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Storm of War - DCS WWII / Historical Server


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Hey, Phil! Signed up on the SoW Web page and got the requisite email reply that my request was being processed. That was a few days ago, and I haven't heard back from anyone yet. I'd like to participate on your forum up there.



Will someone approve my application soon? :music_whistling:




-= Gary =-

a.k.a. Florida - Current DCS Beta, A-10C II Warthog, F/A-18C Hornet, F-16, F-14B Tomcat, P-51D, Spitfire, Track IR, Logitech X-56 HOTAS, Logitech rudder pedals, Thrustmaster Cougar MFDs, Honeycomb Bravo Throttle Quadrant, CH Throttle Quadrant, Razer Orb Weaver, X-Box controller


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I cant see obj or friendly craft on map anymore, pretty sure

I have all the right options, all labels on etc but still its just a map

with cities and runways. Help?

HP Reverb, Warthog Flight Stick and Throttle, Pro Flight Rudder Pedals, Playseat racing chair

1080ti, i7-7700, 32ddr4

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I cant see obj or friendly craft on map anymore, pretty sure

I have all the right options, all labels on etc but still its just a map

with cities and runways. Help?


Recently, the last of the map icons were turned off for pilots. The Storm of War server is attempting to be more historical and immersive, so the "god's view" map icons have been removed and replaced with a radar contacts system. Radar can be used for both enemy and friendly contacts. See philstyle's post on how to use the radar : https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=4244729&postcount=151


Make use of the briefings, raid messages and SRS to assist your situational awareness.


Navigation is now more challenging too, so it will encourage map-reading, compass-navigation, terrain recognition, etc.

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Make use of the briefings, raid messages and SRS to assist your situational awareness.


Navigation is now more challenging too, so it will encourage map-reading, compass-navigation, terrain recognition, etc.



Ah I see, it has changed cos I remember seeing on friendlies on map map and obj but no issues from me really,


I prefer it more realistic so at least now I know nothing is wrong over here. Yes I been using the radar, works great. :)

HP Reverb, Warthog Flight Stick and Throttle, Pro Flight Rudder Pedals, Playseat racing chair

1080ti, i7-7700, 32ddr4

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should be live now, let me know if otherwise

Says my name (Florida) is ""inactive."

-= Gary =-

a.k.a. Florida - Current DCS Beta, A-10C II Warthog, F/A-18C Hornet, F-16, F-14B Tomcat, P-51D, Spitfire, Track IR, Logitech X-56 HOTAS, Logitech rudder pedals, Thrustmaster Cougar MFDs, Honeycomb Bravo Throttle Quadrant, CH Throttle Quadrant, Razer Orb Weaver, X-Box controller


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Both AI planes at evreux(I think it is) takes forever to get up in the air,

instead of taking the first runway(or second) they circle almost all the way around.

HP Reverb, Warthog Flight Stick and Throttle, Pro Flight Rudder Pedals, Playseat racing chair

1080ti, i7-7700, 32ddr4

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Both AI planes at evreux(I think it is) takes forever to get up in the air,

instead of taking the first runway(or second) they circle almost all the way around.



That's an ED problem. I have placed them at the down-wind end of the field, hey refuse to use it.

On YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/philstylenz

Storm of War WW2 server website: https://stormofwar.net/


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Hi all,



We are aware that a number of players are reporting "lag" and disconnects on the server. This issue seems to have been most apparent since the 2.5.6 patch, however we cannot put it entirely down to DCS itself.

The server's router firmware was updated this week. This improved connection speeds, both up and down, considerably. However, since the update, we still see lag and disconnects.

The lag and disconnects seems to be worst when:

1. There are 15 to 20 or more players online, and/or

2. From around 2000 to 2200 Central European Time (CET)

3. Players from Germany and Austria seem to be worst hit. This might be connected to the large user-load in those countries currently, related to COVID-19 quarantine measures.

It would be appreciated if people could advise whether or not they are also seeing bad "lag" on other servers, or if it is just SoW.

