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Add carrier name to LSO grade message


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Without it, it is impossible to distinguish which carrier did LSO grading in a mission with multiple carriers in operating.

I want to distinguish it in S_EVENT_PLAYER_COMMENT handler in lua script.

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Thanks for your reply.


There are the following patterns for events when the player lands on the carrier:

- EVENT_LAND->EVENT_PLAYER_COMMENT: it is a normal case.

- EVENT_PLAYER_COMMENT->EVENT_LAND: LSO called wave off but the player ignored it and do land.


Therefore, there is no guarantee that the next event of EVENT_LAND will be EVENT_PLAYER_COMMENT.

So first I considered that EVENT_PLAYER_COMMENT that occurred within 7 seconds before and after the player's EVENT_LAND as the player's LSO grade.


But, in that case, I thought it was necessary to consider that, even if the player lands OK if the AI aircraft lands with WO on another carrier within a few seconds if there is no carrier name in the LSO grade, the LUA script may determine that the player has obtained WO.


By the way, operating multi-carrier is common in large scale operations such as Operation desert storm, Operation Iraqi Freedom, etc.

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  • 1 year later...

I'm very sorry that I was very late to say this:
Many thanks for implementing world.event.S_EVENT_LANDING_QUALITY_MARK, which can identify the carrier that landed.😍👍

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