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Everything posted by CripesAMighty

  1. @xcom Is there any possibility of removing the takeoff assistance?
  2. Nice mission Eekz, thanks for making the change.
  3. Thanks for the quick update to 2.5 Eekz, and it would be nice to add some of these changes when you've got time.
  4. Pilots in the group are spread across flying times ranging from 1900Z-0200Z
  5. Holding off for now due to all of the version changes/instability in the next month, but the plan is to move to SRS for all R/T once 2.5 stabilises
  6. Added PDF link to above image: LINK
  7. Would be a good idea for the next mission to include multiple airfields at different distances from the frontline to allow people to make their own decisions.
  8. People are forgetting that this server was populated and successful for months with the previous mission which had the Luftwaffe airfields around Caen. This change to 30 mile apart airfields is relatively recent
  9. @Eekz, there needs to be a serious increase in the amount of AA Guns/Flak at the airfields. 2 or 3 guns at each field is completely useless, and as long as you don't fly straight down the barrel of the guns you'll never get shot down. The airfields need to have a realistic amount of Flak at them, at least 8-10 gun emplacements. This problem is made much worse by the airfields being only 30 miles apart with 20+ pilots on the server.
  10. Same, took the Mustang up for multiple sorties and it was completely stable.
  11. Here's the bug thread for the disconnects: https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=198325&page=3
  12. If thats the case, I'd recommend changing the "Top 10" stat to Victory/Loss ratio instead of just total victories.
  13. There was 23 people on last night and several mass dissconnects down to 5 or 6
  14. I think this is one of those circumstances where its better for the simulation to be a reasonable physical approximation if the required data is unavailable, compared to being completely wrong as the current implementation is.
  15. Below is taken from "To Fly and Fight: Memoirs of a Triple Ace". Hopefully with the new damage model that's being released we'll finally get to see realistic engine overheat modelling:
  16. Hey Eekz, you might find this useful for mission making: WWII-9th-Air-Force-Flak-Briefing
  17. Eekz, you need to increase the distance between airfields please. Its a bit of a joke how close they are now. Have you considered having the Allies operating out of southern England and the Luftwaffe from Normandy?
  18. New mission seems to be very unstable. Me and others have had multiple CTDs over the last few days where there were no issues for weeks previous
  19. I think this is a very dangerous feature to implement. There are months where I can have 4-6 "Disconnects in flight" because of CTD's with no airplane within 10 miles of me. Also, this video shows how people can cheat the system by bailing out before they disconnect: About the current mission: - Stats appear to be tracking correctly now - No AA guns at any allied airfield
  20. Just for reference, the Burning Skies statistics for Sept/Oct:
  21. @Eekz Will you be posting the October results table?
  22. Any update on the status of this bug? Its seriously affecting the PvP environment.
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