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Mission: ASW Training Course


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I even tried replacing the scripts in the mission from his 'Goblin' mission which actually works. Somewhat. With the sonar in the water, the contact keeps moving and I cant get closer than 1000 feet. How do I intiate identification? What's the next step?

4930K @ 4.5, 32g ram, TitanPascal

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I was anti-submarine air controller in the US Navy legendary actually

So a couple things I want to mention here is sh3@ sh2 are by far the only helicopters used for asw 

Unfortunately sh2 is not available in DCs hopefully that will change

Dipping sonar is not just active it's also passive in fact it's only used as passive it's very rarely ever used as active there's no sonar out there that you suck it unless they're getting ready to actually shoot their target

Problem with using an active sonar as it gives away your position

Must usually the sh-2 helicopter tows the MAD towed array 

Sh3 can use the Toyota Ray but they prefer to use their dipping sonar instead in passive mode

Totally is took 50 ft below the helicopter and 170 ft behind it

All of these helicopters generally operate about 2 to 300 feet AGL

They will refuse to operate any higher than that

S3 is also used as an anti submarine airplane

S3 ASW is a primary mission for ASW they tow MAD about 400 or 500  feet agl 

They also drop  Sona buoys and torpedoes

P3 Orion it's also a primary ASW submarine Hunter

They can stay on what station for a long long time they generally fly about one thousand feet 2,000 ft like that 

They carry lots of Sona buoys and they will lay sona buoys fields 16 to 20 sonobuoys in a field pattern 

They also shoot torpedoes 

V22 Osprey 

It's becoming the dominant ASW platforms

They carry way more sonabuoys than the P3 or the S3 

They can stay on station for many many many hours they can  become stationary so they can dip sonar 

Keep in mind when these aircraft dip a sonar they will not move it's essentially that they're anchoring their cells in their considered anchored vessels

It is illegal to travel within 500 ft of those aircraft because they are anchored aircraft they do not travel at 15 knots of stated before

If they need to move the command is

"break dip jump..to x" whatever that is 

These aircraft are always in close control of the anti-submarine warfare air controller on board ship 

The ship is generally directing them where to look

There's obviously a lot more

but these are just a few of the things that you need to warm up to and get used to when you're talking about anti-submarine warfare and how aircraft actually do that function 

And the aircraft that actually do this functionality because in DCS a lot of the aircraft that do this are not functioned properly for anti-submarine warfare

There seem to be function for moving troops and stuff like that cargo but that's a secondary function for all of these aircraft S3 the P3 the v22 sh3 sh60

sh2 which really does need to exist in DCS because that is the aircraft that fly from Ticonderoga Early Bird like ships like those are all the hazard Perry has two of them they're smaller and more nimble and that's why












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i change everything to USA and added i688 Attack sub

in my game those things are very aggressive

if they see a target...they are going to shoot at it

and probably hit it since it still uses chinese torp and shoot 6 at a time

but when  they hit target

it is a massive water explosion

i promise 

your helo pilots are going to want to see that explosion

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