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Questions about Normandy 1944 map


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1. Is possible to use this map to create modern missions? (flying for example Mirage or Gazelle)

2. I can't find detailed view od the map. My question is: is Avranches town included in this map? coordinates: 48°41′06″N 1°21′20″W

3. The same about Mont-Saint-Michel 48°38′10″N 1°30′41″W

4. In the shop this map is described as "Early access", so could I buy it and use it now, or should I wait until somenthing will be ready?

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1. Is possible to use this map to create modern missions? (flying for example Mirage or Gazelle)

2. I can't find detailed view od the map. My question is: is Avranches town included in this map? coordinates: 48°41′06″N 1°21′20″W

3. The same about Mont-Saint-Michel 48°38′10″N 1°30′41″W

4. In the shop this map is described as "Early access", so could I buy it and use it now, or should I wait until somenthing will be ready?



1. I don't have the Mirage or Gazelle myself, but I have used other modern modules. Most airfields are short dirt strips, but I can take-off/land the F/A-18C from Caen Carpiquet, which has a longer, concrete runway. I've also tested the UH-1H helicopter and L-39C trainer on the Normandy map and they work fine. Be aware that the actual detailed area of the map (the Normandy landing areas), are very restricted, so a fast aircraft will fly into the hinterland pretty quickly. While coastlines, etc. are present, the terrain is simple tiles with no distinguishing features. I routinely use it for UH-1H training. The small scale is not a problem for helicopters.






2. No. The Avranches area (coastline, etc.) is modelled, but that is all. See the following screenshots. Pay attention to the Sat and Alt variants, and that is what you get in the simulator. (The Map-variant is just a period map, but I include it for reference anyway.)



https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/964224510685921935/71D0715D5CBC5351848E56258DFA48A957B5424E/ -- SAT



https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/964224510685921063/2D54D62A39AE429FF6C9B189131689336F2C5912/ -- ALT



https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/964224510685923349/5ED8BC00EC5F5DD44816EB63F9079DD9A5FDCB9C/ -- MAP





3. No. (See above screenshots.)





4. It is Early Access, although things have slowed right down. There are some occasional updates, but more tweaks, rather than new content. The development team (Ugra-Media) have since moved on to a new project.





Generally, the content in the D-Day beaches area is very good, and most things are in the right places for around early August 1944. It works well for the campaigns (e.g. Charnwood for the P-51D). However, outside that limited area, there is mostly just generic terrain.

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