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  • 4 weeks later...
On 8/30/2022 at 8:20 PM, Jayhawk1971 said:

I'll just leave this here..... 😎


I really want HB to do the tornado. I know it’s been announced but I know absolutely nothing about the developers, I know HB would do a great job especially with their experience of making two seaters and in the air combat sim podcast it was mentioned it’s an aircraft that interests them a lot. They have lots of aircraft already in the pipeline but I’m going to continue to hope for a HB Tornado one day. 

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harrier landing GIFRYZEN 7 3700X Running at 4.35 GHz

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080Ti

32gb DDR4 RAM @3200 MHz

Oculus CV1 NvME 970 EVO

TM Warthog Stick & Throttle plus 11" extension. VKB T-Rudder MKIV

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Viggen sure is an iconic and incredible airplane, but I feel like the AJS 37 we currently have is sufficient for Viggen-enthusiasts. Personally, I would prefer a more modern multi-role aircraft in the form of a JAS 39 C and/or D module. I think Heatblur could present a very compelling reason for SAAB and the Swedish Armed Forces to allow Heatblur to make a JAS 39 C/D module by making the argument that the existence of such a module would encourage younger generations to seek a career in the Air Force (which is currently undermanned).

I think with the acceptance of Sweden into NATO as a full member, we might see SAAB and the Swedish Air Force become more open to the idea of such a module.

Do I have any evidence or indications that such will be the case? Absolutely not, but in the words of Martin Luther King; I have a dream...

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"I will now rip open heaven and earth, out."

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I too would love to see a full High end Gripen C/D or E/F. It could be a good PR move to support and allow, plus maybe be used to drum up interest in the military and SAAB products as @Lokattn had mentioned. I love the Viggen attack profile, but I cant stand the mission computer and interface so the Gripen's UI would be a great way to bridge the gaps and bring another amazing (and different) aircraft to the sim. 

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Looking at it another way. DCS is heavily biased on study level aircraft towards the U.S. (F-16, F18, F14, A10, the coming F-15E and F4 just to mention the main ones).

Since it is unlikely we will get any redfor aircraft in the (near) future it would be great if they could match US aircraft with more EU fighters.

Its great to see that the Mirage, AV8 and the Eurofighter are all making it to the sim. However adding the Gripen C to the mix of high fidelity EU aircraft would balance the gameplay towards a less U.S. heavy aircraft state. 

Therefore I would strongly support DCS implementing the Gripen C into its high fidelity repertoire. 🙂 

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  • 3 months later...

More a canvassing of opinion than anything, but I've been thinking about what kind of plane would make me want to spend more time in DCS and have come to an unusual conclusion.


Assumptions We won't all agree on these, but just to be open about where I'm coming from.

DCS is at its best depicting late Cold war, say 1975-1995. It's a study sim. We like systems, getting things right and being rewarded with achieving the desired results.

DCS needs more REDFOR...but I'm not particularly motivated to fly them, so this will be another BLUFOR*, sorry.

Single-role aircraft are more interesting and satisfying; add more value in multiplayer; justify (and increase satisfaction with) the purchase price and time spent learning them.

With the additions of the past few years and the coming dynamic campaign, it's not all 'look down, shoot down'. We're moving towards 'proper' logistics-based warfighting (a good thing).

No developer puts as much love in to or gets as much soul out of, their products as Heatblur.

The Viggen and/or F-14, basically!

*See end.



Systems intricate and complex enough for it to be a past-time to study and master them; an office that's more gauges than screens. It's got to be an evocative and interesting place to spend time. Good view out, but with lots to see and do in.

Unique gameplay options - perhaps in a logistics role.

Good looking.

Good sounding.

Good flying.


The answer is obviously the C-130E, right? Sadly we're getting a J, the Hercules is out.



To my own surprise, what is without doubt the sexiest tanker/transport in history, the Handley Page Victor   Vickers VC-10!






4 engines, 4 cockpit crew (nav, FE, two drivers), 3 drogues. The cockpit was liable to use as many notebooks as screens, lots of steam gauges. 



