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[BUG] GLOC Behaviour


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Hi Guys,


Great work thus far. An observation I've made, with my RIO is the odd behaviour of GLOC, specifically of the RIO. My RIO GLOCS way before I do, also with little no warning. Now, seeing as the GiF is further away from the centre of gravity, sure the pilot should be be affect far more severely by the effects of G, than the RIO.


It's easy to test. Jump in the backseat with a friend. Ask him to pull G, you will black out well before your pilot does.

Edited by IronMike
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The RIO seems to black out whenever the pilot pulls any significant G. It seems like all of the accelerations the pilot produced in the last few moments (probably in the last packet between the two clients?) are instantaneously applied to the RIO, causing immediate GLOC.


What's extra curious is that when the RIO blacks out, he seems to multiple times in a row:


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