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Bullseye Calls

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Hi, I'm wondering, if the enemy manages to shoot down a helicopter, and say a CAS fight would be sent to that position to provide support and keep the enemy from capturing the pilot or getting data from the wreckage, how would that position be given to the CAS flight? I know, a lot of communications is done via bullseye calls, but in that case, the enemy potentially monitoring our freq knows exactly where he has shot down the helicopter, so a bullseye call would immediately give away the bullseye position. I know, bullseye gets relocated frequently, but would that position still be called out via bullseye rather than MGRS?

"Sieh nur, wie majestätisch du durch die Luft segelst. Wie ein Adler. Ein fetter Adler."


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Layers of security. Lat/lon is cumbersome to transmit and would have to be encoded, too. The real answer is... whatever position data someone can obtain is what would get passed and used.


A great example is Gen Goldfein's ejection over Serbia, in which his wingmen transmitted his position using radar track data, displayed to them as bearing/distance from bullseye.

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