It's a cosy place under the night lights, too:


So there's quite a bit going on. Lots of hands-on flying, plenty to do and loads of friends to play with:




It's also fast enough that those friends won't be cursing trying to match speeds. In fact, the VC-10 held the record for the fastest transatlantic flight by a subsonic jetliner for 41 years; only conclusively beaten in 2020 (by a British Airways 747 riding the Jetstream to a casual 825mph groundspeed and sub-5hr flight between JFK and LHR, beating the VC-10 by 5 mins). Tornados typically had to engage reheat on one engine to keep up (burning 600lbs in the time it took them to take on a ton), bless 'em.




With the high-mounted engines, say goodbye to those little friends having to fight your wake turbulence too. If that doesn't make you popular online what will?!




Big friends are welcome too including, of course, buddy tanking. No, this isn't a spoiler for a flyable E3, but it's a cool shot from the FE's station.


Given the superlative high-speed and high-altitude performance, she's probably a pig in the circuit on those hot desert maps, and high mountainous ones coming soon then I guess? High landing speeds, delicate civilian landing gear?



Nope! Purpose-designed for short-field performance from unprepared strips in the hot'n'high extremes of British support requirements...08-tail.jpg

...although low'n'slow is also available:

Of course, if that seems like too much hard work, you can always go hands free

...although do check for this sign on the yoke before letting go of the controls:


Whilst the pilot has automation systems to play with, the Nav has got their own toybox


Don't feel like using electronic aids? Okay, no worries, the VC-10 has you covered with its in-cockpit periscope mounted sextant:


What's that? A sextant isn't as cool as something that allows you to shout "Up periscope!" on comms for real? Fine, you can have a proper periscope too


Enjoy the view!


Ridiculous, really. It's perhaps worth noting that the RAF-spec aircraft used small VC-10 bodies with overclocked Super VC-10 engines. I think the technical term for this is OPaF.

Speaking of engines, what if your mate sucks a sparrow through one and is left stranded at some grim forward strip? No worries, just strap a spare under the wing in its special cowling and you're good to go



The extra drag is offset by cabin climate and pressure system vents. Charming.


So, a nice-sized aircraft (small enough to be handy, big enough to feel like a unit - but how long before someone put her on the deck of a Nimitz). Interesting, unique beastie to learn and fly in SP, offering unique gameplay in MP. Looks the business, flies like she looks. Mind you, that T tail always carries the risk of a deep stall to keep you honest.


Okay...what next...sound? Well, although famously quiet inside, for spectators she howls

and growls

and generally sounds like something we moved into caves to keep safe from at night. And that's before the exhaust smoke...

All at unmatched, illegal and oft falsely-reported volumes. It turns out the internet debate on whether she was louder than Concord on take-off is a lively one. a) Who knew. b) lol. I've seen the F-4 engine sound called "demure" in comparison, which should wind up plenty of readers!


The Vicky-Ten carried a fair space for fuel


even before sticking this lot in the trunk


Probably didn't do the handling much good, but the dream was to wring every last ounce of performance out of the aircraft to get the max possible fuel load on station and return home on fumes. A new set of challenges to the ones we're accustomed to.


It's not just tanking and transport though. Sniffer gear (to test the air for radioactive particles, a sign of nuclear testing) was fitted to some aircraft


under the nose


and wings



Any other interesting features? Oh, I dunno, one or two


because of course there are gull-wing doors! They were also, uniquely, individually named - after RAF recipients of the Victoria Cross.


As for liveries, not many in military service. The weren't many built, and although widely used they didn't see much export volume. Still, she wears them all well



don't you think?

She even looks good in a coat



That's quite enough, so I'll leave it there. Thanks for following to the end. A beautiful, powerful, useful aircraft. One which the devs, campaign makers, skinners and pilots could have a load of fun with. Not a suggestion for HB per se, just sharing an opinion to see how widespread it is. I suspect not very, but hope I've made a fair case that the Vickers VC-10 would be a great module to own, would push DCS into fresh territory and could even expand the player base at the same time. So, anyone else fancy this sort of carry on? 




One last thing

I mentioned REDFOR, right? Well, here's Illuyshin's best-selling jetliner:



In production till 1995, still in service with the RuAF. Anyone for a game of Spot the Difference?


October, 1987, Brize Norton. The Russian crew were on a familiariastion turn before the December meeting between Thatcher and Gorbachev at the airfield.


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Nah, I've only just met 'er...:pilotfly:

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