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DCS Squadron [52nd] now recruiting new members


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Hello guys!


DCS World virtual squadron --> 52nd Independent Knight Squadron, is looking for new members.


We are as serious as possible when it comes to flying, while keeping Real Life as priority.


To shortly introduce ourselves:


1. Yes we have our own Dedicated server that is 24/7 running, with our own missions (atm Persian Gulf)

2. Yes ofc we have Simple radio

3. And Discord, TeamSpeak, even our own youtube channel -->



twitch --> twitch.tv/52ndknight


and ofc website --> http://www.52knight.org (here is where you will post your "application" if you wanna join us).


4. We also have our own skinns for most of aircrafts in DCS

And our facebook page, but that is updated every 3 - 4 months...


Now that we cleared this, shortly about our members / staff:

Very friendly community. If there is a guy that wants to argue all the time and keeps trolling, he is kicked out of the squadron very fast. We keep our community healthy and organized. Every person with rank Captain and above is highly trained and will help you out to get the best out of yourself. Most of this guys went through the training of 52nd, just as you will.

And ofcourse, we have our ranking system that gives info to all other members who is on what skill level.


Now, what can you expect when you join us?

1st, there is a guy called "Spanker" (nickname tells you everything about him) who will hold the "Probation" (trainings for new guys) and get you on the level high enough to play/simulate with other members. As we keep it as close as possible to real-life scenarions, the probation can be difficult and frustrating sometimes. This is the cause most of ppl leave the squadron, it's just too much for them.:smartass:


On the other side, if you actually finish the probation and join the rest of the team, you will finally start learning new stuff while also having fun! We do all sorts of missions, and they are mixed every time (Escort + CAP + SEAD + CAS etc). Sometimes it's day, sometimes night, sometimes carrier ops etc. :pilotfly:


So, are you up to the challenge? Learning all the comms, tactics, getting Situational awareness on the top level, losing fights and learning from it to become the most badass pilot in DCS? :book: Yes --> join us :D


But if you are good enough with not having to know every button in your cockpit, playing Single-player or alone in the multiplayer with no real team-work and tactics + 1% of the true comms, please don't even consider joining us.


Lastly, we are European squadron.

We ALWAYS fly 3 times a week, Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday, starting in most cases at 20.30h CET.


If you want to apply, go to our website --> Recruitment and apply for the squadron.


BTW we are 18+


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Can I assume from the above,"sometimes carrier ops etc." that the 52nd is not all Navy carrier ops? I didn't readily find what aircraft you're flying or not flying (I didn't check the website yet).

Thank you for addressing my questions.

System specs: WIN 10 64, i7 4790K, ASRock Z97 Extreme6, GIGABYTE GeForce GTX 1080 Ti, 16GB G.SKILL Ripjaws. SB Live Audio, Warthog HOTAS, Saitek Combat Pro peds, TIR 5.1 pro clippy thingy, Saitek Eclipse keyboard, Sennheiser headphones & mic

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Actually, we do mostly fly F-14 and F-18. I, for instance, fly only F-18. But some of our members like to switch planes so we try to have all kinds of missions that corresponds to their type of aircraft.

Edit: Which means we are not "only NAVY carrier ops" type of squadron, but that is what we mostly do. On the other hand, sometimes you just wanna jump in that viggen and sink other ships, or do an F-5 vs MiG21 dogfight :D

Edited by Adixylian
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