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Everything posted by BULLITT83

  1. All manual , i print the plan at scale 1 and i cut
  2. @Jar72 Thanks a lot for your answer ! and for the windshield plan !! it will helps me ! for the seat i was speaking of that one :
  3. Hi @Jar72 , Thanks a lot for your ZIp of the wonderful mumble JOB But some files are missing, i'm cutting the wood to start my second simpit, but the windshield main frame is missing along with the side of the bottom part of the ejection seat , do you have those drawning please ?
  4. i made some progress , all leds works, only the MAX7219 didn't works ; any idea ? also , i cannot change the range of my potentiometer adding to these : DcsBios::Potentiometer pltEmergWingSweepltLever("PLT_EMERG_WING_SWEEPLT_LEVER", A3); DcsBios::Potentiometer pltEmergWingSweepltLever("PLT_EMERG_WING_SWEEPLT_LEVER", A3, false, 0, 185); Why ? thanks forgot the last version of my sketch : /* use '#define DCSBIOS_DEFAULT_SERIAL DCSBIOS_IRQ_SERIAL' instead if your Arduino board * does not feature an ATMega328 or ATMega2650 controller. */ #define DCSBIOS_DEFAULT_SERIAL #include <DcsBios.h> #include <LedControl.h> /* pin 7 is connected to the DataIn pin 6 is connected to the CLK pin 5 is connected to LOAD We have only a single MAX72XX. */ LedControl lc=LedControl(7,6,5,1); /* paste code snippets from the reference documentation here */ //PILOT ARC-159 Frequency void onPltUhfRemoteDispChange(char* newValue) { lc.setChar(0,0,newValue[6],false); lc.setChar(0,1,newValue[5],false); lc.setChar(0,2,newValue[4],false); //true=this is the full stop after digit no 3 lc.setChar(0,3,newValue[2],true); lc.setChar(0,4,newValue[1],false); lc.setChar(0,5,newValue[0],false); } DcsBios::StringBuffer<7> pltUhfRemoteDispBuffer(0x1474, onPltUhfRemoteDispChange); DcsBios::LED pltGunRate(0x127e, 0x8000, 25); DcsBios::LED pltHookLight(0x12ee, 0x0008, 2); DcsBios::LED pltSwCoolOn(0x12d4, 0x2000, 22); DcsBios::LED pltMslPrepOn(0x12d4, 0x8000, 24); DcsBios::LED pltGunRateHigh(0x12d4, 0x0800, 25); DcsBios::LED pltMasterCaution(0x12d4, 0x0080, 23); DcsBios::LED pltMslModeBore(0x12d6, 0x0004, 26); DcsBios::LED pltSeamLock(0x12d4, 0x0400, 27); DcsBios::LED pltFlapsIndLight(0x12ee, 0x0100, 8); DcsBios::LED pltSpdbrkFullLight(0x12ee, 0x0400, 9); DcsBios::LED pltSlatsIndLight(0x12ee, 0x0080, 10); DcsBios::RotaryEncoder pltHsdKnobCrs("PLT_HSD_KNOB_CRS", "-182", "+182", 40, 41); DcsBios::Potentiometer pltEmergWingSweepltLever("PLT_EMERG_WING_SWEEPLT_LEVER", A3); DcsBios::Switch2Pos pltEmergWingSweepltCover("PLT_EMERG_WING_SWEEPLT_COVER", 51, true); DcsBios::Potentiometer pltVuhfVol("PLT_VUHF_VOL", A4); DcsBios::Potentiometer pltUhf1Vol("PLT_UHF1_VOL", A5); DcsBios::Potentiometer pltHudBright("PLT_HUD_BRIGHT", A2); DcsBios::LED pltTacanComandPlt(0x12d2, 0x0800, 48); DcsBios::Switch2Pos pltHudFilter("PLT_HUD_FILTER", 46); void setup() { DcsBios::setup(); //This initializes the MAX7219 and gets it ready of use: lc.shutdown(0,false); //turn on the display lc.setIntensity(0,5);//set the brightness lc.clearDisplay(0); //clear the display //The following series of "lc.setChar" commands are used to display the number 8 in each digit. This allows us to see each that LED segment is actually working. lc.setChar(0,0,'8',false);// The first number...0, means there are no other MAX7219's connected to the one we are using. lc.setChar(0,1,'8',false);// The second number...1, indicates the digit you are sending data too...digit numbering starts at 0. lc.setChar(0,2,'8',false);// The third number in single quotes is the character thats displayed lc.setChar(0,3,'8',false);// The statement... true/false is to turn on or off the decimal point (dp) for that particular digit. lc.setChar(0,4,'8',false); lc.setChar(0,5,'8',false); } void loop() { DcsBios::loop(); }
