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Campaign Structure Change for 2.5

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With the release of 2.5 we took the opportunity to update the BFT Campaign structure to match the other campaigns we have in the series.


Only the Qualification missions are in the Campaign now. The practice missions are no longer part of the campaign order (but are still included in the campaign package).


To play the practice missions you can open them in the Mission Editor and using the file browser select the path where the campaign is stored:


<your drive letter>:\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World OpenBeta\Mods\campaigns\A-10C - Basic Flight Training Qualification


This is based on user feedback that indicated the majority preferred the campaign to just contain the qualification missions.


We recommend you restart the campaign (to see the new beautiful Caucasus map) but if you want to maintain your current status you can manually update your logbook using the following instructions.



You can manually set the campaign stage in your logbook file. If you don't have it, download and install Notepad++. This editor allows for proper editing of lua files. Make a backup copy before you do any manual editing just in case.


To change the campaign stage look for a file called: <Drive>:\Users\<your userid>\Saved Games\DCS\MissionEditor\logbook.lua


You can change the stage here:


["games"] =


[1] = <--- This is the campaign number in your set


["created"] = "01/03/16 21:50:09",

["player"] = "Player Name",

["campaign"] = ".\\Mods\\aircraft\\A-10C\\Missions\\en\\Campaigns/A-10C - Basic Flight Training Qualification.cmp", <--- This is the campaign name

["status"] = "Active",

["history"] =


[1] = <--- This is the number of the first mission in the campaign and below is it's result


["datetime"] = "01/03/16 21:52:16",

["agKills"] = 0,

["aaKills"] = 0,

["stage"] = 1,

["deathsCount"] = 0,

["result"] = 100,

["mission"] = "A-10C - BFT Arrival.miz",

}, -- end of [1]

[2] = <--- Look for the highest number in the set - this will be the next mission to launch


["stage"] = 13, <--- Change the stage to the appropriate mission number

["mission"] = "A-10C - BFT12 Low Level Flight Plan.miz", <--- Change the name of the mission

}, -- end of [2]

}, -- end of ["history"]

}, -- end of [1]

}, -- end of ["games"]


Change the stage and mission name to one of the following:


["stage"] = 2,

["mission"] = "A-10C - BFT01 Ground Handling.miz",


["stage"] = 3,

["mission"] = "A-10C - BFT02 Takeoff and EFATO.miz",


["stage"] = 4,

["mission"] = "A-10C - BFT03 Fly Traffic Pattern.miz",


["stage"] = 5,

["mission"] = "A-10C - BFT04 Approach and Landing.miz",


["stage"] = 6,

["mission"] = "A-10C - BFT05 Basic Maneuvers.miz",


["stage"] = 7,

["mission"] = "A-10C - BFT06 Advanced Handling.miz",


["stage"] = 8,

["mission"] = "A-10C - BFT07 Aerobatics.miz",


["stage"] = 9,

["mission"] = "A-10C - BFT08 Emergencies.miz",


["stage"] = 10,

["mission"] = "A-10C - BFT09 Instrument Approach and Landing.miz",


["stage"] = 11,

["mission"] = "A-10C - BFT10 Instrument Flight Plan Navigation.miz",


["stage"] = 12,

["mission"] = "A-10C - BFT11 Fly 2 Ship as Wingman.miz",


["stage"] = 13,

["mission"] = "A-10C - BFT12 Low Level Flight Plan.miz",



If you have any questions or problems please email us at mapleflagmissions@gmail.com and we will be happy to assist.



Edited by Sabre-TLA


MapleFlagMissions - Read Our Blog for Updates

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...but maybe I should mention: why is 2 running into me holding short on the runway? He's done this twice and is rolling as soon as I get cleared to taxi. If I beat him to the hold short, he's run into the back of me twice out of the last three attempts at clearing this PO. Instrument flight plan navigation... Thoughts?

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...but maybe I should mention: why is 2 running into me holding short on the runway? He's done this twice and is rolling as soon as I get cleared to taxi. If I beat him to the hold short, he's run into the back of me twice out of the last three attempts at clearing this PO. Instrument flight plan navigation... Thoughts?


Make sure you have updated the campaign to 2.5 and make sure you taxi as soon as you make the taxi call (that seems to trigger the AI to taxi instead of your jet moving).


You can confirm you have the 2.5 missions as we added a Mission Success Criteria section to all the mission briefings.


MapleFlagMissions - Read Our Blog for Updates

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Me too on the having 2 rear end me on several missions.

On some collisions there was no damage so I continued. On one mission he damaged my A10 after several minutes of startup, so I was a bit upset. I turned the plane around and rammed 2 which caused a large conflagration and both planes exploded. Haha. Restarted.

I thought it might be that I forgot to turn on the “ant-collision” lights. But it happened again with the lights on. This might be an interesting feature to add the night flights... forgetting anti-collision light causes a random chance of crash. Haha. Sneaky.

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Make sure you have updated the campaign to 2.5 and make sure you taxi as soon as you make the taxi call (that seems to trigger the AI to taxi instead of your jet moving).


You can confirm you have the 2.5 missions as we added a Mission Success Criteria section to all the mission briefings.


Thanks for the help, but I did eventually get past this PO. I do have 2.5 and restarted the campaign, but I couldn't get him to stop running into me and moving only when I moved - so instead I called for taxi approval and let him rip by me to the hold short, then I took the other taxi way to the runway. That seems to keep 2 holding short until I'm wheel's up.


I'm now on my way through the Advanced campaign...

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  • 8 months later...

Can i only copy/paste the whole file?



EDIT: "Yes i can"

Edited by woodlanddragon



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