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  1. I stronly recommned Notepad++ (Freeware) for .lua editing. It's also good for almost every text edit. And make sure that .lua extension should be in small chars (.lua) not in caps.(.LUA)
  2. Runs fine with fps of 40 to 60, vert sync on. Your problem is Windows XP. Migrate to Vista(or 7) and use affinity tool.
  3. You'd better watch producer's notes first. It's better than manual and in-game training.
  4. I'm not a native English speaker myself but first thing to made me hard to read the manual was Russian cockpit images on pdf. Actually I gave it up and stuck to training and Producer's notes movies. Like driving car? hey, the complexity of all the switches is uncomparable. I'm a BS fanboy but it really would be fanboish if you tell me to fly in Russian cockpit for realism and read manual with Russian labels.
  5. You can see my sig : long long time verified.:pilotfly:
  6. Sure, add-on sound card is better, period. I f**cking hate on-board sound device. But it doesn't come at top of the list in BS considering budget limit for ordinary people. You shouldn't give delusion to anyone that fps will soars up by accelerated audio and it will sounds damn better. First, for me, sound is not the first thing for simulation. Music? I love it. Does BS sounds dramatically different between on-board & add-in? In some games, it is yes. I love those games. But in BS, it's nono. Did BS ever support EAX? I hope so. Even good old IL-2 supports accelerated sound better than BS. BS sound is matter of preference not like plain simple fps count so I hope you don't ignore other people's cochlea or eardrum whatever that easily. Second, playing BS on XP for better sound? in XP? Not Vista? That would be BS.
  7. dofile(LockOn_Options.common_script_path.."elements_defs.lua") SetCustomScale(1.0) function AddElement(object) object.screenspace = ScreenType.SCREENSPACE_TRUE object.use_mipfilter = true Add(object) end local aspect = LockOn_Options.screen.aspect local size = 0.30 --default value was 0.15 local tex_scale = 0.25/size local line_width = (4.5/512)/tex_scale local roll_stick_movement = 130 local k = size / 130 local pitch_stick_movement_positive = 115 * k --default value was 115 * k local pitch_stick_movement_negative = 190 * k --[[ CURR_SCREENSPACE_NONE = 0, CURR_SCREENSPACE_HUD_ONLY_VIEW = 1, CURR_SCREENSPACE_ARCADE = 2, --]] local ds = 0.05 * size local collec_shift = 0.3*size local rud_shift = 0.1*size local orange_mat = MakeMaterial("",{255,100,0,0}) --default transparency value was 50 base = CreateElement "ceMeshPoly" base.name = "base" base.primitivetype = "triangles" base.material = orange_mat -- "GREEN_TRANSPARENT" base.vertices = {{-(size + collec_shift + rud_shift + 3.0*line_width + ds), -(size + ds)}, {-(size + collec_shift + rud_shift + 3.0*line_width + ds), pitch_stick_movement_negative + ds}, { size + ds , pitch_stick_movement_negative + ds}, { size + ds , -(size + ds)}} base.indices = default_box_indices base.init_pos = {0,-(1 - 1.5*size)} base.controllers = {{"show"},{"screenspace_position",2,-(aspect - 2*size),0}, {"screenspace_position",1,0,0}} base.h_clip_relation = h_clip_relations.REWRITE_LEVEL base.level = DEFAULT_LEVEL AddElement(base) pitch_scale = CreateElement "ceTexPoly" pitch_scale.name = "pitch_scale" pitch_scale.vertices = {{-pitch_stick_movement_positive , -line_width}, {-pitch_stick_movement_positive , line_width}, { pitch_stick_movement_negative , line_width}, { pitch_stick_movement_negative , -line_width}} pitch_scale.indices = default_box_indices pitch_scale.material = "ARCADE_3_RED" pitch_scale.init_rot = {90,0,0} pitch_scale.tex_params = {256/512,176.5/512,0.5*tex_scale,2*tex_scale} pitch_scale.parent_element = base.name --AddElement(pitch_scale) roll_scale = CreateElement "ceTexPoly" roll_scale.name = "roll_scale" roll_scale.vertices = {{-size , -line_width}, {-size , line_width}, { size , line_width}, { size , -line_width}} roll_scale.indices = default_box_indices roll_scale.material = "ARCADE_3_RED" roll_scale.tex_params = {256/512,176.5/512,tex_scale,2*tex_scale} roll_scale.parent_element = base.name --AddElement(roll_scale) local stick_index_sz = 0.1 * size stick_position = CreateElement "ceTexPoly" stick_position.name = "stick_position" stick_position.vertices = {{-stick_index_sz, -stick_index_sz}, {-stick_index_sz, stick_index_sz}, { stick_index_sz, stick_index_sz}, { stick_index_sz, -stick_index_sz}} stick_position.indices = default_box_indices stick_position.material = "ARCADE_3_RED" stick_position.tex_params = {330/512, 365.5 / 512, 2*tex_scale, 2*tex_scale/0.8} stick_position.controllers = {{"stick_pitch",-pitch_stick_movement_positive, -pitch_stick_movement_negative}, {"stick_roll",size}} stick_position.parent_element = base.name --AddElement(stick_position) rudder_scale = Copy(roll_scale) rudder_scale.init_pos = {0,-(pitch_stick_movement_positive + 0.1*size)} --AddElement(rudder_scale) rudder_index = Copy(roll_scale) rudder_index.vertices = {{-2.0*line_width , -line_width}, {-2.0*line_width , line_width}, { 2.0*line_width , line_width}, { 2.0*line_width , -line_width}} rudder_index.controllers = {{"rudder",size},{"rotate",math.rad(90)}} rudder_index.parent_element = rudder_scale.name --AddElement(rudder_index) local collective_size = pitch_stick_movement_negative --originally there was no positive value!! collective_scale = Copy(pitch_scale) collective_scale.vertices = {{0, -line_width}, {0, line_width}, {collective_size , line_width}, {collective_size, -line_width}} collective_scale.init_pos = {-(size + collec_shift),0} AddElement(collective_scale) collective_index = Copy(roll_scale) collective_index.vertices = {{-2.0*line_width , -line_width}, {-2.0*line_width , line_width}, { 2.0*line_width , line_width}, { 2.0*line_width , -line_width}} collective_index.controllers = {{"collective",collective_size}} collective_index.init_rot = {-90,0,0} collective_index.parent_element = collective_scale.name AddElement(collective_index) for i = 1,2 do local rud_sz = pitch_stick_movement_positive + 0.1*size local rud = Copy(pitch_scale) rud.vertices = {{ 0 , -line_width}, { 0 , line_width}, { rud_sz , line_width}, { rud_sz , -line_width}} rud.parent_element = collective_scale.name if i == 1 then rud.init_pos = {-rud_sz, rud_shift} else rud.init_pos = {-rud_sz,-rud_shift} end rud.init_rot = {0,0,0} --AddElement(rud) local tick_50 = Copy(roll_scale) if i == 2 then tick_50.vertices = {{0, -line_width},{0, line_width},{3.0*line_width , line_width},{3.0*line_width , -line_width}} else tick_50.vertices = {{-3.0*line_width, -line_width},{-3.0*line_width, line_width},{ 0 , line_width},{ 0 , -line_width}} end tick_50.parent_element = rud.name tick_50.init_rot = {90,0,0} tick_50.init_pos = {(50/120)*rud_sz,0,0} --AddElement(tick_50) local tick_35 = Copy(tick_50) if i == 2 then tick_35.vertices = {{0, -line_width},{0, line_width},{1.5*line_width , line_width},{1.5*line_width , -line_width}} else tick_35.vertices = {{-1.5*line_width, -line_width},{-1.5*line_width, line_width},{ 0 , line_width},{ 0 , -line_width}} end tick_35.init_pos = {(13/120)*rud_sz,0,0} --AddElement(tick_35) local tick = Copy(tick_50) tick.init_rot = {-90,0,0} tick.init_pos = {0,0,0} tick.controllers = {{"throttle",i,rud_sz}} --AddElement(tick) end local brakes_pos = {-size,0.85*pitch_stick_movement_negative - ds} txt_brakes = CreateElement "ceStringPoly" txt_brakes.name = "txt_brakes" txt_brakes.material = "font_ARCADE_RED" txt_brakes.init_pos = brakes_pos txt_brakes.alignment = "LeftBottom" txt_brakes.stringdefs = {0.0035, 0.0035,0,0} txt_brakes.value = "B" txt_brakes.controllers = {{"parking_brake"},{"blinking"}} txt_brakes.parent_element = base.name --AddElement(txt_brakes) local sz_wheel_brake = 0.5 * pitch_stick_movement_negative wheel_brake_mask = CreateElement "ceMeshPoly" wheel_brake_mask.name = "wheel_brake_mask" wheel_brake_mask.primitivetype = "triangles" wheel_brake_mask.vertices = {{0 ,0}, {0 ,sz_wheel_brake}, {0.3 * sz_wheel_brake ,sz_wheel_brake}, {0.3 * sz_wheel_brake ,0}} wheel_brake_mask.indices = {0,1,2,0,2,3} wheel_brake_mask.material = "GREEN_TRANSPARENT" wheel_brake_mask.init_pos = {brakes_pos[1],brakes_pos[2] - ds - sz_wheel_brake} wheel_brake_mask.parent_element = base.name wheel_brake_mask.controllers = {{"brakes_value",sz_wheel_brake}} wheel_brake_mask.h_clip_relation = h_clip_relations.INCREASE_LEVEL wheel_brake_mask.isvisible = false --AddElement(wheel_brake_mask) wheel_brake = CreateElement "ceMeshPoly" wheel_brake.name = "wheel_brake" wheel_brake.primitivetype = "triangles" wheel_brake.vertices = {{0 ,0}, {0 ,sz_wheel_brake}, {0.3 * sz_wheel_brake ,sz_wheel_brake}} wheel_brake.indices = {0,1,2} wheel_brake.material = "RED" wheel_brake.init_pos = wheel_brake_mask.init_pos wheel_brake.parent_element = base.name wheel_brake.h_clip_relation = h_clip_relations.COMPARE wheel_brake.level = DEFAULT_LEVEL --AddElement(wheel_brake) AUTOPMODE_NONE = 0 AUTOPMODE_ROUTE = 1 AUTOPMODE_DESCENT = 2 AUTOPMODE_HOVER = 3 txt_autopilot = CreateElement "ceStringPoly" txt_autopilot.name = "txt_autopilot" txt_autopilot.material = "font_ARCADE_RED" txt_autopilot.init_pos = {size,brakes_pos[2]} txt_autopilot.alignment = "RightBottom" txt_autopilot.stringdefs = {0.0035, 0.0035,0,0} txt_autopilot.value = "A" txt_autopilot.controllers = {{"autopilot_engaged",AUTOPMODE_ROUTE}} txt_autopilot.parent_element = base.name --AddElement(txt_autopilot) local delta = 6*ds txt_autopilot_hover = CreateElement "ceStringPoly" txt_autopilot_hover.name = "txt_autopilot_hover" txt_autopilot_hover.material = "font_ARCADE_RED" txt_autopilot_hover.init_pos = {size,brakes_pos[2] - delta} txt_autopilot_hover.alignment = "RightBottom" txt_autopilot_hover.stringdefs = {0.0035, 0.0035,0,0} txt_autopilot_hover.value = "H" txt_autopilot_hover.controllers = {{"autopilot_engaged",AUTOPMODE_HOVER}} txt_autopilot_hover.parent_element = base.name --AddElement(txt_autopilot_hover) This is what I did.(so long time ago huh) You can compare it with original one and figure out what's what. I didn't fully comprehend whole things.(and you don't need to) Edit it with Notepad++ and think about what you have to comment out or change values. I added some comments so hope it helps you.:pilotfly:
  8. Uhh.. Having used Audigy, Onboard, and now X-Fi extremeMusic, there are no performance differences between them. In Music and other shooter game, yes, X-Fi is quite better but for simulation(BS), virtually no difference and they sounds almost same. BS is so so in sound and I think I don't need some fantastic sound. It's ok. You should check other components to enhance performance for your PC.
  9. Good to hear that!! That's why I posted this thread after long test. SSD is the way to go for BS.
  10. I too loved DI, Tornado. NOE sensation so much kicked ass that No other sims came close.
  11. Bought another 32GB SLC SSD while I forgot this thread. Are you still with *traditional* HDD? :doh: :pilotfly:
  12. Flight game without TIR = Joke BS without TIR = BS :doh:
  13. Cause I won't play this game if I never be able to destroy enemy MBTs. Think it this way, there are no compromises in BS. No RWR, impractical countermeasure, and no advanced night equipment etc. But we have one big exception. We can kill Abrams by field-mod-warhead and I like it. :D And this is what I totally agree.
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