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Ways to improve ground forces interaction?


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I am a beginner in mission making and so far I think the ground forces AI is more than retarded. Is there some way, maybe a script to improve them? They will literally refuse to fire against enemies for example and I've checked ROE multiple times.

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Welcome to the DCS AI!


Not sure on a script to improve, I think that's probably beyond the scope of a script.


However the AI is ok once you understand it's limitations, I usually start a mission build with testing the AI behaviour to make sure what I want to do is possible. In your case if ROE is correct I would check range and line of sight, these can sometimes be the cause of issues in my experience.



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line of sight could perhaps be my problem given that the fight was going on inside an airport. granted the AI can be very unexpected. Before flying the mission I tested the AI X amount of times. it had a 70% chance of failing at its objective, a 20% of achieving a mild victory and 10% chance of wiping 3/4 of the enemy forces. This can be true for plane AI as well. In the same mission I had a CAP flight and an enemy interception flight. In all of my testing the CAP flight wiped the interception out. ( they had technological advantage with 77 Ader misiles while the interceptors had numerical advantage but lower tech ). Then I fly the mission with my buddy and CAP flight gets killed and then the interceptors kill us too. So yea honestly my biggest problem is the unpredictability and erratic behaviour but I will try to test the things you said more next time.

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I agree with you on the unpredictability, really comes down to what you want for the mission you're designing.


The AI works better if you want an unpredictable element to the mission, that forces you to react to whatever develops.


However if you want a more scripted experience then in my opinion you need to heavily manage what the AI is allowed to do, eg. Force weapons hold, limit reaction to threat, switch waypoints etc. In my missions the AI is very heavily managed and is almost always under control through tasks assigned in triggered actions. If you let it have free reign then it will eventually go completely off script.


But if you keep it under tight control it can do some really cool things...close formation flying, carpet bombing, dogfighting...it's all possible with a bit of experimentation and perseverance.



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