It is possible we might run an "empty" mission (no AI or ground objects) to test the server in the next few days. Please, if you can, look out for that announcement and join in to help us test.





Hallo zusammen,



Wir sind uns bewusst, dass eine Reihe von Spielern "Verzögerungen" und Verbindungsabbrüche auf dem Server melden. Dieses Problem scheint seit dem Patch 2.5.6 am offensichtlichsten zu sein, wir können es jedoch nicht vollständig auf das DCS selbst zurückführen.

Die Router-Firmware des Servers wurde diese Woche aktualisiert. Dadurch wurden die Verbindungsgeschwindigkeiten, sowohl nach oben als auch nach unten, erheblich verbessert. Seit der Aktualisierung sehen wir jedoch immer noch Verzögerungen und Verbindungsabbrüche.

Die Verzögerungen und Verbindungsabbrüche scheinen am schlimmsten zu sein, wenn:

1. wenn 15 bis 20 oder mehr Spieler online sind, und/oder

2. Von etwa 2000 bis 2200 Mitteleuropäische Zeit (MEZ)

3. Spieler aus Deutschland und Österreich scheinen am stärksten betroffen zu sein. Dies könnte mit der großen Nutzerzahl in diesen Ländern zusammenhängen, die derzeit im Zusammenhang mit den COVID-19-Quarantänemaßnahmen steht.

Es wäre schön, wenn man sich beraten lassen könnte, ob man auch auf anderen Servern ein schlechtes "Lag" sieht oder ob es sich nur um SoW handelt.

Es ist möglich, dass wir in den nächsten Tagen eine "leere" Mission (keine KI oder Bodenobjekte) durchführen, um den Server zu testen. Bitte, wenn Sie können, halten Sie Ausschau nach dieser Ankündigung und helfen Sie uns beim Testen.




Hola a todos,



Somos conscientes de que un número de jugadores están reportando "lag" y se desconectan en el servidor. Este problema parece haber sido más evidente desde el parche 2.5.6, sin embargo no podemos atribuirlo completamente al propio DCS.

El firmware del router del servidor fue actualizado esta semana. Esto mejoró las velocidades de conexión, tanto arriba como abajo, considerablemente. Sin embargo, desde la actualización, todavía vemos retrasos y desconexiones.

El retraso y las desconexiones parecen ser peores cuando:

1. Hay 15 a 20 o más jugadores en línea, y/o

2. Desde alrededor de 2000 hasta las 2200 horas de Europa Central (CET)

3. Los jugadores de Alemania y Austria parecen ser los más afectados. Esto podría estar relacionado con la gran carga de usuarios en esos países actualmente, relacionada con las medidas de cuarentena de COVID-19.

Se agradecería que la gente aconsejara si también están viendo un mal "lag" en otros servidores, o si es sólo SoW.

Es posible que podamos ejecutar una misión "vacía" (sin IA u objetos terrestres) para probar el servidor en los próximos días. Por favor, si puede, esté atento a ese anuncio y únase a nosotros para ayudarnos a hacer las pruebas.





Bonjour à tous,



Nous sommes conscients qu'un certain nombre de joueurs signalent des "retards" et des déconnexions sur le serveur. Ce problème semble avoir été le plus apparent depuis le patch 2.5.6, mais nous ne pouvons pas le mettre entièrement sur le compte du DCS lui-même.

Le micrologiciel du routeur du serveur a été mis à jour cette semaine. Cela a permis d'améliorer considérablement les vitesses de connexion, tant en montée qu'en descente. Cependant, depuis la mise à jour, nous constatons toujours des retards et des déconnexions.

Le décalage et les déconnexions semblent être les pires quand :

1. Il y a 15 à 20 joueurs ou plus en ligne, et/ou

2. De 2000 à 2200 environ, heure d'Europe centrale (HEC)

3. Les joueurs d'Allemagne et d'Autriche semblent être les plus touchés. Cela pourrait être lié à l'importante charge d'utilisateurs dans ces pays actuellement, liée aux mesures de quarantaine de COVID-19.

