During ground operations when manually moving the 105mm gun in elevation, do not allow the gun blast diffuser to contact the ground (depression angles below -28.6deg/-500mr)

-Do not fire 105mm gun when recoil exceeds 49inches to prevent excessive pressure in the recoil cylinder and excessive stress elsewhere in the mechanism.


-Engineer will coordinate with the lead gunner to confirm all gun seals are installed and the 105mm is retracted prior to pressurization.

-For firing delays after maximum/sustained firing, the 105mm breech should remain open and empty to allow airflow through the gun.


Describe 105mm munitions types.

PGU-44 HE: Red Ring ID. Personnel and material targets. Light industrial or residential type structures. Approximately 3000 fragments. FMU-153B "hardened" fuze or the M732 proximity fuze.

PGU-43/B TP: Blue Ring ID. 105mm. Projectile body filled with approximately 4.7 pounds of inert filler. The nose of the projectile has a deep intrusion fuze well that contains a 0.3 pound TNT supplementary charge assembly.

PGU-45/B HF HE: Yellow Ring ID. Personnel and light materiel targets. FMU-160/B or M732A2. 105mm. Contains a special high carbon alloy steel called HF-1 that can produce approximately 14,000 significant fragments; none that weigh more than 1/10lbs


Describe GAU-23A/A weaponeering.

PGU-15/B TP. Fuze: None.

PGU-13/B HEI. Fuze: M505 Projectile Nose Fuze.

PGU-46/B HEI. Fuze: FMU-151A/B Projectile Nose Fuze


Do not operate the TGM above ____.



What are the components of the G1WS?

GAU-23/A Automatic Gun

Trainable Gun Mount (TGM)

Ammunition Handling System (AHS)

Gun Power Cabinet (GPC)

Gun Computer Cabinet (GCC)


What are the two individual systems for the 30mm AHS?

Upper feed path

Lower feed path


What is the max round capacity for the 30mm?

250 rounds per access panel (x2)

50 linked round per feed chutes (x2)

600 total


What is the ATACNAV used for?

Used to feed the integrated fire control system with aircraft position, speed, and attitude for calculating firing solutions


How many actuators are on the TGM? What do they control?

2. One controls azimuth motion and another controls elevation motion.


Define tracking inhibit on the G2WS.

Tracking Inhibit: (Software Firing Inhibit) Gun aimline is outside 5 milliradians error tolerance of where commanded by the GFCS.


Define tracking consent on the G2WS.

Tracking Consent: (Software Firing Consent) Gun aimline is within 0.5 milliradians error tolerance of where commanded by the GFCS.


G2WS Hard Stops (Hardware Motion Limits)

Azimuth: -23.5deg to 1.7deg

Elevation: -0.5deg to -37deg


G2WS Soft Stops (Software Motion Limits)

Azimuth: -22.5deg to 0.7deg

Elevation: -1.0deg to -36deg


G2WS Firing Box (Software Firing Limits)

Azimuth: -22.5deg to 0.7deg

Elevation: -18deg to -36deg


G2WS Ground Safe Elevation

-1.0deg to -22.8deg



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CRADA это соглашение о совместных научно-исследовательских и опытно-конструкторских разработках (Cooperative Research and Development Agreement)


Orbital ATK может создать управляемый 105-мм снаряд для самолетов AC-130 используя наработки по комплектам наведения PGK и программе управляемых пуль EXACTO



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проект оснащения 131 танкеров HC/MC-130J универсальной моделью заправочного конуса, который заменяет отдельные конусы для заправки высокоскоростных и низкокоростных потребителей

диапазон скоростей 105-210 узлов


2017 LCID Forecast Review - Wright-Patterson Air Force Base


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генерал-лейтенант Bradley Heithold, главный в командовании специальных операций ВВС США сообщает:


-новая модель AC-130J GhostRider будет оснащаться 105-мм гаубицей

-служба не собирается поддерживать уровень в 37 боеспособных AC-130 в эксплуатации, планируется содержать 14 AC-130U (классические пушечные) и 12 AC-130W (также известны как Stinger II, продукт афганской войны, вооружен управляемыми ракетами/бомбами/30-мм пушкой)

- остальные 11 штук AC-130H Spectre вьетнамской эпохи уйдут в отставку

-J-модель первоначально предполагалось ввести в строй похожим на Stinger, с 30-мм пушкой, ракетами Гриффон и бомбами GBU-39, но с достаточной экономией по энергоресурсам и внутреннему объему чтобы было возможно на каком-то более позднем этапе установить 105-мм гаубицу. Позже было пересмотрено это решение.

-стоимость снаряда 105-мм 400 долларов, стоимость ракеты 125 000 $

-первые два AC-130J не будут оснащены 105-мм пушкой, используются для тестов, экипаж 7 человек (Block 10)

-модификация Block 20 должна достичь уровня начальной боевой готовности, с пушкой и 9 членами экипажа, орудия будут браться со списанных машин

-потенциально возможна постройка Block 40, модификация оснащенная энергетическим оружием






первый Block 30 AC-130J GhostRider поставлен в AFSOC


Hurlburt said in the release that the Block 30 Ghostrider has better software and avionics technology than the previous Block 20 version. In a follow-up email, Staff Sgt. Victor Caputo, spokesman for the 1st SOW, said the Block 30 version has a new sensor, updated crew seats with additional safety features, and new technology, routers and networks. Caputo also said the layout of the latest Ghostrider has been reorganized to move equipment out of the way, including installing racks to free up cargo compartment space.


But while the Pentagon previously said the Block 30 version of the AC-130J would have the capability to carry wing-mounted AGM-114 Hellfire missiles, it is unclear whether the Ghostrider that was delivered last week does.



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Должностные лица Центра управления жизненным циклом техники ВВС США на авиабазе Райт-Паттерсон, штат Огайо, объявили о заключении с компанией Локхид Мартин контракта стоимостью 52,6 млн $ на установку радаров на самолеты специального назначения MC-130J Commando II.


Lockheed Martin будет установить РЛС K-диапазона AN/APQ-187 Silent Knight, которые отличаются низкой вероятностью перехвата сигнала. Они предназначены для обеспечения полета по приборам в режиме следования рельефу местности, предупреждения о опасной траектории, обнаружения проводов, ведения навигации, картографирования земли и выдачи информации для летных экипажей о погоде. Радиолокационная система производиться компанией Рэйтон, а Локхид Мартин являться генеральным подрядчиком программы самолетов MC-130J.


Новый радар будет легче и требует меньше энергии, чем его предшественники. Также Silent Knight может устанавливаться на другие платформы специальных сил, включая MH-47, MH-60, CV-22.




все Commando II планируется оснастить









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слайды про радар AN/APN-241 фирмы Nortrop Grumman, который устанавливается на обычные транспортные самолеты C-130J Super Hercules


судя по информации весьма продвинутая система, имеющая множество режимов работы


погодный радар

обзор воздушного пространства/режим воздух-воздух

режим обнаружения сдвига ветра

режим обзора перекрытия рельефом местности

режим расчета влияния ветра на десантируемые парашютным способом грузы

несколько режимов картографирования, вывод SAR картинки на ИЛС

обзор морской поверхности







































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