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Looking for people to fly with?


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Hello fellow pilots,


For those of you interested in flying the DCS Black Shark in the online environment, I am working on getting people together to fly with throughout the week. I am a nooby with the Shark. I've had it for a couple of weeks now. Another pilot and I have been flying online together recently learning the Shark in the shared multiplayer environment.


Our motto is, the more the merrier. We get together and practice with the Shark, learning the basics like hovering, how to use the AP, how to trim, land, and weapons usage among other things.


We're not a hardcore group, we just like flying together b/c we believe the learning process can be alot more fun having others to share it with. We help each other out where confusing or frustrating situations present themselves during the learning process, but most importantly we have fun. Our doors are open to virtual pilots of any level.


To be clear, we are not a, 'school/training server', just a few BS pilots who fly together and learn from one another while having fun at the same time. I have a TS server we use for communications and highly recommend using it while flying with us.


If interested, please contact us at: Flight-Sim-Fanatics.com.


I'm usually available Mondays and Tuesdays and some Sundays. My partner, Vio (or better known as Booger on this forum) is available throughout the week. He's a fun guy to fly with, and very knowledgeable given his time with the Black Shark. If you're looking for a more casual group of flyers to learn and fly with, we look forward to having you join us.


Fly safe! I hope you'll join us!


Brandon (B1Helios)


**UPDATE** As of recently we've also been using FC2 (Flaming Cliffs 2) as it is compatible with the Black Shark in the online environment.

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Dejjvid, come by the forums and check things out. Send me your request for registration and I'll get you up and running asap.


112th - I don't think you'll be disapointed in purchasing the BS. Having others to fly with, especially starting out will get you into the air in no time!


Looking forward to having you guys join us! ;)





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The topic is primarily for flying the Black Shark with others.


But I'm certain that Helios would like to fly the A-10 with others too.


Agreed. And to be more specific our main focus right now centers around the BS. I'm am just getting into FC2 and learning the A10A and some of the other aircraft so we can combine FC2 with BS multiplayer sessions.


I'd like to be able to fully support the A10C at some point. And I have gone through and learned some of it, but recently realized my time spent is better prioritized around the BS and FC2 at this time.

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His URL has changed. Like an idiot, I didn't write it down.


I'm sure he'll make a follow-up post with the new address soon.


No worries Booger, it was a rather quick change and I should have posted the new URL a bit sooner on the site. Those guys at Lunarpages are quick even though they tell you things can take up to a few days.


Anway the new site is at: Flight-Sim-Fanatics.com


And I do apologize. I am not that forum literate and lost everything with the old forum. So I will get in tonight and re-create the sections, although admittedly we lost the posts and members will have to re-register. Again my sincerest apologies guys. :(

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