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Realistic ASP pipper option in Multiplayer.


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There appears to be an option to be an option among MP servers to turn off the "special settings". This normally means more realism, for example having to align INS systems that require it. But the realistic option in this case has a checkbox checked. But on servers with the boxes automatically unchecked, with the intent of added realism, it goes back to the default unrealistic option.


I don't know if this could cause unexpected issues, but could you please reverse this specific option? The rest are all fine, corresponding with the theme of other "special settings". I would greatly appreciate if you could do this small change. It would make playing on some MP servers just that tad bit more realistic.


Thanks in advance for the reply!

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DCS: MiG-23



Make it happen, and take my money! :D

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Oh, so this is why this special setting never worked for me... :doh:

So yeah, a reverse of this option would make much more sense regarding MP!

Intel i7-12700K @ 8x5GHz+4x3.8GHz + 32 GB DDR5 RAM + Nvidia Geforce RTX 2080 (8 GB VRAM) + M.2 SSD + Windows 10 64Bit


DCS Panavia Tornado (IDS) really needs to be a thing!


Tornado3 small.jpg

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Ugh, this is why I get the magic pipper on some servers. It's not a specific setting, it's global one tied to many other options.


The devs should just fix it. It was originally a mistake in modeling but they did this weird decision to have an option for it to be modeled correctly or not. It's not even that meaningful of a difference.


Most checkbox-checked options in special seem to be the "easy" or "helper" mode on. In the MiG specials this particular option is reversed as you say, needing to be checked to simulate behavior properly. Maybe inverting the situation (default realistic, option not) is a good enough change.


I can't find where this enforced situation is happening. Is it game avionics mode? I tried enforcing that on and didn't get it. If I set the special option in my personal settings I get it but that's not recorded on the .miz file the server uses? Is the server setting for magic pipper simply because their special option for MiG isn't checked?


No wait, special options are stored in .miz, they must be whatever editor had on at the time of creation and nothing in the ME UI


["MiG-21Bis"] =


["Pitot"] = false,

["Reticle"] = true,

["CustomCockpit"] = false,

["Shake"] = 50,

["CPLocalList"] = "english",

["Engine"] = false,

["Freeze"] = false,

}, -- end of ["MiG-21Bis"]


Does that mean the server is overriding user preference of cockpit language and shake level too?!

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