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КА-52 мод в АРМА 3, нужна помощь по документации.


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Летаю в 3й АРМЕ и там в одном из очень большом уважаемом моде RHS (кто не знает АРМА только на модах и держится) КА-52 и Ми-28 не меряют дальность дальше чем 4.9км (и Вихри летят на 6.5 км максимум примерно, без ЛД даже не могу померить точно:)

написал разработчику баг-репорт об этом, на что получил ответ, что по его информации (пруф ожидаю от него) ЛД работает только до 5км, а дальше дальность определяется только по радару и "захваченной" цели, а чтобы ЛД мерил на 10 и более км он слишком большой тяжёлый для вертушек:D ( в их же моде Апач спокойно меряет до 10км), мои ссылки на видео, упоминание DCS КА-50, сайт российского разработчика подобных систем (где написано что есть ЛД для вертолётов с дальностью работы до 18км), логические доводы не убедили, в конце он попросил найти инфу о тоэс-521 (видимо она на этих вертолётах) но поиск особо ничего не дал ( хотя я и не удивлён) и лезть куда то глубже, боюсь шпионом обзовут:D

переписку прикладываю (за английский не пинайте, не сильно силён)

ссылка http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5841&nbn=10#bugnotes


может у кого есть инфа и хар-ки из открытых источников о прицельных системах, чтобы я предоставил железный пруф уже:doh: ну смешно дальность до 5 км мерить...


reyhard (administrator)As far as I know ranges above 5km are obtained from radar and it only works when you have target selected . If you have some better sources then please feel free to share them


ShaKodemon (reporter) in this video (1.35) shoot at the building (flight time of missels 18c, it's like 8-9 km distanse) and i think it's hard to select building in radar, as target.


also in DCS:KA-50 laser ranger work and show distance to 10-15 km and more, but ka-50 havn't radar

I cannot provide better sources


reyhard (administrator) https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%92%D0%B8%D1%85%D1%80%D1%8C_(%D0%9F%D0%A2%D0%A0%D0%9A) [^]

На максимальную дальность: 28 с

На дальность 8 000 м: 23 с

На дальность 6 000 м: 14 с

it would be closer to 6000-7000 meters.


Anyway, since distance wasn't visible at all on video, rough time to target could be also estimated from height of helicopter & it's angle (triangulation method). Something like that is used i.e. on Mi-24 ASO17V gun sight

https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=2975937&postcount=706 [^]

https://imgur.com/a/ofdnF2R [^]


Also to add to it, laser range finder which are mounted on ground vehicles usually have range from 1 (hand held binocs) to 8 km (M1A2) with exception being LRAS3 (10km) but there you can notice how big the laser need to be to get laser reflection strong enough to get back to helicopter.


Adding inaccurate range distance based on triangulation method could be an option but not sure how real Ka-52 is handling that. I guess there could be some sort of switch but I also don't want to make some fantasy capabilities for it.



ShaKodemon (reporter)

on ground vehicles -tank M1A2 laser ranger work up to 8 km, on heli only 4.9?(it's not even logical) For heli no relief, clean atmosphere, no dust, no smoke, and you think KA-52 need big and strong laser? Besides the Apache AH-64 in your mod measures range up to 9999 m. ( it have strong enough laser?)




05 sec (Mi-28) building in the distance 6.3 km



reyhard (administrator)

M1 tank is 60 tones tank. Helicopter are way lighter and are using light equipment. How that is not logical? Really take a look how laser range finder looked like on early bmp3 and then try to squish that equipment into small rotatable turret of ka 52. Of course, there is ongoing miniaturisation of all electronic equipment but generally speaking Russian equipment is still lagging being in few areas (ti cameras for instance)


Seeing how fast range is updated I'm almost sure it's triangulation rather than laser range finder.


ShaKodemon (reporter)

1)Vikhr -laser guided missile, it doesn't work without laser, i showed you a video of shooting at 8 km,what other proof do you need?

2) you didn't answer why Apache AH-64 in this case measures the range up to 9 999м?

3) even if КА-52 and Mi-28 does not have laser range (what is not correct,because Vikhr -laser guided missile(1), why triangulation method not work in you mod, and i can't measure distance more than 4.9км?


add:helicopters are huge, you really think there is not enough space for laser range?(picture above)

https://ic.pics.livejournal.com/tiberius66/64946744/245089/245089_900.jpg [^]

reyhard (administrator)

1) laser range finding & laser beam ridding are two different things - in case of LRF return of laser beam is important. In case of laser beam reading, you don't need laser beam to return to helicopter so range can be twice as large.

2) It could be mistake, I have to check it but last time I checked it was 8km?

3) It would require different mechanic, otherwise it would be fake laser


"add:helicopters are huge, you really think there is not enough space for laser range?(picture above)" you cannot randomly squeeze laser range finder i.e. in tail :D I mean, you could, but then you would i.e. measure distance from tail to ground :D You have to squeeze it here basically with all other equipment https://imgur.com/a/JA2fSgr [^]




ShaKodemon (reporter)

website of the Russian manufacturer of helicopter aiming systems

https://nppame.com/products/optika/girostabilizirovannaja-optiko-jelektronnaja-sistema-4-3/ [^]


weight 32kg

laser distance up to 18 km


( on first video even the eyes can see the laser spot on target-laser beam easily returns to the helicopter sight,because it is much more sensitive than the eye)



reyhard (administrator)

Now if you can find information on тоэс-521 then I can think about some changes ;) Notice that Yasnost' 1-5 have maximal range between 5-8 km


ShaKodemon (reporter)

i think, if I will be looking for information about тоэс-521, I will have problems with the law in my country.

where is your proof that the laser rangefinder works only up to 5 km?


-i gave you some videos

-manufacturer website

-information from the best digital simulator- DCS

-logical reasoning

I give up,this is some kind of prejudgment towards Russian equipment (or racism towards everything Russian)? AH64 has an ideal laser rangefinder, Abrams easily takes 12 hits by ATGM-fine, keep living in your perfect one-sided world, good luck.

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… в конце он попросил найти инфу о тоэс-521 (видимо она на этих вертолётах) но поиск особо ничего не дал ( хотя я и не удивлён) и лезть куда то глубже, боюсь шпионом обзовут:D…

Зачем ему ссылка на ТОЭС-521? Это круглосуточная обзорно-пилотажная система, т.е. предназначенная для пилотирования ночью и в СМУ, а не для боевого применения АСП (хотя она также имеет функцию измерения наклонной дальности до обнаруженных объектов).


Каталог от производителя (УОМЗ).

… Смотри стр.4 (PDF).

На стр.5 есть ТТХ ЛД, применяемого в круглосуточных обзорно-прицельных системах от УОМЗ.

Sorry, I don't speak English, so I use Google Translate.

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