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Everything posted by NeF

  1. Would love to own this 109 beauty, thanks ivan !
  2. Congrats! With so much entries, that's what I call luck :)
  3. Nice idea xaoslaad, thanks:thumbup:
  4. Thanks for the vid John, certainly learned something! Hope to see you soon up there.
  5. Houla oui, ça envoie !
  6. Thanks a lot for the lovely update ED, now I can quit my job.
  7. I had a blast playing Piercing fury with you the other day. Fantastic mission, loved those tasks that kept coming (for the hueys at least) !
  8. Demius, ceci pourrait t’intéresser: http://1stcavdiv.conceptbb.com/ Beaucoup de vrais pilotes, quelques français, belges et autre francophones épars de par le monde. On est essentiellement tourné vers le huey et il règne une bonne ambiance. Un petit bémol tout de même, il faut maitriser un strict minimum d'anglais. NeF
  9. Here in Europa it is harder to find CH products than saitek.
  10. And honestly, I can't stand that squeaky plastic feeling :smilewink:
  11. The problem with saitek is their vicious way to manufacture their products. :smartass:Example: The potentiometers of the RZ axis (rudder) are made weaker than the other ones. The why is in my signature. I'm curious to know how many of you guys have sloppy response in rudder axis. I used my x-52 a hell of a lot tho, that's true, but only like 3 years before it went nuts, and I know other people that had same problem.
  12. You'll spend more money replacing your broken saitek :]
  13. Hi there, I'd suggest you to manually do your joystick configuration in game, double check on the axis you have problems with.
  14. True, but I hope, if this happens one day, that it won't be like in arma, touch one leave of a tree with a skid and you explode.
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