  5. is there someone to check my sketch please ? lot of problems.... /* use '#define DCSBIOS_DEFAULT_SERIAL DCSBIOS_IRQ_SERIAL' instead if your Arduino board * does not feature an ATMega328 or ATMega2650 controller. */ #define DCSBIOS_DEFAULT_SERIAL #include <DcsBios.h> #include <LedControl.h> /* pin 7 is connected to the DataIn pin 6 is connected to the CLK pin 5 is connected to LOAD We have only a single MAX72XX. */ LedControl lc=LedControl(7,6,5,1); /* paste code snippets from the reference documentation here */ //PILOT ARC-159 Frequency void onPltUhfStringFreqChange(char* newValue) { lc.setChar(0,0,newValue[6],false); lc.setChar(0,1,newValue[5],false); lc.setChar(0,2,newValue[4],false); //true=this is the full stop after digit no 3 lc.setChar(0,3,newValue[2],true); lc.setChar(0,4,newValue[1],false); lc.setChar(0,5,newValue[0],false); } DcsBios::StringBuffer<7> pltUhfStringFreqBuffer(0x1248, onPltUhfStringFreqChange); DcsBios::LED pltGunRate(0x127e, 0x8000, 25); DcsBios::LED pltHookLight(0x12ee, 0x0008, 2); DcsBios::LED pltSwCooloff(0x12e2, 0x8000, 22); DcsBios::LED pltMslPrepON(0x12e4, 0x0002, 24); DcsBios::LED pltGunRatehigh(0x12e2, 0x2000, 25); DcsBios::LED pltMasterCaution(0x12e2, 0x0200, 23); DcsBios::LED pltMslModeBore(0x12e4, 0x0008, 26); DcsBios::LED pltSeamLock(0x12e2, 0x1000, 27); DcsBios::LED pltFlapsIndLight(0x12ee, 0x0100, 8); DcsBios::LED pltSpdbrkFullLight(0x12ee, 0x0400, 9); DcsBios::LED pltSlatsIndLight(0x12ee, 0x0080, 10); DcsBios::RotaryEncoder pltHsdKnobCrs("PLT_HSD_KNOB_CRS", "-182", "+182", 40, 41); DcsBios::Potentiometer pltEmergWingSweepltLever("PLT_EMERG_WING_SWEEPLT_LEVER", A3, false, 0, 185); DcsBios::Switch2Pos pltEmergWingSweepltCover("PLT_EMERG_WING_SWEEPLT_COVER", 51, true); DcsBios::Potentiometer pltVuhfVol("PLT_VUHF_VOL", A4); DcsBios::Potentiometer pltUhf1Vol("PLT_UHF1_VOL", A5); DcsBios::Potentiometer pltHudBright("PLT_HUD_BRIGHT", A2, true); DcsBios::LED pltTacanCmdButton(0x1222, 0x8000, 48); DcsBios::Switch2Pos pltHudFilter("PLT_HUD_FILTER", 46); void setup() { DcsBios::setup(); //This initializes the MAX7219 and gets it ready of use: lc.shutdown(0,false); //turn on the display lc.setIntensity(0,5);//set the brightness lc.clearDisplay(0); //clear the display //The following series of "lc.setChar" commands are used to display the number 8 in each digit. This allows us to see each that LED segment is actually working. lc.setChar(0,0,'8',false);// The first number...0, means there are no other MAX7219's connected to the one we are using. lc.setChar(0,1,'8',false);// The second number...1, indicates the digit you are sending data too...digit numbering starts at 0. lc.setChar(0,2,'8',false);// The third number in single quotes is the character thats displayed lc.setChar(0,3,'8',false);// The statement... true/false is to turn on or off the decimal point (dp) for that particular digit. lc.setChar(0,4,'8',false); lc.setChar(0,5,'8',false); } void loop() { DcsBios::loop(); }
  6. BULLITT83


    J'ai la meme chose sur syrie avec le F14 je drop regulierement je dirais toute les minutes peut etre moins a 10 12 FPS .. ca ne le faisait pas avant ..
