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About Harlikwin

  • Birthday 10/31/1976

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  • Flight Simulators
    DCS yo
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    Living rent free in your mind
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    your mom

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  1. @Flappie IDK if ED really wants to do it but if would be cool to at least break down the 9B/Gar8 on the f86 into an early/late model (call the Original Gar-8, call the later the 9B) Main differences: Gar8: 20deg gimbal limit, uncages on missile departing the jet 9B: 30deg gimbal limit, uncages immediately after gas gen is ignited. There is also a photocell change in there, but frankly I Don't think it would mater for DCS.
  2. I'm going of really old memory here, but I think the button needs to stay depressed or the relay wont flip when its ready. I forget where I saw that circuit diagram tho, it was a long time ago. Honestly I care way more about getting the lock/uncage behavior right than getting this 100%.
  3. Have you ever actually looked through a pair of binoculars? Do you see 2 images side by side?
  4. #1 Its in OP 2309, 2-1, 2nd part of the below. It will apply to pretty much all sidewinders, since they all use gas generators (well, later ones use a gas gen AND a battery but I'm pretty sure the firing seq is similar enough in that regard). Should also be the same for soviet R3S, R13M and Chinese sidewinder copies, Pl2/5 etc. #2 yeah its fine if it did it, but if you wanted a gar8 as a separate thing from the 9B that would be an easy way to differentiate it and give the F86 both. null
  5. #1 Thats not what happens IRL. IDK in DCS, if you can try to re-fire it in DCS thats wrong too. Once the gas generator is initiated thats it, its a one time event. You can't stop the the gas generator from burning. #2 AFAIK thats what happens if you don't hold the button down long enough missile stays on the rail but its basically dead, while the gas generator burns for the full 21 seconds (or whatever time it is). (bonus sparky smokey missile effect if you want to be accurate) As for your earlier question, yeah it looks like in OP 2309 (1966) (navy) it does in fact say the gyro uncages at launch. I "think" that chart posted above is from the F-8 crusader manual. It might be a later or earlier manual or maybe a navy F4 manual. And a later version of the 9B. It might have been changed at some point as there are a few revisions of the 9B (as noted in OP2309 but it only goes to 66), the earliest of them actually had a mechanical cage system that would would only uncage on firing. That was later changed to an electromagnetic system. So if you want to be "correct" for the F86 and a GAR-8 and make players lives sad, yeah uncage it only on departing the rail. Or add a second version that uncages immediately (probably what was used for most of the VN war, and on your late model F5E) It also couldn't uncage on the 5E (yes I know what the manual says but it seems to be a copy pasta from a 9E/J/P description which all could uncage). Given that the 9E entered service in like 68 and was mostly rebuilt/improved 9B GCS it makes little sense that the AF would have further improved the 9B between 66 and 68.
  6. Honestly the issue with this is what "hot" part the missile sees. The uncooled 9B/R3S PbS seeker literally has to see the "inside" of an engine since its the only stuff hot enough for it to see. Hence the tracking angles being so bad. Once you get to cooled PbS seekers, then its the exterior parts of the engine, i.e. the exterior petals and such and depending on how much insulation there is and what the actual look angles are. In theory if you are under a head on target you could likely get tone frontally if the seeker could see the rear of the jet from underneat, the problem being it will start guiding, and rapidly loose sight of it if its "leading" the target. Also, you guys really need to revisit this idea of "afterburners" increasing the lock on ranges all that much. Its partly true since the actual metal gets hotter, but the actual AB plume which is CO2 and H2O, gets rapidly absorbed by the atmosphere within a few km (and almost entirely by like 10km). Its a fairly complex set of phenomenon, cuz it sorta does matter at high alt (less atmosphere) versus (low alt, lots of atmosphere to absorb it). If you want to model it offline to get a feel for it try MODTRAN. And missiles like the 9B can't even see the AB plume. Thats just basic IR physics.
  7. No it doesn't. Look at the firing sequence once the gas generator is lit (literally step1) the missile is committed. Yes it can mess up and you can get a hung store etc, but once the gas gen is lit either the missile continues down the sequence and fires or if there is an error it dies on the rail. The gas generator only runs once since its pyrotechnic (fancy black powder if you want to think of it like that). So no, there is no "uncage" in practice. You don't "ulight" a burning pyrotechnic charge which is what the gas generator is. Gas generator runs the fin actuators and the turbo alternator which provides power to the seeker once it leaves the jet. So how it should work for the 9B specifically. You have tone (and you guys should model the seeker null too) (ref Mirage F1 that does it right) You push and hold down the firing button. Electrical impulse ignites the gas generator, which gets the pyrotechnics burning. 9B uncages the gyro to track the target for the 1sec or so before launch. It takes time for the gas gen to generate enough pressure to run the turbo alternator/fins (at .4sec) Then once the turbo alternator is producing enough voltage the firing relay closes taking the missile OFF the jet electrical and onto the turboalternator. (Also the firing button has to be depressed for this to happen, otherwise you get a hung store with the gas generator fizzling on your wing for 21 seconds) And the motor lights. Then Mr Missile goes on his happy way. The seeker uncages immediately because its difficult to keep a good track with the missile, and after it uncages you don't have to cuz mr missile will do it for you (in theory). You should also loose tone once it does this because it will be in the seeker null. Later sidewinder versions worked a bit differently ofc and you could uncage/recage the 9E for example (At the risk of damaging the seeker, not like you guys would model that tho). And then the later navy winders with SEAM compatibility starting with the 9G
  8. I see. Seems like Steam just don't really want to do pre-orders there. Well I guess thats a change on their end.
  9. So what exactly are Steams pre-order requirements? Have they changed since other pre-orders there? IIRC the Viper and others were on steam.
  10. Well, the FC3 radar/IRST are a) not the best modeled, to begin with but its FC3. you can do some wild stuff with the elevation limits thats totally wrong. And OFC the the whole radar model is well, "basic". And well, we can hope someday IRST won't see through clouds, though by all accounts from actual pilots it was fairly worthelss aside from the HMS/dogfight mode. b) If you are actually gonna do it clicky wise like you'd do it IRL, the controls while decently placed, aren't on the HOTAS and are well, fiddly. (flying the 21 for example you have the same issues with the weapon selector) Now, OFC the pro-gamer pilots will just bind it all to the hotas but if you are flying it realistically the ergos are not great.
  11. It was on an online server so no. But I'm sure you can setup a flight of 4 TU-22's and go shoot at them.
  12. I have STT break lock on TU-22's at like 5 miles while I'm trying to guide sparrows on them once they turn/go cold. And I'm under them... That ain't right.
  13. Lets hope the Radar ends up being a real simulation like what Razbam and HB have done, and not some cheezy FC3++ ED model.
  14. Corsair has been in every coming soon vid for like 3-4 years now... Its not comin...
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