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Gau-8 and M61 Dispersion

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I have a simple question: concerning the dispersion on the Gau-8 and M61 it has been shown in numerous threads in the past that this value is too high so how come nothing has been done? I had attempted to discuss this with 9line on the discord but no answer was given so I hope one can be given here.



As a prelude:




I want to start off by emphasizing that we're not talking about amount of hits but grouping when taking about the above document (second link). Grouping is independent of angle and Piolt error. For example tank 33 from the above doc, was engaged at 2344ft the majority of the shells landed within a 11ft area on that tank; which is what'd you expect for a gun with 5mill dispersion for 80% of its rounds at that range. Next tank 38 had a very tight grouping on it that was defiantly within the 15ft circle one would expect for the gau8 at that range.


The idea these types of weapons are "shotguns" is just wrong... this is a test of the M61 [430 for dispersion test]




The 80% isn't being correctly understood either.


As guns wear, eventually they lose precision all the way down to a point where they won't stabilize projectile anymore and the projectiles begin to tumble in flight, becoming wildly inaccurate and losing velocity quickly. 8 mil, 80% is a maintenance standard for when a gun is worn out and needs repair/parts replacement. If more than 20% of fired shots fall outside an 8 mil circle, it's time to replace parts in the gun.


That's all the 80% part means. A new M61A1 doesn't shoot 8 mil, 80%. The new gun we see in our video evidence certainly performed much better. As shown in the video, the M61 actually shoots a main group smaller than 8 mil with a very low percentage of outlier rounds (1-5%) falling outside of 8 mil.


I want to give this user credit but unfortunately I just copy pasted his comment into a notepad and forgot to write down his name but if that poster sees this ty for your concise explanation of this number.


After doing a quick test (using a btr lengh as reference) I was getting about 1.5 BTR lengths worth of dispersion at 2007ft of range or about 30 to 40 ft which coincides exactly with the current max dispersion value of 17mills


Concerning how to fix this its actually quite simple and only requires changing a few numbers in one file...



- C:Program FilesEagle DynamicDCSWorldOpenBetaScriptsDatabaseWeapons shell_table.lua


Editing the Da0 values to what it is above would yield a far more accurate Gau8 both in dispersion and in its representation of rlf. I myself have been using a mod that fixes both this and missile kinematics for many months now. Yet I cannot easily use this fix in MP as not only does the server require the mod installed but everyone who flys and if that person doesn't want additional dysnc (ontop of the ones present since 2 patches ago) to get worse does as well/ actually wants the fix themselves. Thankfully I have a close group of friends I can fly with where we can coordinate to get the mod installed.

Edited by nighthawk2174
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Especially given how easy a fix would be... and it is considered reported - several times




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