  7. i write you to report a problem: GOt some problem with DCS BIOS , for 2 or 3 days i suffer FPS drops ; i found this in my log : [C]: ? [string "C:\Users\FiercePC\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Scripts\DCS-BIOS\lib\CommonData.lua"]:20: in function 'v' [string "C:\Users\FiercePC\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Scripts\DCS-BIOS\lib\Protocol.lua"]:173: in function 'step' [string "C:\Users\FiercePC\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Scripts\DCS-BIOS\BIOS.lua"]:102: in function 'PrevLuaExportAfterNextFrame' [string "C:\Users\FiercePC\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Scripts/TacviewGameExport.lua"]:65: in function <[string "C:\Users\FiercePC\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Scripts/TacviewGameExport.lua"]:58>. 2020-11-23 20:40:53.690 WARNING LOG: 11 duplicate message(s) skipped. 2020-11-23 20:40:53.690 INFO EDTERRAINGRAPHICS41: surface5 gc() LOD 0 63 squares 2020-11-23 20:40:53.710 INFO EDTERRAINGRAPHICS41: surface5 gc() LOD 1 63 squares 2020-11-23 20:40:53.717 INFO EDTERRAINGRAPHICS41: surface5 gc() LOD 2 23 squares 2020-11-23 20:40:53.720 INFO EDTERRAINGRAPHICS41: surface5 gc() LOD 3 13 squares 2020-11-23 20:40:53.720 INFO EDTERRAINGRAPHICS41: surface5 gc() 63.131000 ms 2020-11-23 20:40:53.817 ERROR Lua::Config: Call error LuaExportAfterNextFrame:[string "C:\Users\FiercePC\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Scripts\DCS-BIOS\lib\CommonData.lua"]:20: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'ias' (a nil value) stack traceback: after disabling DCS bios in my export.lua, no more FPS drop ... any idea ? Best regards
  8. Hi guys did one of you try/test the ARA 63 knob channel sketch for the F14B ? Can't manage to make him works ? any help ? can you just try and tell me if it's me ?
  9. hi guys, i try to use this line in my sketch for the F14 wing sweep pop out handle function : DcsBios::Switch2Pos pltEmergWingSweepltPop("PLT_EMERG_WING_SWEEPLT_POP", 52); it doesn't works , did someone managed to have the handle pop in and out using this one ? No problem to move it with a potentiometer, to put the cover down , but can't have it pop in .. Best regards
  10. Ok i read that maybe my encoder is not ok for such precision needed for HSD so i try another function it works perfectly with AIRSPEED INDICATOR KNOB ( F14b remember) so i try another one : ARA 63 channel knob : i write this in my sketch : DcsBios::RotaryEncoder pltAra63Chan("PLT_ARA63_CHAN", "DEC", "INC", 51, 53); i find it on the ref page but my F14 library is writen as a multiposi switch : defineMultipositionSwitch("PLT_ARA63_CHAN", 11, 3322, 912, 20, 1/19,"ANARA63 Panel" ,"PILOT AN/ARA-63 Channel Knob") so i modify the F14B.LUA with : defineRotary("PLT_ARA63_CHAN", 11, 3322, 912, "ANARA63 Panel" , "PILOT AN/ARA-63 Channel Knob") and it doesn't works ! where am i wrong ? i think that on the library code 11, 3322, 912 is some kind of adress for this function ? where to find it , in order to check it ? best regards Hope my questions are not to "newbies" ones
  11. hi padonis, i've the same problem as you , do you confirm that you managed to do it with a 24 pulse rotary encoder ? or did you buy a 64 , or a 100 ?
  12. Hi guys, i'm having problem with the HSD course. I try to put a rotary encoder to control this function . So i put the skech line i found on DCS control reference page .. but when i turn my rotary encoder the pointer jump not step by step but for 10 , 20 some times 90 degrees ? ?? i change values on the value on the sketch line "-3200" "+3200" to "-500" "+500" nothing really change ...... did i ve to change the F14.LUA in DCS ARDUINO library ? :helpsmilie:
  13. thx a lot vic , i will try it and i'll try to understand the logic when you says it compiles on arduino , did you means it did it automaticcaly or you did it yourself ?
