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  • Flight Simulators
    DCS, X-Plane 11, Prepar3D
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  1. Thank you, those were the wrong vehicles! I just had fo continue further eastwards, then I found the "correct" ones. The red/blue trucks were the ones to be marked after the group of vehicles in the east. I made it out with a few bulletholes and the hydraulic pressure warning light came up, but I managed to get back to Batumi in one piece. Thanks for your help!
  2. Hi there! I seem to be stuck in mission 6. After dropping off the infantry at the LZ on the mountain, I fly over the mountain chain and then towards the hairpin bend of the road, to mark the vehicles as targets. Peter tells me to turn right, but to stay north of the road. I have already spotted the vehicles on my approach, so I fly towards them as low as possible, using the edge of the forest as cover. When I reach the red and blue trucks, nothing happens. What am I supposed to do to continue the mission?
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