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VR Issues < 1.5.8 and beyond....


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Will the VR issues that started occurring AFTER 1.5.8 ever get redress? I purchased my Oculus Rift and accompanying computer just for this sim. It was incredible....bought as many modules as I could afford. Now my computer is no sluff, mind you, I7-7700k , 32 GB of DDR4, GTX 1080 ti , Samsung SSD's....you know the drill.....it all exists only for DCS....Must of the stuff is Overclocked.....I get an AVERAGE UserBench of 136%.....it goes good...but if you join the Oculus Rift or Vive forums....you see numerous posts lamenting the performance drop in VR....stuttering...split screens, lack of fps and the like....huge differences between maps. If there is something I can do or buy to make DCS shine like it used to, I will get it....but given the performance I get in other flight sims, and VR software.....I suspect is is integral to DCS.....Is VR support still a thing? Or is the market just too small? Anyways.....I love this sim.....want to see it working smoothly for all, and I want to be nauseous after playing for 8 hours.....so if you can devote any resources to it...….woooot!!

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the best way to get higher fps are


1): if you have an nvidia card, then it helped me allot ot update my firmware of my graphics card 1080... a guess i got like 15-20fps more after this update. This is a firmware update that people do not get automatic by the way. ( you only get the video driver )


This update also support other nvidia cards by the way, so read the info on this webpage and see if your graphics card is supported.




2): lower your view distance..

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