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Help. Keyboard binding for NWS switch, not trigger?

Kaned Dragon

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Hi, I'm trying to find the keyboard binding option for the switch which toggles between. CAST/NWS and NWS/HI-NWS.


I see the option for the trigger, that switches between HI-NWS and NWS. Or CAST and NWS.


But that little switch. Which toggle between the different modes. I can't find the keyboard bind option for that little switch.


Any ideas? Has that option been implemented into or onto the binding options?



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No dudes :)

I meant that anti skid switch. I'm trying to find the key bind option for it. So instead of manually flipping it between NWS / On / Test. I can just assign the toggle to either a keyboard bind or bind it to a button on my Hotas.


I can't locate the option in the keyboard bind screen.

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It's not bindable by default. You need to go into DCS World\Mods\aircraft\AV8BNA\Input\AV8BNA\keyboard\default.lua (or "joystick" if you want to bind it to joystick)

And add the following:

{down = fcs_commands.Switch_ANTISKID, cockpit_device_id=devices.FLIGHTCONTROLS,value_down=0.0,name='Anti-Skid off',category='shortcuts'},
{down = fcs_commands.Switch_ANTISKID, cockpit_device_id=devices.FLIGHTCONTROLS,value_down=0.5,name='Anti-Skid on',category='shortcuts'},

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It's not bindable by default. You need to go into DCS World\Mods\aircraft\AV8BNA\Input\AV8BNA\keyboard\default.lua (or "joystick" if you want to bind it to joystick)

And add the following:

{down = fcs_commands.Switch_ANTISKID, cockpit_device_id=devices.FLIGHTCONTROLS,value_down=0.0,name='Anti-Skid off',category='shortcuts'},
{down = fcs_commands.Switch_ANTISKID, cockpit_device_id=devices.FLIGHTCONTROLS,value_down=0.5,name='Anti-Skid on',category='shortcuts'},


Joy, thanks for the info dude.

Shame they haven't added this option to the list yet.

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