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Weather Radar?

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Possible? yes.. proably not..

The weather engine in DCS its due to a complete ovehaul, we dont have realistic cloud formations other that your standard small cumulus, cirrus and stratus. also no realistic humidity conditions are present or at least visible in game.


So right now if we could add a WX radar to any module we woudnt see anything worth seeing.


Lets just hope that onnce the F18 is released we could have that much needed WX engine upgrade.


Edit.. let me explain better. a WX radar uses doppler radar to detect "hard" particles in the air (snow, Hail, Rain) this are normally found inside clouds, the radar sees this and it generates a 2d image of the cloud and the intensity of it.


In DCS the clouds dont have humidity, or at least not different humidity from outside the cloud (if DCS does indeed simulate humidity in a world standard level) so if you dont have humidity in a cloud you cant have rain snow or hail in it. so WX radar is useless.

Edited by alfredo_laredo

A.K.A. Timon -117th- in game

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