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Possible to Do Multiple Commands with One Press in DCS?

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Is it possible to program a single button within DCS controller settings to do multiple tasks at once? For example, I would I would like to program a single button to get me from any view to "cockpit center view normal zoom".


To do this on KA50 for example requires the following key presses for me:


F1-->Num Enter-->F12


Is it possible to program these three functions all into one button press?


Background: I use G940 and can do this with macro programming using Logitech Profiler but the profiler is very buggy and unpredictable.....




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No - not in DCS or only when you do big changes in the input-lua files...


Much simpler is to use Autohotkey to program you needed scripts. You can also bind them to a DX controller = joystick.


Here are three "uncommon" examples what Is done with Autohotkey to show you the possibilities. (there is no limit...)


(IMHO - the most capable input-device scripting software on this planet ... much better as target , SST , Xpadder and even Foxy together)








please follow the video info to get more info what exactly it is all about.



And what you are asking would look similar like this very simple AHK script file:

( what follows after a semicolon is a annotation and has no effect in the script)


#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.

#Warn ; Recommended for catching common errors.

SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.

SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.


; example script for <((((><


$#h:: ; = [win+h] hotkey for follwing action


; you can put anything you want in it

; example for a Joy button:

; 1Joy1:: = Jostick ID#1, button #1



Sendevent {F1}

Sendevent {NumPadEnter}

Sendevent {F12}


; when [win+h] = F1-->Num Enter-->F12





I attached the original AHK file and a 64bit.exe that runs even if autohotkey is not installed at your system as a showcase for you what happens if you press [Win+H].

Edited by PeterP
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Wow, thanks Peter! I will have to look at this as scripting multiple commands in one keystroke is an absolute necessity for me. It's too bad Logitech hasn't fixed the issues on their Profiler software.



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  • 9 years later...
On 8/17/2012 at 1:04 PM, PeterP said:


Much simpler is to use Autohotkey to program you needed scripts. You can also bind them to a DX controller = joystick.


Thank you, no pun intended, but this is a game changer! 🙂 I'm already tired of manually asking for ground power and air when in the Tomcat... and yes, I do realize, it took almost 10 yrs for someone to show appreciation of your post, but hey! The wait is over! Thanks!

I'm not updating this anymore. It's safe to assume I have all the stuff, and the stuff for the stuff too. 🙂

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