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When will we see Swedish AI fighters JA37 and J35?


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A while back ago I saw several post about how you intend to make both the JA37 and the J35 AI units to be used in DCS. But recently I haven't heard anything about this.


The AJS37 is amazing, but without realistic AI units to support it the experience is kinda flat in my opinion. I'm not demanding nor complaining but since these units have been specifically promised by heatblur it would be nice to at least get at status report.

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Speaking of this... I know the J35 was used for quite a long time alongside the AJ37 before the introduction of the JA37, but was the J35 ever used to actually escort AJ37's?


I've sort of gotten the impression that the fighter role of this era was mostly about intercepting bombers, and not really about fighting for air superiority against other figthers, but I don't really know and I'm sure there's some people in here who does...

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Swedish Fighter Tactics was not about escorting their strike packages. The main role of fighters was Air Supremacy and Interception. The attack aircraft either used stand-off tactics (RB 75, BK 90, RB 04E, RBS 15F) or hit and run tactics (M/71, ARAK) flying low and fast to be effective. It is said that it was expected for Sweden to lose its Air Force fairly soon if the cold war went hot because otherwise the Army would be out of a job.


I would love JA 37 and J 35 as AI Fighters in the game though; more Swedish Birds !

Edited by JonathanRL


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Swedish Fighter Tactics was not about escorting their strike packages. The main role of fighters was Air Supremacy and Interception. The attack aircraft either used stand-off tactics (RB 75, BK 90, RB 04E, RBS 15F) or hit and run tactics (M/71, ARAK) flying low and fast to be effective. It is said that it was expected for Sweden to lose its Air Force fairly soon because otherwise the Army would be out of a job.


I would love JA 37 and J 35 as AI Fighters in the game though; more Swedish Birds !


That's what I thought, thanks! So AJ37's and J35's probably wouldn't operate together in most circumstances. Unless perhaps there was a huge incoming bomber formation and there were not enough J35's so the AJ37's had to be used as interceptors.


Still really cool to get an AI J35 though, looking forward to it.

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