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New default VKB MCG Pro diff.lua


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So, I tried out the new VKB MCG Pro diff.lua for the F-5E. It isn't bad at all and will work great for people who like using a controller out of the box rather than taking a lot of time to map everything to match their preference. But, I disagree with three assignments:


1. What should be the nosegear button (button low on side of grip) is assigned as the limiter override lever.

2. What should be the weapons fire button (red button at the top left of the grip) is assigned as the nosegear button.

3. The weapons fire button is assigned to the flip down trigger.


I submit that the weapons fire button should be mapped close to where it is on the stick in the game: the red button at the upper left.

The nosegear button should also be assigned to the button closest to the one shown in the game: the button low on the left side of the grip.

The analog brake lever would be perfect as the limiter override, but since it doesn't behave as button out of the box, the flip down trigger makes a nice substitute since it is also a lever.


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