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About _SHIFTY_

  • Birthday 06/13/1996

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  1. Nah mate these are from our recently completed Liberation campaign. Modern setting.
  2. Alongside regular ops, we also jump on our public server or run RotorOps missions though the week. Very new player friendly! An example of our first go at RotorOps:
  3. We also run infrequent mid week ops, like tonight we will be running some RotorOps for our Rotor Heads. The group is good fun with some great people.
  4. Hey, i'm thoroughly enjoying your webmap, i use it often for mission briefing images for my group. Have you considered making native drawing tools, similar to your measure tool. Additionally, the ability for people to collaboratively draw on your webmap, something similar to how this site works. Would be awesome for squadron briefings. Would pay for that feature! Either way, its an awesome tool. Keep up the great work!
  5. +1 to this! Our public server would restart by using the taskkill windowtitle filter, so that our mission server wouldn't be impacted if they were both on at the same time. That isn't possible now.
  6. Some pictures from our ongoing REDFOR campaign. If you're interested, join our discord linked above. Missions run on Sundays 20:30 AEDT.
  7. Hey @Grimes Slmod keeps overwriting the MissionScripting.lua, which is fine except I want to comment out the following lines: --Stepanovich's code starts again below. do sanitizeModule('os') --sanitizeModule('io') --sanitizeModule('lfs') require = nil loadlib = nil end but every time the server launches slmod reloads the MissionScripting.lua, and the two sanitize lines are uncommented. Slmodv7_6_137 DCS/
  8. haha... hmm yea, in hindsight choosing a name like "HonestGuy" might been a better choice.
  9. Re-familiarising ourselves with the REDFOR jets in preparation for our next REDFOR campaign.
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