  14. Hi guys , did someone can help me ? i build one sketch for my lights ( flaps , weapons lights , airbrakes ... ) and another one for my radio FQ display . Can you rewrite for me one sketch from these 2 ? melt them ? regards Guillaume : FIRST ONE : /* use '#define DCSBIOS_DEFAULT_SERIAL' instead if your Arduino board * does not feature an ATMega328 or ATMega2650 controller. */ #define DCSBIOS_IRQ_SERIAL #include "DcsBios.h" DcsBios::LED pltHookLight(0x12ee, 0x0008, 2); DcsBios::LED pltSwCoolOn(0x12e2, 0x4000, 13); DcsBios::LED pltMslPrepOn(0x12e4, 0x0001, 12); DcsBios::LED pltGunRateHigh(0x12e2, 0x1000, 10); DcsBios::LED pltMasterCaution(0x12e2, 0x0100, 11); DcsBios::LED pltMslModeBore(0x12e4, 0x0008, 7); DcsBios::LED pltSeamLock(0x12e2, 0x0800, 5); DcsBios::LED pltFlapsInd(0x13c0, 0x0fff, 2); DcsBios::LED pltSpdbrkFull(0x13ba, 0x0fff, 3); DcsBios::LED pltSlatsInd(0x13be, 0x0fff, A7); DcsBios::RotaryEncoder pltHsdKnobCrs("PLT_HSD_KNOB_CRS", "-1200", "+1200", 53, 51); DcsBios::Potentiometer pltEmergWingSweepltLever("PLT_EMERG_WING_SWEEPLT_LEVER", A0, false, 0, 385); DcsBios::Potentiometer pltVuhfVol("PLT_VUHF_VOL", A4); DcsBios::Potentiometer pltUhf1Vol("PLT_UHF1_VOL", A5); void setup() { DcsBios::setup(); } void loop() { DcsBios::loop(); } SECOND ONE : Tell DCS-BIOS to use a serial connection and use interrupt-driven communication. The main program will be interrupted to prioritize processing incoming data. This should work on any Arduino that has an ATMega328 controller (Uno, Pro Mini, many others). */ #define DCSBIOS_IRQ_SERIAL #include "DcsBios.h" #include <LedControl.h> /* pin 7 is connected to the DataIn pin 6 is connected to the CLK pin 5 is connected to LOAD We have only a single MAX72XX. */ LedControl lc=LedControl(22,26,24,1); /* paste code snippets from the reference documentation here */ //PILOT ARC-159 Frequency void onPltUhfStringFreqChange(char* newValue) { lc.setChar(0,0,newValue[6],false); lc.setChar(0,1,newValue[5],false); lc.setChar(0,2,newValue[4],false); //true=this is the full stop after digit no 3 lc.setChar(0,3,newValue[2],true); lc.setChar(0,4,newValue[1],false); lc.setChar(0,5,newValue[0],false); } DcsBios::StringBuffer<7> pltUhfStringFreqBuffer(0x1248, onPltUhfStringFreqChange); void setup() { DcsBios::setup(); //This initializes the MAX7219 and gets it ready of use: lc.shutdown(0,false); //turn on the display lc.setIntensity(0,10);//set the brightness lc.clearDisplay(0); //clear the display //The following series of "lc.setChar" commands are used to display the number 8 in each digit. This allows us to see each that LED segment is actually working. lc.setChar(0,0,'8',false);// The first number...0, means there are no other MAX7219's connected to the one we are using. lc.setChar(0,1,'8',false);// The second number...1, indicates the digit you are sending data too...digit numbering starts at 0. lc.setChar(0,2,'8',false);// The third number in single quotes is the character thats displayed lc.setChar(0,3,'8',false);// The statement... true/false is to turn on or off the decimal point (dp) for that particular digit. lc.setChar(0,4,'8',false); lc.setChar(0,5,'8',false); } void loop() { DcsBios::loop(); }
  15. Thanks a lot for your answer LES , it helps me a lot now i'm sure my probleme comes from elsewhere i'll search a little more ! thanks a lot ! Guillaume
  16. @lesthegrngo I'm trying also to send COM FQ at a MAX7219, i've a question : do you use your arduino for the 5 volts to "feed" the MAX7219 I've problems, testing my sketch with only th eMAX7219 works perfectly, when i have it working with others items ( flaps indicator, gear position leds...) my MAX7219 doesn't works correctly , looks like it has not enough current. Regards guillaume
  17. i found a solution. forget my request
  18. i've a small question guys : i run a 3 monitor F14 SIMPIT. i use helios for few hours and want to thanks a lot CPT ZEEN ! But actually the right panel appear on my monitor number 2 when i push the right panel button. ( on the monitor 1 is the main view ). I would like to see the right panel on my monitor number 3 .how to do that ? using the profile editor the right panel is only available on monitor 2 ..; i try to make a screen shot to join to my question. [/img]
  19. hello i got a small question . i run a 3 monitor simpit. i start with HELIOS ( and thanks a lot for your works ! ) but on F14 i want the right panel to appear on my monitor number 3 . actually it appears on monitor number 2 . how to change that ?
  20. Hi , yes as i said thanks a lot for what you've done, very good job. i think most of us can understand it's not a priority in a life. so we will wait . publishing the files as they are can be a very good idea / starting point . this could help us.
  21. just an idea like this ..; if i understand well this thread : why not looking at what is used on old pinball ? i rebuild pinball from the 60's and 70's ... flip coils are very strong ....
  22. hi guys ! some news : it works perfectly , i swap to another MAX7219 module and it's perfect , i just have to swap the numbering as CRASH TEST PILOT says. Thanks to you HAN SOLO and CRASH TEST PILOT !!
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