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  1. Thanks Mano! I'll give that a try tonight. Do you know, if there is a way to have the inteceptor plane waiting at base from mission start? This would be good so if we made it to the airbase undetected, we could destroy the inteceptor as it was parked, thus rendering the base unable to launch an intecept. many thanks!!
  2. I have looked into that, but will the script MOOSE offer spawn a new interceptor every time we are detected on the EWR? For example, if we get detected, a SU-27 spawns to intecept us, we then turn around and fly out of EWR range, the SU-27 goes to fly back to base, then we fly back into EWR range, will it then spawn another SU-27? Also, if we shoot the first SU-27 down, will another one spawn? I'd only like 1 inteceptor for this mission. Many thanks,
  3. Trying to make a 2 player mission where an SU-27 inteceptor parked at an enemy arifield will take off and engage when detected by the base's EWR system. From what I've already researched, this may require a script to do?
  4. I'm trying to create a dynamic training mission for me and my friend which includes multiple targets, each at different difficulty levels. The hardest target is an airbase far north on the map. To make this target so difficult to attack, I'd like an inteceptor to take off from the runway to intecept the 2 players (me and my friend) when we get detected on the base's EWR system. If it's possible, I'd really like a radio message to appear when detected, saying something like 'You are entering Ukraine controlled Gelendzhik airspace, please turn around or you will be shot down.' At this point, it would be good to have a couple of minutes to turn around. If however, the player doens't turn around, the inteceptor will have permission to hunt and engage the player. I'd also like this to be continuous. For example, if we turn around the first time, the inteceptor returns back to base. But if we are detected on the EWR once more, the cycle starts again. I'm not even sure if the inteceptor aircraft can be linked to an EWR. I've tried assigning the inteceptor a CAP mission with 'Search then Engage in Zone' advanced waypoint action, with a trigger to start when our aircraft group enters the restricted zone. But all he does is just take off and then imediately lands. I'd like the inteceptor to only stay in his specified airspace, and not go completely kamikaze and chase us accross the entire map trying to shoot us down. Any help would be greatly appriciated, many thanks!
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