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  1. That's really helpful, Esac. Thanks
  2. I'm pretty sure they are like that in real life too. I'm reading Joint Force Harrier just now and the author describes how he did some of the pre-flight standing on the ladders outside the cockpit as some of the switches and dials were too awkward to get at whilst seated inside.
  3. I'm pretty sure they are like that in real life too. I'm reading Joint Force Harrier just now and the author describes how he did some of the pre-flight standing on the ladders outside the cockpit as some of the switches and dials were too awkward to get at whilst seated inside.
  4. There is a thread about this issue that dates all the way back to January 2016... I'll let that speak for itself.
  5. This place is incredible.
  6. Please don't, it makes google site searches (for anything hardware related) useless.
  7. I'm using the 'high' preset and things are very smooth for me (GTX 1080). ED did a great job on this. What does heat blur mean? Is it the heat haze over the landscape or heat from engines and fires, or both?
  8. Severe lag whenever someone joins server. Was experienced by all players on server.
  9. I needed to put dot backslash before the dcs_updater.exe line for it to work. Why won't a backslash show up in my post?
  10. Most people find their legs with VR and become accustomed to the motion sickness. I rarely get the butterflies now but sometimes forget how bad it can be for newbies when demoing the Rift to others. Get it, you will not regret it.
  11. Yes I'm running an GTX 1080 with the latest version of Windows. Are you using VR?
  12. I'm running Ryzen 1600X and have no issues with crashing. Is this a known issue?
  13. That picture is perfect! :lol:
  14. Yeah, I've looked but there isn't much about other than F18 stuff and Wags flying about. Pretty low-key given the time it has been in development.
  15. Are there any previews of 2.5 posted anywhere? I've seen Wags' streams but was hoping there would be something showing menu options and other stuff. They've been pretty tight with info so far.
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