Il serait apprécié que les gens puissent indiquer s'ils constatent également un mauvais "lag" sur d'autres serveurs, ou s'il s'agit simplement de SoW.

Il est possible que nous lancions une mission "vide" (pas d'IA ni d'objets au sol) pour tester le serveur dans les prochains jours. Si vous le pouvez, soyez attentif à cette annonce et participez pour nous aider à tester.





Ciao a tutti,


Siamo consapevoli del fatto che alcuni giocatori segnalano un "ritardo" e si disconnettono sul server. Questo problema sembra essere stato più evidente dopo la patch 2.5.6, ma non possiamo attribuire la responsabilità di questo problema al DCS stesso.

Il firmware del router del server è stato aggiornato questa settimana. Questo ha migliorato notevolmente la velocità di connessione, sia verso l'alto che verso il basso. Tuttavia, dopo l'aggiornamento, vediamo ancora ritardi e disconnessioni.

Il lag e le disconnessioni sembrano essere peggiori quando:

1. Ci sono da 15 a 20 o più giocatori online, e/o

2. Dal 2000 alle 2200 circa, ora dell'Europa centrale (CET)

3. I giocatori di Germania e Austria sembrano essere i più colpiti. Questo potrebbe essere collegato al grande carico di utenti in quei paesi attualmente in relazione alle misure di quarantena COVID-19.

Sarebbe gradito se le persone potessero consigliare se stanno vedendo o meno un cattivo "ritardo" anche su altri server, o se si tratta solo di SoW.

E' possibile eseguire una missione "vuota" (senza IA o oggetti a terra) per testare il server nei prossimi giorni. Per favore, se potete, cercate l'annuncio e unitevi a noi per aiutarci a fare il test.




Всем привет,



Мы знаем, что ряд игроков сообщают о "отставании" и разъединении на сервере. Эта проблема кажется наиболее очевидной после патча 2.5.6, однако мы не можем полностью сводить ее к самой DCS.

Прошивка маршрутизатора сервера была обновлена на этой неделе. Это позволило значительно увеличить скорость подключения, как вверх, так и вниз. Однако с момента обновления мы всё ещё видим задержку и отключения.

Задержки и разрывы кажутся наихудшими:

1. Есть от 15 до 20 и более игроков онлайн, и/или

2. Примерно с 2000 до 2200 по центрально-европейскому времени (ЦЕВ).

3. Игроки из Германии и Австрии кажутся худшими. Это может быть связано с большой нагрузкой пользователей в этих странах в настоящее время, связанные с COVID-19 карантинные меры.

Было бы неплохо, если бы люди могли посоветовать, видят ли они также плохое "отставание" на других серверах, или это просто SoW.

Возможно, мы можем запустить "пустую" миссию (без ИИ или наземных объектов) для тестирования сервера в ближайшие несколько дней. Пожалуйста, если вы можете, посмотрите на это объявление и присоединяйтесь к нам, чтобы помочь нам протестировать.



Witam wszystkich,



Jesteśmy świadomi, że wielu graczy zgłasza "lag" i rozłącza się na serwerze. Problem ten wydaje się być najbardziej widoczny od czasu poprawki 2.5.6, jednak nie możemy go całkowicie sprowadzić do samego DCS.

Firmware serwera został zaktualizowany w tym tygodniu. Poprawiło to znacznie szybkość połączenia, zarówno w górę, jak i w dół. Jednak od czasu aktualizacji nadal widzimy opóźnienia i rozłączenia.

Opóźnienia i rozłączenia wydają się być najgorsze, kiedy:

1. W sieci jest od 15 do 20 lub więcej graczy, i/lub

2. Od około roku 2000 do 2200 czasu środkowoeuropejskiego (CET)

3. Zawodnicy z Niemiec i Austrii wydają się być najgorszym uderzeniem. Może to być związane z dużym obciążeniem użytkowników w tych krajach, związanym z pomiarami kwartyny COVID-19.

