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Posts posted by Kula66

  1. This wobbling seems to have become much more violent (seems to have a pitch component now, rather than just yaw previously) since the latest FM update.

    ill try and get a track next time, but for me it seems to be triggered by flying through the wake of another aircraft while in bfm with wake turbulence turned on.

  2. I've certainly seen similar things a few times ... bandit visible visually as a dot (15-20 miles), closing head-on (so a good radar target), visible on D/L, LACQ selected, in the circle, correct PRF, etc and no lock. Very frustrating.

    I understand the 18s radar is going to be reviewed 'soon', so fingers crossed.

    • Like 2
  3. 3 hours ago, IronMike said:

    This is not something arbitrary, but part of the jet's history, whether you like it or not. Please be patient until we finalized forge, and then you will be able to put together your very own jet, to your very own preferences, unlike a real Tomcat pilot, who could not do that.

    So were issues like the radar failing after take-off, but I wonder how many people would want that in a sim? Me, no thanks. Please can we have a way of disabling it, I think its horrible.
    Oh, and tilting the mirrors is lovely, but can we please have a simple click to enable/disable them too?

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    • Thanks 2
  4. Perhaps Razbam intend to release a 15C later ... If you could take the CFTs off, that would hit sales of the futureA2A bird 😉

    Either way, day 1 purchase for me 🙂

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  5. Ok, here is the typical scenario: you are in a valley, flying low and Jester spots a bandit visually, somewhere ... out of radar scan, ie. left, right or behind; you want need to wait until he finishes to know which way to turn, ie. wait for his clock call. If he said, '7 o'clock, bandit, Mig 29 ...' you'd save yourself precious seconds.


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  6. Is it possible to reorder the phases used when Jester announces a new bandit in close? I understand this is not a user change, but hopefully maybe a quick change for the devs.
    He currently says something like 'Bandit, Mig 29, 2 o'clock, 3 miles' when really the bit I'm interested in is the direction of the bandit! I have to wait a couple of agonising seconds for the key part of the message before I can react. He also sometimes adds pauses and stutters, which is not appreciated.


  7. I too find WACQ mode inconsistent, but I put it down to the length of time it takes to complete a full scan … too many bars and too big an angle to cover; vertical scan and boresight just focus on a much smaller areas of sky. It just depends on where in the scan pattern the target is.

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