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need help on automatic waypoint switching


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Hi. In manual page 132, it is stated as such: "The system will automatically select the next waypoint when the active waypoint is overflown or passed within a distance of 3 km.). During modes ANF (attack) and SPA (Reconnaissance) or NAV with the trigger safety off (mode unsafe), this automatic switch is locked. Automatic switching does not apply for BX or landing waypoints."


I've tried flying over a waypoint on NAV mode with trigger safety on, off (in NAV mode) but the DI shows the waypoint as E1, and it doesn't switch to the second waypoint after overpass. Any help is greatly appreciated and I apologize if this is a noobish question or I missed a very obvious thing.


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B in the destination indicator = "brytpunkt", waypoint. E in the destination indicator = "egenfix", fix on own position. If it's showing E1, it means you've pressed the fix trigger on the radar stick to the first detent (T1), and the computer is waiting for you to verify the actual position of waypoint B1 optically by overflying it and pressing the fix trigger to the second detent (TV) at the appropriate moment (when you're right above it). While it's in "waiting for fix to be completed" mode, automatic waypoint switching is inhibited, and that's what it's trying to tell you with the E in the destination indicator. Once the fix is complete, the computer will automatically switch to next waypoint.


The other possible letters in the destination indicator's left window are:


M - "mål", target. Waypoint is a target waypoint.

L - "landning", surely you can guess what that means. Waypoint is a base; if it's the takeoff base the right window that usually has a number in it shows S ("start") instead. If the L is blinking, that means "opposing runway heading".

LB - "landningsbrytpunkt", landing waypoint, or perhaps more appropriately and easier to remember, landing, base (as in base and final).

LF - "landning, final", again this should be obvious. Waypoint coordinates is the touchdown point.

U - "upptagning", pop-up. Letter is shown in red and is the pop-up point for certain types of weapon strikes.

R - "ruta", box or rectangle. Used in the recon mode (master mode SPA) for defining target area borders, not sure if this actually works in DCS. Haven't tried it.

S - "skugga", literally translates to shadow. Used in the recon mode when periodically measuring target position with radar to establish its course and speed. Again not sure if this is implemented.

Edited by renhanxue
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