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quick helios question

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Anything with and MFD. I have all the modules pretty much. I just find that if you get it to perfectly fit for the A10 and then load say the AV8, it doesn’t fit into the confines I need it to. I overlay the TM MFD bezel on top of the LCD screens I’m using.

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So the MFCD displays are not exported through Helios. You can display those without running Helios by altering your monitor setup lua or like i did, creating a new one. I have attached my file but you will have to alter it to fit your screen resolutions and setup. This file is found in the root file location: Eagle Dynamics\DCS World\Config\MonitorSetup. I currently export MFCDs and other displays for the KA-50, F-14, F/A-18, A-10C, and Gazelle. I hope this helps.


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Ok I’ve already done that Pave. What I don’t like though is my A10 mfd fits great on the 7 inch display. All the text around the mfd (tad, dsms, etc) line up really well with the TM mfd bezel OBS buttons. But when I switch to the av8 they don’t line up that well. I don’t want to have to make Lua files for each a/c and have to reboot dcs each time I want to switch a/c. Is there a way to avoid all this but have the text for each mfd on each a/c line up the the Tm mfd? Thx!

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I think I understand what your problem may be. In your monitor lua, do you define the A-10 MFCD as LEFT_MFCD and RIGHT_MFCD? They are now defined as ED_A10C_LEFT_MFCD and RIGHT. Do you also fly the Hornet? I ask because I notice that the Hornet and the Harrier define thier MFCDs with the same words (LEFT_MFCD etc). It used to be that all the MFCDs were defined as the same name but now I notice that they are changing them to be particular to the aircraft. I presume to allow for what we are doing here. Can I assume that the problem you have is that the MFCDs are not sized correctly to the TM bezel? I may be way off on my troubleshooting so could you post your monitor lua file?

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Hi Pave. what Location do you actually see that they call it ED_A10C_LEFT_MFCD? I can't find this anywhere in any file as of yet. But here is my Lua file


_ = function(p) return p; end;

name = _('LMFCD+Camera+RMFCD');

Description = 'Left MFCD on the left monitor,Right MFCD on the right and camera on the center'

Viewports =


Center =


x = 0;

y = 0;

width = 2560;

height = 1440;

viewDx = 0;

viewDy = 0;

aspect = 1.77777778;






x = 2560 + 125;

y = 0;

width = 590;

height = 590;





x = 3360 + 125;

y = 0;

width = 590;

height = 590;



UIMainView = Viewports.Center

GU_MAIN_VIEWPORT = Viewports.Center

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Go here and download this mod that renames the A-10C screen exports:



You really only care about the MFCDs I suppose but this will allow you to export more later if you so choose. That should allow you to differentiate between your exports. I hope this helps.


Also, I take no credit for the creation of these mods but they have served me well. I advise you to use JSGME or the like to keep these mods straight as they can begin to pile up on you.

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