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Father Cool

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About Father Cool

  • Birthday November 11

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  • Flight Simulators
    DCS World
  • Location
  • Interests
    Model Building, 3D CGI modelling
  • Occupation
    CAD designer

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  1. Solved: It was my Steam screenshot key bound to 'end'. False alarm.
  2. When I press the end key or the numpad 1 key (which is also technically an end key) it plays a sound. This happens only when DCS is the focus window. In every aircraft and in every menu it makes the sound. Out of game it doesn't. No idea what's going on but its very annoying. It didn't used to do it until a couple of updates ago.
  3. I have developed and issue where the TPOD cannot be moved up or down using mapped buttons, but left and right are fine. If I map them as an axis it works just fine in both directions. It's not the buttons as they register in the binding screen perfectly and the cursor works just fine on the radar screen etc with the same hat switch. Has anyone else had this and can it be cured?
  4. It is effected, agreed but by only a very small amount when you are so close to the window itself, even less so with a canopy which doesn't get in the way 'line of sight' as its up in the air until virtually completely down anyway. As I said if I sit in a car park and wind up the window its still probably about 90% volume even when the window is only open probably an inch or two.
  5. Agreed, it ought to in fairness be pretty much 100% until it actually closes. If I crack open the window in my car when sat in a busy car park the external sound is pretty much full volume right up until the window is actually fully closed.
  6. That's excellent thanks. I was expecting them to drop one bomb at a time, not in pairs. That's the issue I think. I will do some testing and report back.
  7. nullEven on that video it didn't work correctly. It was set at 12 with 200ft spacing and yet they are all grouped together. 12x 200ft is 2400ft which is a lot further than that spread on the video. Excuse the poor image, you tube compression in the first 15 seconds of video.
  8. How? Ripple single should only release one bomb per pickle press?
  9. No I am using ripple multiple. Set to qty 12 and interval 200ft. I did a run last night with Snakeyes on the same target and I got the same issue with those as well so pretty sure now that it's the interval setting in the PACs that's bugged and not the ordinance itself. If the Razbam issue with ED isn't sorted that's a major bummer if we don't get that fixed.
  10. That's a silly comparison though and serves to reinforce my point rather than moot it. Taking out a runway is a mission critical exercise and needs to work correctly to do its job in game, we as a group wouldn't count one durandal on the runway as mission complete if its a runway denial, so that's a daft statement as well. How high your ejector seat fires when you bale out of a dead jet is not really mission critical, even if you as a virtual pilot were able to be killed by a stab in such a circumstance (which I doubt in DCS anyway) it wouldn't really be a biggy as once the jet is a dead stick the mission is over for you anyway.
  11. Whatever dude. lol. I'd prefer things that effect how I complete a mission over things that have zero effect on said mission or anything else for that matter.
  12. Whilst I agree 99% of the time, how far you eject vertically after bale out is of zero consequence really. It's a little bit OTT for you to compare this with reverting to 80s sims.
  13. Hi can anyone clear this up, we are running a durandal strike in one of our squadron missions and despite being set at ripple multi x 12 and interval 200ft, when released the whole salvo of them release in a line that is probably no more than 200ft for all 12 of them combined, not ideal when taking out a whole runway. Confirmed as an issue by whole group not just me. Are the durandals bugged or are we doing something wrong?
  14. When will the map be available on Steam? Sent from my 2107113SG using Tapatalk
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