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Everything posted by Ares63

  1. bin-mt it contain also other file i thought the best way is to use the Junction an ALL bin-mt directory this batch enable MT @echo off cd C:\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World OpenBeta if not exist bin.org\ ( ren bin bin.org mklink /J bin bin-mt ) else ( echo E R R O R ! ! ! ) pause this restore Single Thread @echo off cd C:\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World OpenBeta if exist bin.org\ ( rmdir bin /Q ren bin.org bin ) else ( echo E R R O R ! ! ! ) pause if needed you can create a shortcut to this batchs to run it as admin
  2. It is not a random char at the end of the record there are 4 bitmaps byte each bit it is the corresponding column position char status if is 0 in normal if is 1 it is in reverse thi is the best solution i find to do that with a small record increasing and without to change to much in DCS-BIOS lua side ... i'm agree with @RafaPolit reverse field are very usefull to understand that you are input field and when blinking that something is wrong
  3. did you try my files? did you change something in profile files? fiirst have you to applyed the MOD??? As i find (i guess as a BUG) there is ALWAYS an overlapping of CPG MFD over PILOT MFD ... this it happen also if the display are called in different way. I found that id CPG MFD is show in different location the PILOT MFDs are displayed correctly, this is way i show CGP MFDs in PILOT profile in position 0,0 1 pixel hight and 1 pixel width
  4. In this case you have to wait that someone will build AH64 profile and i guess also a new version of HELIOS But there is nothing to do with this Work Around (don't forgt that HELIOS is the same workaround) the only feature that is missing in this solution (except of course all the graphics cockpit) is how to place the instriment ... For this you can use "Mofiki's Coordinate Finder" app or you can create a dummy profile with Helios and then change the devices names Otherwise wait!!!
  5. this is the base of my test /z file is for ovGMe but should be unpack lua file should be copied in Config\MonitorSetup on Saved game or main ED directory AH64.7z Apache CPG.lua Apache PLT.lua
  6. i did it and there are some problems but there is a work around ... Firsto of All ALSO IF YOU CHANGE THE VIEWPORT NAME when you go inside the Apache you are in the Pilot side but with a fixed CPG displayed MFDs if you change to CPG the MFDs started to work and a TEDAC is displayed (if exported of course) THIS IT HAPPEN ALSO IF ONLY THE PILOT VIEWPORT ARE DEFINED INTO MONITORSETUP PROFILE!!!! But i find that if Both The viewport are displayed they works properly but you have to show mfs in differend area ... so ... of course for pilot profile you can show also CPG viewport i configure them (left & right) in monitorSetup profile with 1 pixel width and 1 pixel height with this work around i can get a Pilot MFDs working Another problem is tha with the exported TEDAC io have a doubled displayed TEDAC inside the cocckpit
  7. https://issueexplorer.com/issue/olikraus/u8g2/1503
  8. ok check the callBack assignament hex code, is changed DcsBios::StringBuffer<25> dedLine1Buffer(0x4500, onDedLine1Change); DcsBios::StringBuffer<25> dedLine2Buffer(0x451a, onDedLine2Change); DcsBios::StringBuffer<25> dedLine3Buffer(0x4534, onDedLine3Change); DcsBios::StringBuffer<25> dedLine4Buffer(0x454e, onDedLine4Change); DcsBios::StringBuffer<25> dedLine5Buffer(0x4568, onDedLine5Change); about the code take care that usually the DED is written only when something is changed
  9. PTT is not working fine with WWII plane and SRS (tested with P51 and Mosquito) I set Radio1 and radio2 keys in SRS, not immediately but after few minutes that the plane is started up when RADIO1 or radio2 is depressed it stay ON until the other radio is depressed ... this it mean that for switch off one radio you switch on the other one, this is what it happen in SRS but ONLY IF VAICOM is running (modificato)
  10. I get this problem with 3 monitor, and when i test it i had the last DCS version .. i check it again after 2.7
  11. I'm approaching this issue ... before to start i have two questions: 1 - how you sync/zeroed the gauges? 2 - Why in some solution are you using a direct connection of the step motor to the gauges hands? is it for to speedup or down the hands or for to increase/decrease the step space?
  12. what does it mean that in DCS only one monitor is supported? I don't know who you are but are you answer behalf Eagle Dynamics support? because in this case it is worring
  13. I already setup a multimonitor configuration without problems there is no difference to setup 3 Full HD and 3 4K except the monitor width & height BUT I used also DCS multimonitor configurations and as i report with the same width 1camera.lua doesn't work (as in the attached image) and 3cameras.lua it works fine With the same width in option file. The different is that the first is using only one viewport and the second is using 3 different viewport so what i guess is that there is a problem or a limit in the viewport width max limit!
  14. viewing 4K in Full HD really sucks seeing big pixels especially on the 50"
  15. with 1080ti is not a problem of the card (in term of resolution ... in term of performance ai would like to test it as soon as i can have it working...) OK New test if i use the "1 screen" monitor setup (1camera.lua) i have the problem as in the attached file, if i use "3 screen" (3cameras.lua) it is working fine (but with a strange FOV if left mnitor and right monitor are not on the left and on the right of the seat) this it let me thought about a ViewPort limit... into the attached file there is a screenshot of the DCS menu (that it is 11520x2160 corectly displayed) and the 3D (same reslution) with in red the creen border (more or less)
  16. only the longitude is changed not the cursor position
  17. I wrote behalf my friends that is not accustomed with English... he bought 3 4K monitors but if he try to set it up in full 4K resolution in DCS is displayed in 1 and half monitor i mean it have the images shifted on the left and a black band on the right each screen is 3840x2160 this it means that i have to setup 11520x2160
  18. With more than one monitor, in NTTR, if you unzoomed the map the coordinate (longitude) under the cursor starting to move to the east, it change from W116 to W107 that it means from the west of NTTR to the East. This it seems not happen with only one monitor.
  19. NEW TEST it seems to be something on the server side, with other server it works fine ... Suggestion are welcome
  20. OB, F16, NTTR, but only in MP in instant flight it works fine YES YES this is the sequence Enter into the serve, asked for groung power by vocie command and the command is recognized from DCS, when i asked fro ground power off is reconignez from VAICOM but not from DCS, if i said it again, nothing if i press DCS menu command then without nay other key i get 2 or more ground power off from DCS, sometimes i have to press more then one time to open the com menù and usually after this any other voice command is not recognized
  21. same problem, the sentence is recognized from VAICOM but not from DCS. The firsts two or three sentence are recognize by DCS (eg. Ground power on) then nothing... and i CANNOT anuy more open DCS COMs menù (of course in vaicom Disable menù is OFF) with \ key or VHF UHF keys but if i try before a voice command or without to load vaicom they are working fine sometimes it look like if it is very very slow or like if the message is recived in DCS only if DCS com menù key is pressed '\' it seems to be a problem only in MP i checked it in NTTR theatre, with F16 and SRS active
  22. another strange thing ... DCS is responding on TX1 as a UHF and TX2 as VHF (F16) In the voice attack profile TX1 is commented as VHF and TX2 as UHF
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