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Your flight start is delayed....


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Since the update today I am getting this message after I select my client slot on a mission I have run a bunch of times. I have two computers and use one as a server and one as a client. I waited for 15 mins but it would not put me in the plane. The client slot is an F-18 on the Stennis, cold. Before the update, yesterday, it worked fine.


Anyone else seen this?

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Just to add to my post in case others have this, it seems to be around updates to carrier parking with the latest patch.


I had a script spawning aircraft to parking hot (Moose script) on Stennis as aircraft are detected plus I was client spawning parking ramp. Both spawn at the same spot (second elevator on starboard side of ship), no way to change that. So the latest update was blocking me from spawning as a client on the carrier while the script is running (which is the entire time the mission is running) so I would just get the delay message. The program would crash if I tried to change slots at that point (ntdll.dll access violation).


I switched the script for AI to spawn at runway (the cat) so I don't get the delay message anymore. But if I try to add a wingman for me, I get the delay message.

Edited by wrl11
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We had experienced the exact same thing however we did not use Moose script on that mission.

So yesterday some of my squadrom colleagues and I dedicated some time to explore this in a carrier with no statics and nothing that could interfere.


What we have learned is this test is:


When you select spawn in Ramp on the Stenis as spawn method in the editor, the parking possition at this moment is AUTO and you cannot select specific spots.

The Carrier assigns those spots in some order but takes some time to „recognize“ the spot is already occupied. Same logic always used in the FARP.


So happens constantly that the first aircraft spawns on the stardboard front elevator and when the second player spawns, it does on the same spot and both explode or get damaged.

Sometimes if the time difference between the first aircraft spawn and the second is over one minute it works ok and second aircraft spawns on another spot. Sometimes.

We have seen that if players connect in proper order and proper spacing in time, chances that things go Ok are higher.

The solution we have found to allow our full squadron to operate at the same time in the carrier is that one guy spawns on the ramp and moves his aicraft away from the spot to some clear parking area, then the next guy spawns, moves away and so on until everybody is spawn.

Not ideal but it works.


In the other hand we have also discovered that usually there is no such problem when the aircraft is spawning on the Catapult (runway) You can nicely get 4 Jets on the catapults. The only thing to take into account is to make it disciplined. Pilot 1 selects slot 1 and so, if one guy on the lobby first clicks on slot 1 but inmediatel clicks on slot 2 before clicking in to FLY, Slot 1 is kind of „blocked“ until this person leaves the carrier.

So bottom line, in our testing we saw that if using some logging discipline we can nicely spawn 4 guy in catapults plus 1 and sometimes 2 guy on ramp with no problems. And if you need more people, just move the jets from the spawn spot and wait 30 secs to allow a new guy spawn on that spot. We tested this only with Hornets and also mixing Hornets and Harriers


It is not ideal and I hope this is properly fixed in the future, but at least is a workaround on the meantime.


Note, I can confirm that if for some reason a guy is receiving the meesage „your flight ois delayed.......“ and tries to select a different spot, his game crashes.

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