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  1. JF-17 Will not attack moving targets within Search then engage in zone. After long testing and testing, i finally came to the conclusion that CAS JF-17 airplanes are not attacking moving targets. As soon as vehicles stand still CAS JF-17 airplanes will engage and destroy the static targets. Can you please fix this bug? Attached my Testing Mission. Ins Instructions: - Join Spectator mode - Observe AI JF-17 behavior - Observe AI MiG-29S behavior Observed behavior: - CAS JF-17 Airplanes will first attack the static target within the zone - CAS JF-17 Airplanes will circle / go in to route pattern while tanks / units are moving - CAS JF-17 Airplanes will engage tanks / units as soon as they've stopped moving Also added 2 MiG-29S with rockets, they perfectly attack also the moving targets. Isn't this maybe an AI issue with the JF-17? CAS - Example - 5 - Clean.miz CAS - Example 5 - Clean.trk dcs.log
  2. @markturner1960 Actually i might do this. I almost have the logic in place. I wrote a script for Artillery Overwatch which requires artillery, but the calculation and picking targets is already automated and works. But i have other issues at the moment i want to solve at the moment for my missions.
  3. As harsh it may sound, i rather program my way out of this. The Mission Editor is nice in some regard, but it gives massive headaches when it comes to scalability and maintainability. So i would rather create 10 zones in the ME and refer to those zones in my Lua script where i can easily setup functions for each zone and setup the required conditions. MIST is really nice for checking if there are units in those zones and execute a function if it does. Scripting is actually the quickest in the end. especially if you want to tweak your missions later on.
  4. You can do this manually with scripting if you know the point of origin. Pick a random point within a radius of point of origin and with the condition that the next shell needs to be at a minimum spacing distance between the previous shell. Use trigger.explosion to imitate a shell explosion https://wiki.hoggitworld.com/view/DCS_func_explosion
  5. Point 1: Best way to check how damage values behave is just testing it out by trail and error. 50 to much? Try 25. 25 to much? Try 12.5. 12.5 almost no effect? Try 20 etc. etc. Its a simple fifty / fifty approach and off course some guess work is involved. Eventually you get a feel how numbers correlates to your desired effect. Point 2: Their are many options you can do this. The most realistic way in my opinion is: - Calculate the distance between the target and the artillery. - A shell has a velocity moving from Point A - B - A shell has a parabolic behavior from point A - B ( for example y = 100 - (1/100) *x^2 ) https://www.desmos.com/calculator/t9utbi5yhf?lang=nl - To calculate the time of impact from firing until impact you start a virtual timer - Based on the velocity of the shell you simulate when the shell should impact. - Add some random deviation between 1 and 0.8 to make it less predictable. Another, easier option is and (less CPU intensive): - Calculate the distance between the target and the artillery. - Multiply the distance with a factor (for example a shell should travel 0.8nm per second) if a distance is 20nm, shell should hit a target after 16 seconds. - Add a random deviation lets say give a random number between 1 and 0.8. And multiply the time with a number between 1 to 0.8. (16 - 12.8 seconds) Hope it helps
  6. Maybe try, as a temporary workaround, using the Mission Editor Mission Start Event and trigger a function in your script to execute your larger script? I'am also programming a large mission but i use the ME to load my custom modules, once the script is loaded, it executes itself only once. That way you are more flexible using both options.
  7. In the Mission Editor and MIST: Search then engage in zone not working on moving targets. After long testing and testing, i finally came to the conclusion that CAS airplanes are not attacking moving targets. As soon as vehicles stand still CAS airplanes will engage and destroy the static targets. Can you please fix this bug? Attached my Testing Mission. Instructions: - Get in the F15E - Open Command Menu (\) - Select "Other" Command (F11) - Select "Launch Operation Spearhead" Command (F1) MIST Groups will now also spawn I named the vehicles in the ME so you can easily identify which ones are added via the ME or MIST. Observed behavior: - CAS Airplanes will first attack the static target within the zone - CAS Airplanes will circle / go in to pattern while tanks / units are moving - CAS Airplanes will engage tanks / units as soon as they've stopped moving Note: I think many people don't know this and reported allot of issues without investigating / testing with static vs moving targets. Even as an experienced programmer and mission maker I also assumed moving targets shouldn't matter in the behavior of CAS, scanning targets a the zone should also return moving targets. No enemy will stand still while CAS is going to do a BRRRT or fire a rocket barrage. UPDATE 11-04: After some double checking and extra testing it also might be that the JF-17 doesn't seem to attack moving targets. When i switch the planes for a MiG-29S with rockets, they perfectly attack also the moving targets. CAS - Example - 4.miz
  8. Bumping this thread. Issues are still there.
  9. Thanks for the reply, any chance this might be implemented with the upgrade to Vulkan API? FSR 3.1 will support this in the upcoming update, source: https://community.amd.com/t5/gaming/amd-fsr-3-1-announced-at-gdc-2024-fsr-3-available-and-upcoming/ba-p/674027 https://www.phoronix.com/news/AMD-FSR-3.1-Announced
  10. I am curious if DCS implementation of FSR 3.0 / 3.1 is planned to upgrade from FSR 2.2. It will reduce allot of issues with Temporal AA and ghosting / shimmering. AMD just announced their new FSR 3.1 and might be released somewhere this year. Any plans to update the current implementation?
  11. I reduced my pagefile to 8 GB's per drive. Also i noticed some events in the windows event viewer, but i couldn't make any conclusions what it might be. So far i don't experience any crashes (fingers crossed).
  12. My PC just reboots. I removed my shaders again just in case and I'll try slow repair and check my pagefile.
  13. After the 2.9 update i experience allot of crashes lately with MT. Mostly Crash Reboot. The game runs fine at start, but suddenly without notice its crash reboots. I had this today at least 3 times within 2 days. I play mostly my own missions. Its just a debug mission (for coding purpose) with nothing fancy in it. I'm testing the AH-64D and checking some events it generates like S_EVENT_HIT / S_EVENT_SHOT. Lasing - AI CAS .miz dcs.log
  14. I agree, there should be civilians (preferred animated idle / walking civilians) , or add some static props like a market which you can add in the mission editor. It really fits to have markets like in the Syria / Persian Gulf / Sinai maps. If it is against ED's policy to have civilians, at least have them non-destructible so its harder to spot enemies / insurgents because they are in a crowd.
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