Byłoby mile widziane, gdyby ludzie mogli doradzić, czy widzą również złe "lag" na innych serwerach, czy też jest to tylko SoW.

Możliwe jest, że w ciągu kilku najbliższych dni będziemy mogli przeprowadzić "pustą" misję (bez SI lub obiektów naziemnych), aby przetestować serwer. Proszę, jeśli możesz, zwróć uwagę na to ogłoszenie i dołącz do nas, aby pomóc nam w testowaniu.

On YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/philstylenz

Storm of War WW2 server website: https://stormofwar.net/


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website is playing up ATM.

you can register here if you like, just let us know the squadron details and the formatting of any tags you use.



Sorry not a member of any Squadron. I am going to in stall SRS tomorrow and get the spit while its still on special i have the Normandy Map and WW2 assets pac. also the 109 d9 and mustang.



I am across the ditch. so close to the same time zone.

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due to ISP issues, a temporary page is being used for SoW stats at the moment:






Pilot stats: http://nordfront.org/sowdcsstats/overview.php



Virtual Squadron stats: http://nordfront.org/sowdcsstats/squadrons.php




On YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/philstylenz

Storm of War WW2 server website: https://stormofwar.net/


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  • 2 weeks later...

mission updates to v46 underway.



Corrected radio channels resulting from recent patch updates.

Updated briefings with the new coms/ radio channel information

Updated mission start and finish times to allow the new lighting to be used

Stats wipe for March completed. New stats now publishing

Fixed some unavailable aircraft on both sides

Fixed some "easy" targets in some missions





  • Thanks 1

On YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/philstylenz

Storm of War WW2 server website: https://stormofwar.net/


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Hi Phil,


I just wanted to say that I've been flying on your server for a while and it's great fun. Even without human players the variety and difficulty of ground targets ensures a thrilling mission. Oh, and the radar controller is amazing. I'm playing on a laptop which makes in next to impossible to spot enemy planes without using a label mod, but with this radar utility even I can find enemy contact occasionally.


Thank you!

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Hi Phil,

I just wanted to say that I've been flying on your server for a while and it's great fun. Even without human players the variety and difficulty of ground targets ensures a thrilling mission. Oh, and the radar controller is amazing. I'm playing on a laptop which makes in next to impossible to spot enemy planes without using a label mod, but with this radar utility even I can find enemy contact occasionally.

Thank you!



Thanks reflected, means a lot coming from someone how knows how to design good DCS missions!

On YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/philstylenz

Storm of War WW2 server website: https://stormofwar.net/


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In VR. Recorded from the left eye.

It was really challenging... to avoid smashing into other aircraft.

One video, two parts.

Part 1: Bomber intercept. 9 Bombers and 4 Fighter involved

Part 2: Sunset bombing (23:56) The tracers look intense.







PC Specs: Ryzen 9 5900X, 3080ti, 64GB RAM, Oculus Quest 3

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Weapon accuracy and "notable achievements" now added to SoW stats pages.



Yesterday and today we implemented another major series of updates on the DCS statistics. Individual pilots now get a better layout for the aircraft that they fly. Additionally, we have a breakdown of the data for the different weapon types of each aircraft. This means that pilots can check on, e.g., the effectiveness of bombs dropped, or the accuracy of their gunnery.


Example: http://www.stormofwar.org/?Page=dcs/stats/pilot1063


The "notable achievements" section has been updated to include some new easter eggs, as well as more regular achievements. Be aware that you will typically need 5+ flight hours to qualify of any of these. Note also, that awards will favour pilots with better survival rates. If you can bring your aircraft home, that is best. But, if not, then bailouts or surviving crash landings are always more beneficial than disconnects or plunging into the ground. Thus... keep your pilot safe!!


Work is continuing on the awards section. This is still very much work-in-progress, but that is the next priority. We archive all previous campaign seasons, so in time, we'll be able to hark back to past glories. This will be reflected on the pilot pages when available.

On YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/philstylenz

Storm of War WW2 server website: https://stormofwar.net/


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