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I got no label on the planes


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Mind you, labels on or off are sometimes also set in the mission itself (and that overrides your game options settings!). Editing that particular mission might be the only way to "fix" it then.


Tutorial and Instant missions settings and logic are all over the place between various DCS modules, that's why the same type of mission for Spitfire or other warbird is not always comparable.

i7 9700K @ stock speed, single GTX1070, 32 gigs of RAM, TH Warthog, MFG Crosswind, Win10.

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R Ctrl + F10 irc



I saw that in my control settings R Shift + F10 should control labels. At any rate neither R Ctrl or R Shift + F10 made any labels to be displayed in the air combat tutorial. Btw what is meant by irc ?

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check your setting under Options / Gameplay!

By the way, the command that toggles all labels ON/OFF for me is LShift + F10. RShift + F10 does nothing at all.


Windows 10 Pro 64Bit | i7-4790 CPU |16 GB RAM|SSD System Disk|SSD Gaming Disk| MSI GTX-1080 Gaming 8 GB| Acer XB270HU | TM Warthog HOTAS | VKB Gladiator Pro | MongoosT-50 | MFG Crosswind Pedals | TrackIR 5

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check your setting under Options / Gameplay!

By the way, the command that toggles all labels ON/OFF for me is LShift + F10. RShift + F10 does nothing at all.



My settings are set to FULL labels which I also have in all other flights.

LShift + F10 did not give me any labels in the air combat tutorial

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I took a quick look at the mission in the editor and it is set to labels off. I recall from the tutorials for MiG-21 that labels settings preset in the mission were overriding gameplay options, might be the case here as well.


Open this tutorial in the editor, go to Customize -> Mission Options -> Labels and turn them on.

i7 9700K @ stock speed, single GTX1070, 32 gigs of RAM, TH Warthog, MFG Crosswind, Win10.

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